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27 Cards in this Set

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autocratic warden
a warden who is clearly the boss and who uses negative and punitive means to control staff and inmates
bureaucratization of corrections
the process after ww2 in which states corrections were organized around bureucratic model
california consensual model
a participatory approach to prison management in which prison administration in cali surrendered so much control they were accused of negotiating with gangs
corporate management model
a version of participatory management that emphasizes modern management techniques
michigan responsability model
a participatory approach to prison management that aims to make inmates responsible for their own actions
paramilitary model
a military-style operation featuring uniforms, a hierarchy of officers, and military nomenclature
participatory management
a management style based on a team approach and on involving employees throughout the organization in decision making
shared powers model
a version of participatory management that involved not only staff but also inmates in the governance of the prison
texas control model
an approach to prison management in which corrections staff excercises strong control of inmates
building tenders
inmates in texas prisons who wer given authority by prison administration to discipline inmates who disturbed the social order
indefensible space
space within a prison that staff are unable to control
protective custody
a specific area of the prison in which vulnerable inmates are isolated from the general population
screening of the vulnerable
efforts of the prison to identify vulnerable inmates and protect them from victimization
sexual victimization
forcing an inmate to submit sexually to one or more inmates
inmate disturbance
disorderly conduct by inmates that is violent (assaults sabotage or non violent sit down strike, hunger strike)
behavior modification
a technique in which rewards or punishments are used to alter or change a persons behavior
the process of assigning inmates to types of custody or treatment they need
closed visits
a visit during which no physical contact is permitted, separated by glass
cognitive behavioral interventions
interventions that try to identify cognitive defecits linked to criminalitty
cognitive thinking skills program ctsp
the most widely adopted of the cognitive behavioral interventions
conjugal visit
a visit lasting one or two ays during which prisoners can enjoy private visitation with their families
treatment of a mental disorder that involves any means of communication between patient and a trained person
reality therapy
psychological therapy that aims to teach inmates to fulful their needs for relatedness and respect through actions that are realistic, responsible and right
self help program
a program for which inmates seek self improvement such as anger management or express ethnic and cultural goals
service project
a worthy cause, such as disaster relief or peer counseling in which inmates willingly participate
therapeutic community
a community treatment group designed to divert drug abusers from the criminal justice system, sometimes within prisons
transactional analysis
a form of psychotherapy that tries to bring into a balance the three states of the ego: parent, adult and child