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61 Cards in this Set

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Ultrastructure of aMyofibril
A muscle cells called are
muscle fibers
Ultrastructure of aMyofibril
Muscle fibers consist of ...
of myofibrils,
Ultrastructure of aMyofibril
A myofibril can be subdivided into..
individual sarcorneres. A sarcomere is demarked by
a Z lines.
Ultrastructure of aMyofibril
A sarcomere is demarked by?
A sarcomere is demarked by
a Z lines.
Ultrastructure of aMyofibril
Sarcomeres are composed of
Sarcomeres are composed of thin and thick filaments
Ultrastructure of aMyofibril
Что будет с А and I band во время сокращения?
Contraction causes no change in the length of the A band, a shortening of the I band,
and a shortening in the H zone (band).
Ultrastructure of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is part of ?
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is part of the internal membrane system
Ultrastructure of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
function of The sarcoplasmic reticulum?
function of which is to store calcium
Ultrastructure of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum The sarcoplasmic reticulum
Where the most of the calcium is stored?
In skeletal muscle, most of the calcium is stored in the terminal cisternae close
to the T-tubular system.
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
Actin is?
• The structural protein of the thin filament
• Possesses the attachment sites for the cross-bridges
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
Tropomyosin is?
• Covers or makes the attachment sites of the cross-bridges unavailable in resting muscle
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
Troponin is?
Composed of three subunits: troponin-T, which binds to tropomyosin; troponin-I,
which inhibits myosin binding to actin; and troponin-C, which binds to calcium
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
Что происходит во время покоя мыщцы,
кальций не связывается с тропонинои С и место для прикрепления с миозином у актина закрыт тропомиозином
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
что происходит во время прикрепления са к тропонину С?
When calcium binds to troponin, the troponin-tropomyosin complex moves, making
the attachment sites for the cross-bridges on the actin available for cross-linking with
myosin cross-bridges.
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
when is Contraction terminated? (cycling is terminated)
Contraction is terminated (cycling is terminated) when calcium is removed from the
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
Possesses the cross-bridges that can attach to the actin of the thin filaments
Cross-bridges possess ATPaseactivity.
Organization· of the Thin and Thick Filaments
на что тратиться АТФ?
атф необходимо для рассоединения Са от тропонина и для мех сокращение мыщцы
Organization· of the Thin and Thick
что происходит с АТФ в конце цикла cross-bridges?
Every time a cross-bridge completes a single cycle, one ATP is hydrolyzed. This provides the
energy for the mechanical aspects of contraction, that is, active shortening and/or the development
of active tension.
Organization· of the Thin and Thick
Когда остановится цикл cross-bridges?
Withdrawal of Ca2
+: cycling stops at position 1 (normal resting muscle)
ATP is depleted: cycling stops at position 3 (rigor mortis). This would not occur under
physiologic conditions.
I"trace!!u!ar Contraction-Relaxation Steps
До каких структур распространяется потерциал дейсваия при нейромышечной передаче?
The action potential initiated at the neuromuscular junction travels over the surface of the skeletal
muscle cell and down the T tubules, where it terminates
I"trace!!u!ar Contraction-Relaxation Steps
распространияется ли Потенциал Действия вдоль поверхности саркоплазсмтрического ретикулума?
The action potential does not spread
across the surface of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is an internal membrane system
I"trace!!u!ar Contraction-Relaxation Steps
какие рецепторы в Т-тубулярной мемране актирируются?
Dihydropyridine receptors in the T-tubular membrane are activated.
I"trace!!u!ar Contraction-Relaxation Steps
Dihydropyridine receptors,их функция?
These receptors function
as voltage sensors that pull the junctional foot processes away from the ryanodine calciumrelease
channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
I"trace!!u!ar Contraction-Relaxation Steps
ПРи разрушении АТФ для чего энергия?
The ATPbroken down on the cross-bridges produces energy that is utilized for the
production of active tension and/or the active shortening of the muscle.
intracellu!ar Contraction-Relaxation Steps
Contraction is terminated (cycling is terminated) by?
Contraction is terminated (cycling is terminated) by the pumping of the calcium back into
its storage depot inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This is an energy-dependent active
WHAT Two ATPases are involved in contraction:?
TwoATPasesare involved in contraction:
- Myosin ATPase: Supplies the energy for the mechanical aspects of contraction
- Sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum calcium-dependent AI'Pasc (SERCA):
Supplies the energy to terminate contraction
использяуется ли extracellular calcium и voltage-gated calcium
channels для сокращения?
• No extracellular calcium is involved.
• The surface membrane of skeletal muscle does not possess voltage-gated calcium
channels (this is not true for cardiac and smooth muscle).
Что происходит при увелечении частоты потенциала действия?
Increasing the frequency of action potentials causes the release of more calcium from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the cycling of more cross-bridges for a longer period
of time. This increases the magnitude of the mechanical response. This is summation.
за счет чего протсходит судорога,
из-за избытка свободного Са,и более продолжительно цикла сокращения.
почему судороги присуствуют в скелетных мыщцах и отсутсвуют в сердечных?
из-за периода относительной рефрактерности,который наступает в скелетной мышцы в начале реполяризации,а в сердечной,в конце стадии
Skeletal Muscle

Preload is?
Preload is the load on a muscle in a relaxed state that is, prior to contraction.
Skeletal Muscle
что происходит с мыщцей во время Preload?
the muscle to stretch.
Skeletal Muscle
чем больше Preload,тем....
The greater the preload added, the greater the stretch of
the muscle
Skeletal Muscle
что просиходит с саркомером при увелечении Preload?
greater the preload, the greater the prestretch of the sarcomere.
what is passive tension?
If a 2-g weight is suspended from a
muscle, a 2-g force also develops within that muscle. This force is the passive tension.
как зависит passive tension от preload?
The greater the preload, the greater the passive tension in the muscle
Когда лучше всего измерять длину саркомера?
The best measures of preload of any muscle type arc those that most directly relate to sarcomere
length before the muscle becomes active.
PRELOAD AND AFTERLOAD, there are two types of tension:In muscle mechanics
In muscle mechanics, there are two types of tension:
Passive tension: produced by preload prior to contraction
• Active tension: produced by cross-bridge cycling during the process of contraction
Afterload is the force the muscle must develop to shorten and lift the load.
If the muscle must develop a force of 100lb.o lift then the afterload is ?
If the muscle must develop a force of 100lb. to lift then the afterload is 100 lb
при увелечении пассивного напряжения мышцы что происходит с длинной мышцы,
Isometric Tetanic Contraction of the Isolated Skeletal Muscle
что происходит с длиной мышцы во время изометрического сокращения?
During an isometric contraction, the cross-bridge cycling will produce active tension, but the
overall muscle length will not change.
The muscle does not shorten and lift the afterload because the afterJoad is greater than the total
tension in the muscle during contraction.
где Са хранится в скелетной мыщце?
In skeletal muscle, all of the free calcium is from calcium stored in the sarcoplasmic
Active tension development
The active tension developed during a tetanic isometric contraction is....
The active tension developed during a tetanic isometric contraction is proportional to the number
of these cross-bridges that cycle.
как зависит потенциал действия от cross-bridges that cycle ?
The more cross-bridges that cycle,the greater the developed active tension.
The total tension in the active muscle is?
The total tension in the active muscle is the passive or preload tension plus the active tension.
Maximum velocity (Vmax) is determined by?
Maximum velocity (Vmax) is determined by the muscle's ATPaseactivity. It
is the ATPase activity that determines a fast versus a slow muscle.
Maximum force generated by a muscle (or maximum load lifted by a
muscle) is determined by ?
Maximum force generated by a muscle (or maximum load lifted by a
muscle) is determined by muscle mass or,the number
of motor units activated during contraction
what is White Muscle?
White Muscle
Generally, large (powerful) muscle that is utilized short term, e.g., leg muscles of a sprinter,
ocular muscles of the eye
Major characteristics of white muscle?
Major characteristics
• Large mass per motor unit
• High ATPase activity (fast muscle)
• High capacity for anaerobic glycolysis
• low myoglobin
Red Muscle is?
Red Muscle
Generally smaller (less powerful) muscle utilized long term (endurance muscle), e.g., postural
Major characteristics of Red Muscle are?
Major characteristics
• Small mass per motor unit
• Lower ATPase activity (slower muscle)
High capacity for aerobic metabolism (mitochondria), which is more efficient than
anaerobic glycolysis
High myoglobin (imparts red color)
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth по исчерсенности мышечного волокна?
Skeletal Cardiac Smooth
Striated Striated Nonstriated
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth ,саркомеры
Actin and myosin organized into
sarcorneres в скелетной и сердечной ,и не организованы в гладкой
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth в соединении между клетками
Sarcolemma lacks Junctional complexes-скелетная Gap junctions between fibers-сердечная и гладкая
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth ,иннервация волокна
Each fiber innervated -скелетная Electrical syncytium -сердечная и гладкая
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth ,что связывается с кальцием,
Troponin to bind calcium -скелетная,сердечная
Calmodulin to bind
calcium -гладкая
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth ,АТФазная активность
High ATPase activity (fast muscle) -скелетная
Intermediate ATPase -сердечная
Low ATPase activity
activity (slow muscle)-гладкая
В чем отличие Skeletal Cardiac Smooth, sarcoplasmic reticulum
Extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum
Intermediate sarcoplasmic reticulum -сердечная,
sarcoplasmic reticulum -гладкая
отличие серднчной,гладкой и скелеьной, Т тубулы
T tubules form triadic contacts with reticulum at A-I junctions-скелетная
T tubules form dyadic contact with reticulum near Z lines -сердечная
Lack T tubules,
SR controlled by
second messengers-гладкая
отличие серднчной,гладкой и скелеьной,
кальцевые каналы
Surface membrane lacks calcium channels-скелетная,
Voltage-gated calcium channels -сердечная и гладкая