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107 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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how to survive
ethics, wisdom, spirit
harmony with environment
math, science, medicine, engineering
mathematics, reading, writing, justice
papyrus, reed, ink
Sparta- physical military to protect state
Athens- individual held above state
Socratic method
develop moral citizenship
Arabic numerals
algebra system
require doctors to get certification
liberal arts
lecture style
student unions
revival of Greek ideas
everyone receives education
free education
teach in native languages
New England Colonies
foundation for US eucation system
literacy from early grammar schools
Middle Atlantic Colonies
Southern Colonies
school is a private matter
division of race
Early National
Benjamin Rush- univeral education for education
Sunday school, girl school, etc
Joseph Lancaster
peer tutoring
Frontier Schools/One-Room School
western rural US
one room schoolhouse
common school movement
practical skills
pre-cursor to high schools
military academies
Junior High
shorten elementary
explore vocational interests
pre-adolescents learn differently
still have them today
focus on practical education to become a worker
vocational skills classes (industrial tech)
Higher Education
colleges and universities
liberal and classic
Infant Schools
Robert Owen
blueprint for kindergarten and preschool
Sunday Schools
use Bible, copy passages
children factory workers free on Sundays
modern Sunday schools
Committee of Ten
practical education
college prep cources
AP credit, DECA
Landgrant Colleges
each state given land
develop social and economic skills
agriculture and mechanics (A&M)
NU is a grant college
Higher Education for Women
how to be a teacher
women's colleges
co-ed schools
Education of Hispanic Americans
put into American schools to assimilate into US culture
Spanish courses, learn history and culture of Hispanic Americans
Education of Native Americans
Pre-Euro- oral, survival skills, spiritual awareness
Post-Euro- forced to assimilate into public schools
got education by giving up land
Education of Asian Americans
high percentage have degrees
40% of board to create UCLA curriculum
Education of Black Americans
few education before civil war because owners of slaves were worried that they would gain power
Tuskegee Institute- dignity of labor, practical skills
boosted education for minorities
Teacher Institutues
summer meetings where teachers taught different methods and ideas and inspired each other
continuing education
human nature as a subject
started curriculum of music and PE
St. Thomas Aquinus
Christian theology
government should not violate human rights
doctrine of Roman Catholic church
Socratic method
Marin Luther
independent thinking
protested against Roman church
free, state-supported education
Francis Bacon
scientific method
John Locke
Tableu Rosa
theories served as basis for constitutions (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)
come to world with blank slate mind
minds need to be exercised and developed
Jean-Jacques Rosseau
influenced French revolution
humans are good by nature but influenced badly by society
child has potential and teachers help mold
go from concrete to abstract
Johann Herbert
interest, appreciation, correlation
lesson plans with 5 steps
first kindergarten
activities, creativity, human spirit
Thomas Jefferson
Univeristy of Virginia
public schools
Bill of Rights
Benjamin Rush
prepare kids for college
free public schools
Horace Mann
state board of education
increase teacher pay and give them better materials and teacher training institutions
Henry Barnard
American Journal of Education
good enough for the best, cheap enough for the poor
Katharine Beecher
private schools for ladies
schooling for girls to challenge them and better educate them
W.E.B. Du Bois
first black man to graduate with Ph.D. from Harvard
education of African-Americans
John Dewey
experience, not memorization
life-long process of education
Ella Young
teacher training
wanted students interest acknowledged in curriculum
Jane Adams
Nobel Peace Prize
Hull House
took in immigrant families and educated them
George Counts
founded AFT
provide students with tools so they can make change in society
started Montessori schools
hands-on, sensory, physical activities, self-discipline
children have inner spirit and need interest
Benjamin Franklin
English, not Latin
prepare farmers, craftsmen, practical studies
Howard Gardner
multiple intelligences
Lev Vygotsky
culture shapes learning
peer tutoring
ZPD (zone of proximal development)
What is known, skills with help, what is not known
John Calvin
started dual track system
Willian Bagley
essentialism movement
music, PE
educationn necesary for society to function
Thurgood Marshall
first African-American Supreme Court justice
Brown v. Board of Education desegregated public schools
Chinese philosopher
morality, justice, sincerity
How are school systems funded?
Who governs school systems?
State Board of Education
Where does the money for school systems come from?
Who makes the rules about school systems?
National, State, and Local Boards of Education
if school is in failing status, government gives family certain amount of money to pull kid out and put them in another school (usually private)
charter school
created by parents and teachers that want to focus on specific area; private; only law they have to follow is health code; have 5 years to prove legal, curricular, financial, and academic requirements
after 3-5 years of teaching, you are a tenured teacher; no longer have to get contract every year; entitled to due due process (if you do something wrong, principal tells you what you have to improve and how long you have to improve)
staff development
continuing education for teachers and other staff; usually focused on things that they can directly apply to teaching
English Language Learner
English as a Second Language
Merit pay
teachers pay depends on kids' test scores
What makes education a profession?
What are the benefits of belonging to an association?
insurance, representation in case of legal action
First Amendment
freedom of religion (establishment clause and restriction clause), freedom of speech, peaceful assembly
Fourth Amendment
rigth to be secure (search and seizue clause) - only need reasonable suspicion in education
Eighth Amendment
protection against cruel and unusual punishment
Tenth Amendment
states' rights
Fourteenth Amendment
can't deprive anyone of due process (life, liberty, and possessions)
started in 2002 by George W. Bush; 1. teachers must be highly qualified 2. proportion of teachers in their field 3. AYP (Adequate Yearly Process) - by 2014, 100% of students should take assessments, 100% will graduate, 100% will be proficient/advanced 4. if schools don't hit the mark...safe harbor, replace staff, withhold money, or do vouchers
system/code/process of using morality; citizenship, community, employers, teachers
importance of ethics and morals; things we find important
concept of right and wrong; an idea
info doesn't change
century-old info is still relevant
classical works
truth is constant
back to basics
common core of knowledge
become productive member of society
focus on whole child
active experimentation
started by John Dewey
founded by Theodore Bramfield
societal questions
wanted to create society where humans helped each other to reduce oppression
develop dialogue and inquiry
founded by Theodore Bramfield
societal questions
wanted to create society where humans helped each other to reduce oppression
develop dialogue and inquiry
behavior is determined by others, not by free will
need to have a reason to learn
repetition/reward and punishmetn
don't like absolutes
concerned with power and believe that institutions are used by those in power
reality changes
put clues together to find answer
believe in here and now
nature, physical things
looks at the way the world should be
ideals, truths, values
metacognition - self talk
believe in future
take what they know and apply it
situational, experiences
scientific method
life is a series of changes
free will/individual choice
let's use this knowledge that we have
we set our own personal reality
love to philosophize and expand
Brown v. Board of Education
separate but equal schools are not equal
Lau v. Nichols
need to have programs that help ELL's
Board of Education v. Rowley
special needs students need free and approprate education and must be in least restrictive environment
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
students do not have to pledge to the flag
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District
students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier
public school officials may pull a story if they say something is inappropriate or does not have an educational reason
Mt. Healthy City School District v. Doyle
3 step decision for applying free speech involving employee and employer
1. employee must prove that what he said was for public good
2. employee must prove why he was fired
3. employer must prove that the employee would've been fired anyways
Island Trees Union School District v. Pico
schools can't ban books because they don't like what the book is talking about
Ingraham v. Wright
8th amendment applies to prison, not schools
if punishment is excessive and goes against 14th then it is a problem
New Jersey v. TLO
schools only need reasonable suspicion to initiate search and seizure
Veronia School District v. Action
entitled and allowed to do random drug testing of athletes without parent permission
Franklin v. Gwinnet County Public Schools
Title IX is a form of gender discrimination
Code of Ethics
Commitment as a Professional Educator, Commitment to the Student, Commitment to the Public, Commitment to the Profession, Commitment to Professional Employment Practices