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89 Cards in this Set

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Study of how disease processes affect the function of the body


Energy for cells which is created from a conversion of glucose and other nutrients in the mitochondria

ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

Process by which glucose is converted into ATP


Substances that, when dissolved in water, separate into charged particles whose movements enable electrical function of cells


3 important electrolytes

Potassium, sodium, magnesium

Simple sugar obtained by foods we eat. Basic nutrient of cells.


Cellular process in which oxygen is used to metabolize glucose. Energy is produced in an efficient manner with minimal waste products

Aerobic metabolism

Cellular process in which glucose is metabolized into energy without oxygen. Energy is produced in an inefficient manner with many waste products

Anaerobic metabolism

2 waste products produced by anaerobic metabolism

Carbon dioxide and lactic acid

How is carbon dioxide removed from the body?


Body's response to increased carbon dioxide levels

Increased respiratory rate

How does the body remove excess acid?

Conversion to carbon dioxide and water

What occurs when the body is in an acidotic state?

High levels of acid in the body affect hemoglobin (oxygen carrying molucles) causing less oxygen to be able to be transported. Tissues aren't able to be oxygenated, which creates more acid. Patient spirals down.

Process by which oxygen moves across the thin membrane from alveoli to capillaries


Concentration of oxygen in the air we breathe

FiO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen)

Process by which air moves in and out of the body


Process by which oxygen moves to cells ad carbon dioxide is removed


When oxygenated blood is delivered to body cells, this is called


An airway which is open and clear/free from obstruction


Volume of air moved in one cycle of breathing

Tidal volume

Amount of air breathed in during each respiration x number of breaths per minute

Minute volume

Air that occupies the space between the space between the mouth and alveoli but that does not actually reach the area of gas exchange

Dead air space

Portion of the brain which controls respiration

Medulla oblongata

Space between lung tissue and chest wall

Pleural space

Insufficient oxygen levels


High carbon dioxide levels


Chemical sensors in the brain and blood vessels that identify changing levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide


Normal respiration is triggered by

Increased carbon dioxide levels

Pull exerted by large proteins in the plasma portion of the blood that tends to pull water from the body into the bloodstream

Plasma oncotic pressure

Pressure within a blood vessel that tends to push water out of the vessel

Hydrostatic pressure

Percentage of the blood made up of red blood cells


Percentage of blood made up of plasma


Percentage of blood made up of white blood cells and platelets


_______ pressure pulls in while _______ pressure pushes out.

Plasma oncotic;


The balance of plasma oncotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure is critical to regulating ________ & ________

Blood pressure;

Cell hydration

Most common blood dysfunctions relate to _________


Vessels which carry blood away from the heart


Vessels which carry blood toward the heart


Vessels which (with one exception) carry oxygenated blood. What is the exception?


Pulmonary artery

Vessels which (with one exception) carry de-oxygenated blood. What is the exception?


Pulmonary veins

Tiny vessels which facilitate the transfer of oxygen between arterioles and venules


Sensors in blood vessels that identify internal pressure and transmit messages to nervous system which triggers smooth muscle to adjust size

Stretch receptors

Sympathetic nervous system effect on blood vessels


Parasympathetic nervous system effect on blood vessels


3 types of blood vessel dysfunction

1) Loss of tone

2) Excessive permeability

3) Hypertension

Uncontrolled dilation of blood vessels

Loss of tone

3 potential causes of excessive vessel permeability

1) Sepsis

2) High altitude

3) Certain diseases

Pressure in the peripheral blood vessels that the heart must overcome to pump blood into the system

Systemic vascular resistance (SVR)

Amount of blood ejected from the heart in one contraction

Stroke volume

3 factors which determine stroke volume

1) Preload

2) Contractility

3) Afterload

Amount of blood which is returned to the heart prior to its contraction


Force of the heart when it squeezes


How much pressure the heart has to pump against to force blood out into the system


The greater the filling of the heart, the ________ the stroke volume


The more forceful the heart muscle squeezes, the ____________________ the stroke volume


The greater the pressure in the cardio system, the __________ the stroke volume


Amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute. Formula by which it is calculated.

Cardiac output

heart rate x stroke volume

3 ways in which cardiac output could decrease

1) Slowing heart rate

2) Decreasing stroke volume

3) Increasing heart rate to very fast rate (180+ in adults) which limits filling of the heart

2 categories of heart dysfunction

1) Mechanical

2) Electrical

3 types of mechanical heart dysfunctions

Physical trauma (ex-bullet holes/stab wounds);

Squeezing forces (ex-compression due to bleeding inside pericardial sac;

Loss of cardiac muscle function from cell death (ex-heart attack)

2 types of electrical heart dysfunctions

Unorganized rhythms (ex-ventricular fib.);

Rate problems (tachycardia/bradycardia)

Ratio which implies that the alveoli are supplied with enough air and that the air in the alveoli is matched with sufficient blood in the pulmonary capillaries to permit optimum exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

V/Q match

(ventilation/perfusion match)

Supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of the flow of blood through the capillaries


Inability of the body to adequately circulate blood to the body's cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. A life threatening condition.


4 categories of shock

1) Hypovolemic

2) Distributive

3) Cardiogenic

4) Obstructive

What happens in the body during hypovolemic shock and causes for this type of shock

Too little blood volume leads to reduced pressure in the cardiovascular system.

Without adequate pressure, the heart has great difficulty pumping blood and cells become hypoperfused.

Oxygen-carrying capacity is also reduced, furthering oxygen deficit in cells.


Blood loss (as in severe bleeding)

Volume portion of blood is lost (dehydration)

What happens in the body during distributive shock and causes for this type of shock

Blood vessel tone is lost. Smooth muscle in vessels loses ability to maintain a normal diameter.

Low blood pressure leads to hypoperfusion.




What happens in the body during cardiogenic shock and causes for this type of shock

Heart fails in its ability to pump blood.

Hypoperfusion occurs when heart can no longer maintain pressure and blood fails to be pumped to cells.


Myocardial infarction or trauma which can lead to an electrical or mechanical problem

What happens in the body during obstructive shock and causes for this type of shock

Blood flow is physically prevented due to a blockage.

Large quantities of blood are prevented from reaching essential organs and vital areas. This leads to hypoperfusion.


Tension pneumothorax

Pulmonary embolism

6 signs/symptoms of compensated shock

1) Slight mental status changes including anxiety and feeling of impending doom

2) Increased heart rate

3) Increased respiratory rate

4) Delayed capillary refill time

5) Pale skin that is cool and moist to touch (diaphoresis)

6) Sweating

Physiology of why compensatory measures eventually fail in shock patients

Muscles are working harder to compensate and this requires more energy and oxygen.

As the body is not perfusing properly, oxygen levels are low and the body is in a state of anaerobic metabolism which does not produce enough energy.

More waste products are produced and blood cells are able to carry even less oxygen.

Signs/symptoms of decompensated (hypotensive) shock

Decreased blood pressure

Altered mental status

Condition in which inadequately perfused organ systems begin to die and patient death commonly follows.

Irreversible shock

_____% of the body is made up of water


3 spaces in the body into which water is distributed and percentages of each

1) Intracellular (inside cells)--70%

2) Intravascular (in bloodstream)--5%

3) Interstitial (between cells & blood vessels)--25%

2 ways in which we regulate the levels of water in our body

1) Drinking fluids

2) Making/excreting urine

3 ways in which fluid is distributed within the body

1) Brain and kidneys regulate thirst and elimination of excess fluid

2) Large proteins in blood plasma pull fluid into bloodstream

3) Permeability of cell membranes & walls of capillaries help determine how much water can be held in and pushed out of cells and blood vessels

Ways in which pediatric patients compensate differently for shock than adults

Greater reliance on heart rate and less on increases in contractility.

Signs of shock and compensation can be more subtle than for adults

Abnormally low amount of water in the body


Potential causes of dehydration

Decreased fluid intake;

Significant loss of fluid from the body--severe vomiting, diarrhea;

Rapid breathing;

Profuse sweating;

Loss of plasma due to burns

Swelling associated with the movement of water into the interstitial space


Locations in which edema is most likely to be seen

Dependent areas--hands, feet, legs

Almost all body functions are regulated by these 2 body parts


Spinal cord

Signs of neurologic impairment

Altered mental status;


Inability to speak or difficulty speaking;

Visual or hearing disturbance;

Inability to walk or difficulty walking;

Paralysis (sometimes limited to one side);

Weakness (sometimes limited to one side);

Loss of sensation (sometimes limited to one side or area of the body);

Pupil changes

2 major organs of the endocrine system



2 categories of endocrine system disorders

1) Too many hormones

2) Not enough hormones

3 most common digestive system disorders

1) Nausea

2) Vomiting

3) Diarrhea

3 serious conditions which nausea and vomiting may be signs of

1) Acute MI

2) Stroke

3) Brain injury

Exaggerated response by the immune system to a particular substance
