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94 Cards in this Set

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molecules that alter function of nearby or far away cells that are secreted by endocrine cells into blood. ex: water/plasma soluble (peptides and amines), lipid/membrane soluble (adrenal cortical and gonadal steroids, thyronine T3 T4, calcitrol)
Hormone Receptors
amplification of hormone action
not rate-limiting
down-regulates receptors according to hormone plasma concentration
up-regulates its own or other hormone receptors
Water soluble hormones
short half-life, freely dissolved in plasma, receptor on cell surface of target cell, modifies production of intracellular 2 messengers
Lipid soluble hormones
long half-life, bound to albumin plasma protein, receptor on nucleus of target cell, hormone-receptor complex acts as Tx factor modifying specific mRNA production
Enzyme-linked Receptors
bind to tyrosine kinase -> phosphorylate receptors ->
ex: insulin, GH, prolaction
G-protein coupled Receptors
1.Adenylate cyclase-> cAMP
ex: ADH, ACTH, B1 norep, B2 epi, Glucagon, Secretin, PTH, LH, FSH, TSH
2. Phospholipase C -> IP3 + DAG -> Ca2+ -> contraction, secretion, cell division
ex: A1 Norepi, Angiotensin2, CKK, Gastrin, GnRH
3. guanylyl cyclase -> cGMP -> less Ca2+
ex: ANP
Hypothalamus - Anterior Pituitary Communication
NS modifies hormone secretion via hypothalamo-hypophysial portal vessels
1. Ventromedial & Arcuate N produce TRH, CRH, GHRH, Somatostatin, PIF; Preoptic N produce GnRH
2. hormones secreted into hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vessels
3. hormones bind to anterior pituitary receptors
4. hormones modify secretion of TSH, FSH, LH, ACTH, GH, Prolactin
Block: Low Cortisol & ACTH
Ant. Pituitary Removal
Low Cortisol & ACTH; Anterior pituitary hormones decreases except Prolactin b/c PIF inhibited
Negative Feedback
when plasma tropic hormone concentration (FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH) high, rate of secretion reduces
Ant pituitary modes of secretion
1. Pulsatile ex: LH & GnRH
2. Circadian hormones secreted more at specific parts of day
ex: ACTH
3. Episodic/On Demand: secreted in response to hypothalmic afferent input
ex: nipple stimulation-> prolactin in lactating moms
Adrenal Hormone Categories
Zona glomerulosa: Angiotensin2 -> aldosterone
Zona fasiculata and reticularis: ACTH -> cortisol and androgens
Adrenal Medulla: ANS -> epinephrine
Glucocorticoid cortisol
antagonizes insulin (promotes glucose secretion into blood by liver, inhibits glucose uptake by cells), increases BP, no ADH, Permissive vasoconstrictive effects of EPI and NOREPI, Mobilizes energy stores via glucagon + EPI (glycogen or fat or protein-> plasma fatty acids + glycerol, amino acids -> high gluconeogenic enzymes -> glucose), glycogen synthesis, excretes water load by suppressing ADH, allows one to cope w/ stress (trauma that’s not fatal) by preventing glucose uptake by muscle (like insulin does) and redirects glucose -> brain, inhibits ACTH (low cortisol ex: CAH or drugs increases ACTH)
Catecholamine Epinephrine
Adrenal medulla; gluconeogenesis + increases capacity of person to mobilize glycogen or lipids-> glucose & free fatty acids during exercise or cold exposure; increases reuptake of K+ by muscle preventing hypokalemia (normal A.P. na in, k out = hypokalemia), can be compensated for by postganglionic symp-controlled NOREPI in the absence of adrenal medulla/epi, Hypophysectomy: low cortisol/low ACTH = low epinephrine
Adrenal Steroid Hormone Synthesis
Cholesterol (mitochondria) --ACTH (ZF+ZR)+StaR<->cAMP--> Cortisol
Cholesterol (mitochondria) --ACTH (ZF+ZR)+StaR<->cAMP--> Corticosterone --Angiotensin 2 (ZG)--> Aldosterone

*ACTH not rate limiting; in its absence, aldosterone levels unaffected b/c A2 is rate limiting
Adrenal Cortex Hormone Transport
aldosterone = free/h20 soluble
cortisol: CBG-bound cortisol in equilibrium w/ free cortisol (diffuses into target cells)
CBG secretion stimulated by estrogen
high CBG=high total plasma cortisol ex: pregnant woman
low CBG=low total plasma cortisol ex: liver damage, renal disease
cortisol levels normalize in high or low CBG conditions
androgen; masculinizing hormone in women and children when secreted in large amounts from adrenal cortex; bound to albumin so long half life + high DHEA conc, in fetus: ACTH -> DHEA -> placenta: estriol/estrone/estradiol -> estrogen (blood & urine of pregnant mom)
Mineralocorticoid Aldosterone
Increases ECF volume, Increases BP, K+ secretion, Na+ reabsorption, stimulated by Estrogen and Plasma K+
Cushing's Syndrome
pituitary tumor -> ACTH, cortisol
fat pads, poor muscle development, big abdomen, bruising, thin skin due to proteinolysis
Primary: hypokalemia, high HCO3, metabolic alkalosis, high plasma Na+ & H20 retention, low Filtration Fraction -> Na+ escape 1/2 L -> increased ECF volume, hypertension, 25 aldosterone: 1 renin
Secondary: low BP (due to volume depletion ex: hemorrhage, diarrhea, vomiting, low cardiac output, dehydration) -> renin, Angiotensin 2, Aldosterone -> retain fluid, increased ECF volume, edema, no hypokalemia or alkalosis, no Na+ escape (HYPERNATREMIA), 10 aldosterone: 1 renin
Primary/Addison's Disease: low BP-> high renin, angiotension 2, low aldosterone, hyperkalemia, low HCO3, Na+ and H2O loss, decreased ECF volume, hypotension
Secondary: due to bed rest or weightlessness, low renin -> low angiotensin 2 -> low aldosterone, low ADH, high ANP, lose Na+ and H2O-> decreased ECF volume
Parathyroid Hormone/PTH
4 glands posterior to thyroid gland; chief cells secrete PTH; low Ca2-> high cAMP-> high PTH secretion; high Ca2-> low cAMP -> low PTH; only the intact PTH binds both Antibodies in sandwich assay (used to monitor PTH levels)
PTH increases serum Ca2 and decreases serum Phosphate
BONE: breaks down bone by increasing osteoclast function via osteoblast receptors to remove Ca2 to increase plasma [Ca2] levels back to normal + releases hydroxyproline + Phosphate too
KIDNEY: inhibits P reabsorption by inhibiting Na/P cotransporter on apical memb, stimulates transcellular Ca2 reabsorption by opening up Ca2 channel on apical memb, increases hydroxylase activity which increases active Vit D production
INTESTINES: no PTH receptors, PTH makes Vit D in kidney & Vit D increases Ca2 reabsorption
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia
mutation causing high plasma Ca2 levels, normal PTH levels b/c it reduces Ca2 channel's sensitivity to changes in Ca2 levels so you need more Ca2 to suppress PTH
Parathyroid Hormone Related Peptide (PTHrP)
secreted by normal & malignant tissues/tumors, mimics PTH effects on bone & kidney
Vitamin D
Binds to receptors of target cells; not hormone or essential vitamin; hydroxylated in liver and then in kidney to active 1-25 dehydroxy Vit D form when plasma Ca2 is low, PTH is high. PTH increases hydroxylase gene activity in kidney.
BONES: bone remodeling by breaking down old old bone thus increasing plasma Ca2 and Phosphate, which helps mineralize new bone
decreases PTH secretion (negative feedback loop)
INTESTINES: Increase Ca2 absorption
low Vitamin D levels -> weak bones; bowing of legs
Ca2+ and Phosphate Homeostasis
Ca2 and Phosphate readily combine to form hydroxyapatite (mineral part of bone); Both regulated by Vit D and PTH
Parathyroid Hormone Pathophysiology
Primary Hyperparathyroidism: urine has high Phosphate, hydroxyproline, cAMP, Ca2, alkaline phosphatase; high Ca2-> increased gastric acid + ulcers + kidney deposits; due to benign parathyroid adenoma
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: when low Vit D or Ca2 or renal failure -> high PTH -> low/normal serum Ca2
hypoparathyroidism: associated w/thyroid & parathyroid surgery due to damage; low PTH; low Ca2, high Phosphate
Pseudohypoparathyroidism (hormone resistance): defective receptor can't respond & cause cascade
Renal Failure & Vitamin D
low GFR, low Phosphate filtration, Phosphate retained, Phosphate/ Ca2 complexes deposit in soft tissue and skin causing itching and causes low serum Ca2-> low 1,25 active dihydro vitamin D -> low Ca2 absorption -> high PTH -> high bone resorption to increase serum Ca2, also increases bone pain
treatment: inject Vit D, limit Phosphate intake, remove parathyroid tissue to remove high PTH
opposite of PTH (decreases plasma Ca levels); secreted from thyroid gland consistent w/ Ca2 levels; high Ca2, high calcitonin; osteoclasts don't have calcitonin receptors; calcitonin binding decreases osteoclast activity and slows bone turnover rate
Ca2+ as Hormone
Ca2 activates Ca2 sensing receptor in TAL of nephron & acts as its own negative feedback regulator
Dietary Effects of eating dairy
high plasma Ca2-> low PTH-> low Ca2 and phosphate release from bone-> low alpha1 hydroxylase activity -> low intestinal Ca2 uptake + low renal Ca2 absorption
low plasma Ca2-> high PTH -> increased Ca2 & Phosphate release from bone-> high renal Ca2 absorption-> high alpha1 hydroxylase activity -> high intestinal Ca2 uptake
Dietary Effects of eating Phosphate/Coke
high Phosphate -> complexes w/ Ca2-> low Ca2-> high PTH ->high bone Ca2 and Phosphate mobilization/resorption-> Phosphaturia-> high alpha 1 hydroxylase activity-> high Ca2 absorption
Islets of Langerhans
B-cells 60-75%/central: preproinsulin->insulin + c peptide (marker 4 insulin secretion in T2D); insulin inhibits glucagon
A-cells 20%/periphery: Glucagon (stimulates insulin)
Delta cells 5%/periphery: somatostatin (inhibits insulin + glucagon)
Feasting & the anabolic hormone
high a.a., glucose, fatty acids, K+
LIVER: high glycogen, protein, lipid synthesis; low glycogen breakdown, low synthesis of glucose, ketones, urea
MUSCLE: glut 4; insulin: high glycogen and protein synthesis, glucose oxidation to Co2, H2O, ATP; low glycogen and protein breakdown; Na+out/K+in ATPase
FAT: glut4; insulin: high lipid synthesis, low lipid breakdown
Control of Insulin Secretion in Pancreatic B cell
(+)Glucose uptake, ATP, high Ca2 conductance, hyperkalemia (depolarizes Beta cells), AIR; Glucagon; Growth Hormone; Intestinal Hormones GIP, GLP (jejunal, promotes insulin, inhibits glucagon); Amino Acids Arginine; Parasymp Innervation Ach
(-)hypokalemia (hyperpolarizes B-cells), Symp Innervation epi Norepi; Somatostatin
weight & insulin secretion
highest: obese/normal, obese/diabetic (type 2), thin/normal, thin/diabetic (type 2): lowest
Type 2 Diabetes mechanism
increased food intake, high insulin levels, insulin receptors on fat/muscle lose their sensitivity to insulin, less glucose uptake, inadequate glucose uptake by fat/muscle, increase plasma glucose, high insulin levels
Increases insulin secretion, glycogen breakdown, glucose & ketone & urea synthesis
Control of Glucagon Secretion in Pancreatic A Cell
(+) Arginine/a.a., low glucose, parasymp, symp output
(-) high glucose, insulin, somatostatin
Growth Hormone
stimulates liver to secrete IGF-1 and Insulin; lipolysis (+ hormone sensitive lipase), protein synthesis, maintains blood glucose w/in narrow range by gluconeogenesis and inhibiting cellular uptake of glucose (insulin antagonist)
too much: gigantism, acromegaly
too little: dwarfism
helps you grow better than GH; inhibits GH secretion (high IGF1, low GH, low insulin); protein hormone w/ long half-life because its bound to IGFBP-3 carrier so it doesn't get filtered through glomerulus and get chopped up
Body Fuels & fasting
glucose: 1 day's worth, source: proteinolysis and glycerol
glycogen: 1 day's worth, stores: liver and muscle
protein: death a/f 1/2 body proteins used, store: muscle
fat: 40 days fuel, transported w/proteins as chylomicrons b/c not H2O soluble, brain can't use it, O2 req. for fat metabolism, fat converted to ketone bodies
Control of Growth Hormone Secretion
(+) GHrH in hypothalamus, sleep, low blood glucose, stress, exercise, thyroid hormones, a.a. arginine
(-) somatostatin, high blood glucose/free fatty acids, IGF-1
Thyroid Hormones
Effects: thermogenesis, protein synthesis, growth/development
TSH actions: iodide uptake by Na/I cotransporter, synthesis/release of Thyroid hormones, Na/K ATPase synthesis w/in thyroid, synthesis of Thyroglobulin & TPO, stimulates D1 (type 1 deiodinase)
overriding effects on metabolism: ??????
Thyroid hormone regulation
SYNTHESIS:small fluctuations/ increase in iodide intake increases rate of hormone synthesis; gland limits its ability to use free iodide= Wolf Chaikoff effect (free iodide decreases cAMP response to TSH binding & prevents thyroglobulin degradation) iodide levels then normalize, thyroid hormones deiodinated->active
SECRETION: TRH in hypothalamus secreted to ant pituitary, which secretes TSH to Thyroid-> T3, T4 in plasma-> negative feedback stops Hypothalamus & Ant Pituitary TRH secretion
INHIBITION: somatostatin, dopamine, glucocorticoids
Thyroid gland
endocrine; stores hormone product, follicular structure
Hyperthyroidism/ Grave's Disease
low TSH, high T3/T4; nervous, weight loss, increased appetite, heat intolerance, sweating, high cardiac output, arrhythmia/tachycardia (loss of vagal input to heart's pacemaker cells), no menstruation
Hypothyroidism/myxedema/ Hashimoto's disease
high TSH, low T3/T4; fatigue, lethargic, memory loss, concentration, constipation, abnormal menstrual cycle, low cariac output, cold intolerance, high cholesterol, weight gain, loss of appetite
Thyroid Hormone Transport
plasma; binds to TBG (thyroid binding globulin); T4 (inactive) has longer half-life b/c has higher affinity for TBG than T3 (active; higher affinity for receptor)
TBG increase: pregnancy, estrogen, oral contraception, hepatitis.. decrease: steroids, cirrhosis, kidney disease w/proteinuria, glucocorticoids
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Low cortisol, high ACTH
treat w/cortisol
exogenous Insulin overdose
high insulin, low c-peptide, low glucose
normal plasma Na+ and K+ levels
Na 135-145
K 3.5-5.5
Cushing's disease
High Cortisol & ACTH
Addison's disease
Low Cortisol, High ACTH
low aldosterone (low BP too) so low Na/K ratio = hyperkalemia and Na urine excretion w/H20 following Na so ECF and ICF volume depleted
Low Cortisol & ACTH
glucorticoid not on cortisol assay; high doses=suppression test; lowers CRH
Autonomous Cortisol Tumor of ZF
High Cortisol, Low ACTH
CRH secreted originally by hypothalamus is instead secreted by ZF
glucocorticoid 20X stronger than cortisol, causes HIGH glucose, shows up in cortisol assay;
Low Cortisol & ACTH, insulin normalizes glucose levels
24 hour urinary free cortisol
Equal to Mean Plasma concentration of free cortisol in 24 hr
XY female external genitals
17a hydroxylase missing b/c low testosterone
XX female enlarged clitoris
11b hydroxylase missing b/c high testosterone
adrenal glands enlarged/hypertrophied
high cortisol, high aldosterone, high tesosterone/estrogen, high StaR
XY salt-losing hypotension
21b hydroxylase missing b/c low aldosterone
high insulin, high c-peptide, low glucose + shock
congestive heart failure
increased ECF volume
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (T1D) - betaOHbutyrate
No insulin, high glucagon, high lipolysis, high epie, high cortisol, Ketone synthesis by liver, less ketone excretion, High glucose b/c ACTH and cortisol levels increase to increase plasma glucose; high ketoanions in filtrate, less H+ ions to couple w/ketoanions, high Na+/K+ cation urinary excretion
treat w/bisphosphonate (side effect: jaw bone necrosis)
deiodinase 1
rT3, LIVER T3; micromolar
deiodinase 2
PITUITARY T3; nanomolar
iodine production to incorporate into thyroglobulin
increases plasma Ca2+
high cholesterol uptake in ZF
Cortisol-> Cortisone
cortisone doesn't bind mineralocorticoid receptors
caused by high TSH
thyroid hormone receptors
dna-binding domain + high affinity for T3
Acute Insulin Response
peaks of insulin in response to rapid glucose intake; loss of AIR occurs a/f glucose IV due to less Glut2 transporters that can rapidly transport glucose into B cells
Type 2 diabetics
low sensitivity of muscle & fat cells to insulin
Common feature of Hypo and Hyperthyroidism
high [antibody] to thyroid gland proteins
decreases T3, T4, increases rT3
T4=2 DIT
low Iodine uptake, high MIT, low DIT, high T3
GH decreases women's insulin sensitivity so more insulin secreted so baby gets more glucose
normal: 2X as much insulin secretion, normal glucose
diabetic: high insulin, high glucose
Adrenal Gland Removal
decreased aldosterone, low Na/K ratio, hyperkalemia (acidosis), pigmentation
Adrenal Tumor
1 adrenal gland enlarged (high cortisol, aldosterone produced), negative feedback causes other adrenal gland to atrophy
Volume Changes
Blood loss: low ecf/icf vol
Diarrhea: low ecf vol
sweat loss: low ecf/icf vol, high osmolality
compulsive H2O drinker: high ecf/icf vol, low osmolality
secretes CRH
anterior pituitary
secretes ACTH
adrenal gland of kidney
secretes epi/norepi (medulla)
cortisol (cortex)
Ectopic Lung Carcinoma/Tumor
High Cortisol & ACTH; 1/1 ratio of ACTH in petrosal sinus/periph vein
High cortisol states
early morning (high acth dawn effect)
cushing's adrenal tumor
Low Cortisol, high ACTH
block STaR
Low Cortisol, high ACTH
Low cortisol states
Liver or kidney glomerulus damage
Steroid Enzyme deficiency Effects
Remove 17alphahydroxylase: affects genitalia
Remove 21betahydroxylase: hypotensive, salt losing, low ECF vol - give prednesone
Remove 11betahydroxylase: salt retain, hypertensive, hypokalemic - give cortisol
Low filtration fraction
Low renal plasma flow of ion-> Increased ECF volume -> low Filtration Fraction -> Lose Na+ (Na+ Escape)

Weightlessness causes blood that used to pool in legs to circulate upwards/freely throughout body -> Increased atrial blood Pressure -> high ANP -> high Stroke volume -> more blood flow through kidney -> low renin -> low aldosterone
blood circulates freely throughout body -> increased atrial blood pressure -> high ANP -> high stroke volume -> more blood flow through kidney -> high BLP -> low renin, aldosterone, etc