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222 Cards in this Set

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Give two staphylococcus that are commensale of cattle

S aureus

S hyicus

In cattle, impetigo can be spread in a group: True ou False

True : milking with poor hygiene

What are the three Different forms of udder dermatitis

- secondary to edema around parturition, friction in the lateral part of the udder

- between the quarter; in older cattle

- skin fold cranial to the 2 front quarter

Name three bacteria possibly implicated in cattle udder dermatitis

Fusobacterium necrophorum

Trueperella pyogenes

Treponema spp

NB: staphylococcus rarely found in udder dermatitis

In goats, staphylococcal infections are often secondary to other diseases : Give 5 exemples




Zinc responsive dermatitis

Chorioptic mange

Staphyloccus chromogenes is the principal bacteria incriminated in exudative epidermitis in swine : T or F

F : it is S hyicus but cases with S chromogenes with a ExhB has been described

Give the histo of exidative epidermitis in swine

Intraepidermal subcorneal vesicular and pustular dermatitis with neutrophils, bacteria and acantholitic keratinocytes. Other findings = acanthosis, crusting, exfoliation and exocytosis

DD of exudative epidermitis in swine (8)

- swine pox

- sarcoptic mange

- dermatophytosis

- pityriasis rosea

- zinc deficiency

- biotin deficiency

- trauma

- dermatosis vegentans of landrace

Exudative epidermitis is self limiting and mortality is low in pigglets : T or F ?

F : mortality can be high

Folliculitis and furonculosis are seen more often in sheep and goat than in swine and cattle : T or F


Sheep facial exema is in the DD of staphylococcal dermatitis. What is the cause of this facial exema ?

Facial dermatitis resulting from hepatogenous photosensitization after eating Pithomyces fungus

Give 4 DD of staphylococcal pyoderma in the sheep





Give the pathogens implicated in Staphylococcal infection of the distal limb ?

S aureus

S epidermidis

S dysgalactiae

Skin of atopic dogs has increased/decreased? relative abundance of S pseudintermedius during development of skin lesion


Skin of atopic dogs has increased/decreased? relative abundance of S pseudintermedius during development of skin lesion


In atopic dogs, is there a correlation between bacterial diversity and these parameters : water loss, pH changes ?

Yes 💁🏻‍♂️

In a recent study with a canine model of AD using HDM challenge : how the microbiota changes during the challenge ?

- no changes in richness or diversity BUT several bacterial phylotypes increased

- corynebacteriaceae increased shortly after dev of lesion

- S pseudintermedius increased for more than 2 weeks after remission of lesions

The mycobiota is not affected by atopic dermatitis in dogs: T or F

F: the diversity is decreased

What is the most common pathogen in digital dermatitis in cattle ?

Treponema species and another study found treponema and fusobacterium


Firmicutes predomonates in superficial and intermediate lesions and treponema dominated the deeper layers

What is the most common pathogen in digital dermatitis in cattle ?

Treponema species and another study found treponema and fusobacterium


Firmicutes predomonates in superficial and intermediate lesions and treponema dominated the deeper layers

Give two pathogens found in footrot in sheep and goat

Dichelobacter nodosus

Fusobacterium necrophorum

Microbial diversity is decreased in the acute and chronic foot rot lesion : True or False


It is increased in the acute phase = digital dermatitis

It is decreased in the chronic phase

Give three resistance mechanism

- modification or inactivation of the antimicrobial agent (penicilinase)

- reduction of intracellular accumulation of antimicrobial agent (efflux Pump)

- modification of the antimicrobial target

Resistance mediating mutations are found on chromosal genes and ribosomal genes 16 and 23s.

T or F ?


Transfer of resistance can be done vertically during celle division or horizontally : Give the name of the three possible mechanisms

- transformation

- transduction

- conjugation

Transfer of resistance can be done vertically during celle division or horizontally : Give the name of the three possible mechanisms

- transformation

- transduction

- conjugation

What modality is the most frequent for horizontal transfer of resistance ?

Conjugation with the use of conjugative elements which are

- plasmid

- transposon

- integron

What is the gene giving the resistance against meticillin ? What is the mechanism of resistance induced by this gene?


It is a mobile element found on Staphylococcal cassette chromosome

It produces low affinity penicillin binding protein

A recent study about exfoliative pyoderma has been conducted: What is the key cytologic features at the margins of the collarettes ?

Staphyloccus pseudintermedius was indentified only at the margin of the lesions : T or F

- neutrophils, extracellular and intracellular cocci within neutrophils, NO acantholytic keratinocytes

- False : center AND margin

A recent study about exfoliative superficial pyoderma shown the presence of the known exfoliative toxins expA and expB : True or False ?

False : instead they shown the presence of siet and speta in all isolates

Give the histological appearance of exfoliative superficial pyoderma

Interfollicular epidermal spongiotic pustules.

Advancing edge features = peripheral intracorneal clefts in the deep stratum disjunctum above an intact stratum compactum. Contains lytic neutrophil debris, bacterial cocci and fluid but not acantholytic keratinocytes

In exfoliative superficial pyoderma: microscopically, give the location of staphyloccus (above the stratum corneum in crusts? Intracorneal? No characterisation ?)

and what immunofluorescence does reveal in the examination of the following molecules : Dsg1, Dsc1, claudin1, E-cadherin, corneodesmosin ?

-Bacteria location : Intracorneal (visualization with gram stains and in situ hybridization)

-all these molecules are discontinuous and patchy in spongiotic pustules and only corneodesmosin is weaker and patchy in advancing collarette edges.

Epidermal collarettes histological exam in exfoliative superficial pyoderma is similar to impetigo : T or F

F : unique features and also not similar to superficial bacterial folliculitis

Name two blistering dermatoses caused by S aureus in humans and the toxins incriminated with their target

- bullous impetigo

- staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome

- exfoliatin toxins (ET) A, B, D —> Dsg1

Give the key clinical features of bullous impetigo and Staph scaled skin syndrome (SSSS) occuring in humans. Give the main microscopic difference between these 2 diseases

BI: children/ small vesicles that progress into flaccid bullae filles with cloudy fluid + erythematous rim around —> rupture and erosion + crusts

SSSS: new born, young children, immunocompro adults or renal failure / extracutaneous infection —> high level of exfoliatin toxin in circulation —> exfoliation of epidermis in large sheets; large érosions under.

Diff: outside of the lesion the epidermis is normal in SSSS whereas in BI blisters are filled with neutrophils and inflammation is present in the dermis.

Toxins EXPA and EXPB found in staphylococcus pseudintermedius have been found to digest Dsg1 and cause subcorneal splits in the epidermis when injected to mice : T or F ?


According to the localization of bacteria in lesions of exfoliative superficial pyoderma : what part of the epidermal collarette is best to sample for culture?

The leading edges

ExpA and ExpB toxins, which are found in S aureus, are not found in S pseudintermedius : T or F

F : found in 10-30% is strains

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae can induce bacteraemia and produce systemic signs in dogs : T or F

T : one case with lethargy, anorexia, fever

Topical spray containing plant derived essential oils and fatty acids with two components with anti microbial property ( manuka oil and N acetyl cysteine) help to speed resolution of pyoderma treated with antibiotic : T or F

True 🌿

In case of use of rifampicin what should be monitored ?

Pretreatment and weekly serum biochemistry (ALT elevation) to identify dogs at risk for hepatotoxicosis

What is the minimal bactericidal concentration of bleach to inhibit MRSP in vitro ?

1:32 but most of the strains had an MBC between 1:64 and 1:128

There are 3 classes of integrons (class 1, 2 and 3) recognized in the transfer process of resistance. Which one is the most frequent in human and was also found in P aeruginosa from dog?

Class 1

In P aeruginosa: resistance to quinolone is chromosome and plasmid mediated : T or F ?


What are the two major mechanisms of resistance described in P aeruginosa against quinolone ?

Efflux pump and structural changes in target enzymes

due to point mutation in

-DNA gyrase gyrA and gyrB

-Topoisomerase II and IV

Pseudomonas aeruginosa multidrug resistant in Brasil : isolates were mostly resistant to enrofloxacin and ticarcillin : T or F


What skin infection was very recently described in a cat caused by Streptococcus canis ?

Necrotizing fasciitis and arthritis

Treated with penicillin injection and ampicillin per os

Give 4 conditions associated with Bartonella henselae infection

- ear tip vasculitis

- cutaneous vasoproliferative lesion (bacillary angiomatosis)

- erythema multiforme

- nodular panniculitis

Give 2 histological features associated with Bartonella henselae associated ear tip vasculitis

-Small vessel necrotizing vasculitis

-Dermal necrosis

You want to decontaminate textiles from Bacteria: what would you rather use, Ultraviolet light C or FAS (an antimicrobial spray) ?

UVC light : quickly reduces burden on textile greater than 90% and may be a better desinfecting agent than FAS for gram neg species

Chose a proposition about antimicrobial peptides

a. MSSP and MRSP are less susceptible than MSSA and MRSA

b. Malassezia is equally sensitive as C albicans

c. Malassezia is more sensitive than C albicans


a: it is the opposite

In a study about effect of AMP cBD103 and cCath on different bacteria : which one is more effective against Staphylococci? P aeruginosa? E. coli?

What about efficacy on Malassezia and C albicans ?

cBD103 : more effective against staph and Pseudom

cCath : more effective against E. coli

cBD103 more effective against both yeasts (Malassezia more susceptible)

Certain antibiotics have been shown to have a potential pro inflammatory effect on keratinocytes : T or F


Acquisition of resistance to meticillin and other beta lactam drug are mediated by acquisition of 2 genes : give them

MecA and mecC

They are carried on mobile genetic elements named Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec)

MRSA and MRcoNS have been detected among human and animals within shared environment and indistinguishable molecular characteristics suggest transmission of these MRS between animal an human : T or F ?


Clindamycin is a good empirical choice for first time and recurrent staphylococcal pyoderma in dogs : T or F

False : only first time

First time : resistance in 15-20%

Second time or récurrent : resistance in 30-40%

What stain can be uses to see Burkholderia cepacia complex ?

Warthin Starry stain

Give two histo differences between Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas furonculosis

- more histiocytic to pyogranulomatous interstitial fermail infla

- P aeruginosa are not typically présent within histiocytes or the follicular root sheath

Give the ordre of potence of cefovecin, cefazolin, doxycycline and pradofloxacin against S pseudintermedius and E coli (in vitro)

Pradofloxacin >> cefazolin > cefovecin > doxycycline


Bartonella henselae can cause skin disease in dogs and is a potential zoonosis : T or F

T : dog with nodular panniculitis and owner with subcutaneous nodules

Give two staining method for visualisation of nocardia

Ziehl Neelson (weakly acid-fast positive organism)

Gram stain (gram positive organism)

S pseudintermedius transmitted From the dam to the puppies around birth may persist : T or F ?


What treatment has been show to be Associate with Burkholderia cepacia complex ?


In case of furonculosis in a dog : if you see rods in the follicular wall, What bacteria should you suspect ? (Giemsa staining on the photo)


Effect of bleach used in dogs used as an antiseptic : short comment on the tolerability and efficacy

Tolerability : good at 0.05% or 0.005% (percentage of viable cells reduced by 10%)

Efficace :

- anti inflammatory affect = reduction of induction of TARC/CCL17 gene and CCL2

- reduction of bacterial count after 20 min but marginally significant

Effect of bleach used in dogs used as an antiseptic : short comment on the tolerability and efficacy

Tolerability : good at 0.05% or 0.005% (percentage of viable cells reduced by 10%)

Efficace :

- anti inflammatory affect = reduction of induction of TARC/CCL17 gene and CCL2 (in human it was shown with CCL2 and SOD2 which are induced by the signalisation way TNFa—>NFkB)

- reduction of bacterial count after 20 min but marginally significant

Lesions of superficial bacterial folliculitis harbour (unique/multiple) S pseudintermedius strains ?

Multiple with distinct antimicrobial resistance profile

Multiple Pustules From the same dog always harboured the same strain contrary to papules, crusts and collarettes: T or F


Pustules are the best target for bacterial culture

What is the difference in ear canal microbiota between atopic and healthy dogs?

Atopic : decreased bacterial diversity, increased abundance of Staphylococcus spp and Ralstonia spp

Healthy have more E coli

A recent article found that AMP in atopic dogs are less numerous and have less antimicrobial activity than in healthy dogs : T or F ?

F : no différence in AMP secretion level BUT a significant lower antimicrobial activity

About feline leprosy in France : cases in the southern of France are most likely caused by M. lepraemurium and is generally an extensive and severe disease leading to death : T or F

F : it is generally a self limiting disease and one to few nodules

Give the 3 manifestation of mycobacterium induced skin lesion in cat and the common agent

- cutaneous tuberculosis : M. microti, bovis and tuberculosis

- feline leprosy syndrome : M. lepraemurium

- infections with saprophytic mycobacteria species : rapidly growing mycobacteria and M avium complex

Give the effect of ciclosporin and of glucocorticoid treatment on non lesional canine atopic microbiota

No effect on the diversity and composition of cutaneous microbiota (bacteria and Malassezia)

Honey based gel shows efficacy in vitro against clinical isolates of S pseudintermedius and Malassezia : T or F


P aeruginosa producing carbapenemase represent a threat : give the 3 classes of carbapenemase

- metallo b-lactamase (most common, ex= VIM-2 and IMP6)

- class A penicillinase

- class D oxacillinase

How systemic antimicrobials impact on mucosal staphylococci?

Immediately after therapy the mucosa can be a reservoir of AMR staphylococci that are source of mobile genetic elements carrying AMR genes.

Percentage of samples with AMR decrease from immediately after treatment to three months post treatment.

Give the gene for the resistance against meticillin in staphylococci

mecA gene carried on a large mobile genetic element named SCCmec (staphylococcal cassette chromosome) which can be transferred horizontally between staphylococci

What is the prevalence of MRSP carriage in healthy dogs in most studies ?

0 - 4.5%

Give 3 factors associated with mucosal carriage or infection with MRS in dogs

- antimicrobial therapy

- contact with veterinary facilities

- hospital admission

Effect of blue light 465-470 nm in vitro is enhanced by the use of photosensitizer ALA (aminolevulinic acid) : T or F


Blue light phototherapy significantly reduces colony count of MRSA, MRSP and MSSP: T or F

F only MRSA

Topical formulation containing lasalocid shows systemic absorption : T or F

F : only topical

Manuka oil inhibits S pseudintermedius biofilm formation and has the potential to be useful therapeutic option to treat superficial infections caused by MRSP and MSSP : T or F ?


A study conducted in 2014 showed efficacy of bleach against S pseudintermedius, P aeruginosa and Malassezia : give the dilution used (question de pupute)

1:32 equivalent 0.00156%

Which association shows the lower MIC against S pseudintermedius ?

a- chlorexidine + miconazole

b- chlorexidine + trisEDTA

a. Chlorexidine + miconazole

Acinetobacter can shows antimicrobial resistance and is an important nosocomial pathogen of human. Does it represent a risk for dogs ?

Potentially yes

- 25% of healthy dogs showed Acinetobacter at one or more skin site

- A. Iwoffii > A baumannii > A junii (order of frequency)

- isolates were susceptible to most antibiotics

A study in 2016 have shown that : in atopic dogs

Bacterial diversity correlated with TEWL and pH and corneometry measures.

True or False

False : With TEWL, pH level BUT NOT with corneometry results

(Also shown an increased proportion of S pseudintermedius and Corynebacterium and restoration of normal diversity after treatment)

What is the resistance gene against mupirocin ?

ileS2 (contained in a plasmid)

A recent study in Australia showed that dogs living in the same house shared the same MRSP clone BUT MRSA and MRSP clones were not shared between human and pet: T or F


According to a recent study in USA : can rifampicin be used in MSSP and MRSP ? Is it time dependant or a concentration dependant antibiotic ?

-MSSP and MRSP are equally susceptible

-time dependant

About Pseudomonas otitis epidemiology : according to a recent study, what are the possible sources of pseudomonas for the dog?

- waterborne source for some dogs (in the environment)

- cross contamination with human and animal members in household

P aeruginosa is not a normal inhabitant of the healthy canine ear canal but it is an obligate pathogen : T or F ?

False : it is not an obligate pathogen

Give the association responsible for human axillary malodour ? Is it the same for dogs ? If not give it.

Human: Staphylococcus spp and corynebacterium spp

Dog: Psychrobacter and pseudomonas

A study from 2016 has identified 3 important factors for acquisition of MRSP regarding prior antimicrobial use (2 of the 3 factors are related to antimicrobial treatment)

- total number of antibacterial drug prescriptions

- exposure to multiple drug classes (beta lactam in particular)

- concurrent immunomodulatory therapy

According to a study from 2016, what are the 2 classes of antibiotics that are especially associated with meticillin resistance ?

Beta lactam and fluoroquinolone classes

Rifampicin treatment and MRSP : is it effective ? Is there any adverse reaction ?

- considered effective for superficial and deep infection (5mg/kg/12h)

- GI signs in 15% of treated dogs

- ALT & ALP increased mostly because of liver ensyme induction

What are the toxins implicated in intraepidermal splitting in impetigo in human and in dog ?

- Human: S aureus; ETA, ETB, ETD

Nb: (ETB producing S. Aureus is the predominant form in SSSS and ETD is found in abcesses and furuncles)

- Dogs: S. pseudintermedius; ExpA and ExpB

What is the target of exfoliative toxins ? Can it also target tight junctions ?


No it can’t

What is crucial for Staphylococcal percutaneous invasion ?

-Neutrophils migration in the epidermis is crucial

-It transmigrates across tight junctions

- neutrophils are present before bacteria in the epidermis : 4h post inoculation VS 6h for staphylococcus

- neutrophils are attracted by messages from keratinocytes (TLR2 and PAR2 mediated activation pathways)

Pseudomonas can survive a variable amount of time in commonly used staining solution and can also proliferate : T or F ?

F : cannot proliferate

How does bacterial samples clusters in healthy and allergic cats ?

Healthy : cluster by body site

Allergic : cluster by individual cats

Most abundant phyla in cat in order


Bacteroidetes (grooming)



Contrary to atopic dogs, allergic cats don’t have increase abundance of staphylococcus : T or F

F : increased abundance as in dogs

What antibiotics are deactivated by peniciilinase?

- natural penicillin (penicillin G and V)

- aminopenicillins (ampicillin and amoxicillin)

What are the two most consistent sites for carriage of staphylococcus in dogs and cats ?

Mouth followed by perineum

Give the 4 categories of virulence factors in Staph

- expression of adhesins : bacteria binds to cells and matrix

- formation of biofilm

- production of toxins

- expression of factors which assist in evasion on the host’s immune response

Resistant strains are more invasive or proinflammatory than susceptible one : True or False

False : not necessarily

There is globally no difference in outcome between MRS and MSS : true or false


S aureus and S pseudintermedius adhere equally to human and dogs corneocytes : T or F

F : S pseudintermedius adher better to canine corneocytes and S aureus to human ones

S pseudintermedius isolated from pustules are different from those isolated from mucoae : T or F

F : 80% of S pseudintermedius carriage isolate from mucosae are genetically identical to isolates from pustules

Contrary to MRSP carriage that can persist over 12 months in dogs after infection, MRSA carriage is not reported for long periods when the owner is treated and the environment is clean : T or F


AMP are only produced by keratinocytes : T or F

F : also by phagocytic leukocytes

AMP are active against bacteria only : T or F

F : against virus and fungi as well

AMP are active against bacteria only : T or F

F : against virus and fungi as well

Apart from antimicrobial activity give 3 other roles for AMP


-Wound healing

-Determination of coat colour

What are the 2 main AMP family ?

Defensin and cathelicidin

Give the subfamily of defensin that is found in the dog

Bêta Defensin

What chromosome encode beta defensin ?

Chromosome 16

What chromosome encode beta defensin ?

Chromosome 16

Féline betaDefensin is expressed in the skin after inflammatory signal : T or F

F : beta Defensin expression not reported to date in the cat

Give the repartition of canine betaDefensin 1, 103 and 102

CBD1 and CBD103 : skin (highly expressed)

CBD102 : testes

What is the defensin expressed in cat skin ?

beta Defensin 103

In human what are the constitutively produced defensin and the induced one ?

Constitutively : hBD1

Inducible : hBD2 and 3

Vitamin D3 is an inducer of cathelicidin synthesis in human : T or F


Vitamin D3 is an inducer of cathelicidin synthesis in human but not in cats and dogs : T or F


How AMP exert their antimicrobial activity ?

Permeabilization of target microbial membrane : AMP are positively charged and interact with negatively charge microbial mbne then hydrophobic intégration in the membrane and formation of pores

Some defensins have specific target in gram + bacteria

What are the known resistance mechanisms against AMP ?

- proteolytic degradation

- binding and neutralizing

-modulation of their membrane charge (become less anionic)

What AMP gene is responsible for the dominant black coat color?


More precisely there is a variant : CBD103.delta.G32 that bind the Mc1r receptor on melanocytes and work as a neutral antagonist which prevent Agouti to bind to it and to inhibit this receptor

What is the link between reproduction and AMP ?

Defensins play 3 roles important for sperm :

- maturation

- capacitation

- adherence to uterine epith

In psoriatic lesions in human: the psoriatic scales overlying the lesions are especially (rich/poor?) in AMP

Rich ( high level of hBD2, hBD3 and LL37)

Higher in lesional skin than in non lesional

IL 4 and IL 13 reduce the expression of hBD2 and hBD3 : T or F ?


What is the name of human Cathelicidin


What are the differences and similarities between cathelicidin and defensin ? (Structure, expression and activities)

Back (Definition)

Give two technics that permit to quantify DNA and so to quantify micro organisms in a sample


Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

The most studied AMP are defensin and cathelicidin, give 7 known AMP in dogs

6 cBD : cBD1-like, cBD2-like, cBD3-like, cBD102, cBD103, cBD127

1 cathelicidin = cCath

What immunoglobulins can be found in the emulsion layer of the skin ?


IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG2c



Staphylococcus are found distally on hair shaft whereas gram negative organisms are found more proximally : T or F


S pseudintermedius is part of the resident flora : T or F


S pseudintermedius is part of the resident flora : T or F


Where from can we culture at high frequency S. Pseudintermedius?



Anal ring

Enterotoxins A, B, C & D and protein A can act as super antigen but they have also another role in the colonisation on the skin : what is it ?

These toxins (among other) influence bacterial binding by upregulating adhesion molecules on keratinocytes

S. Pseudintermedius strains from dogs with pyoderma have been shown more likely to adhere to extracellular matrix proteins than strains from healthy dogs: T or F ?


What are the three skin conditions that are most common cause of infection ?

- allergic dermatitis

- seborrheic dermatitis

- follicular disorders

What are the most common metabolic causes of skin infection ?

- Hypothyroidism

- Hypercortisolism

Immunodeficiency predisposed to cutaneous infection. Give the 4 différents primary immunodeficiency diseases described in dogs and there main features

Back (Definition)

What topical antibiotic has more potential for allergic sensitization ?


Chlorexidine is effective for topical treatment of bacterial infection but may retard wound healing : T or F ?


Give three potential adverse reaction/induced conditions that are especially associated with long use of sulfonamide drugs


-Keratoconjunctivitis sicca

-Adverse cutaneous drug reaction

Give three antibiotic families that are good choice for intracellular organisms




If you treat a deep infection with cephalexin it is interesting double the dosage From 15mg/kg/12h to 30mg/kg/12h : T or F ?


Give the antiinflammatory/immunomodulatory properties of : macrolides, trimethoprim and fluoroquinolone

Macrolide : inhibit leukocytes chemotaxism, IL-1 and lymphocyte blastogenesis

Trimethoprim: inhibit leucocytes chemotaxism

Fluoroquinolone : inhibit IL1, leukotrienes and the granulomatous inflammation

Give 3 conditions associated with bullous impetigo seen in old dogs

Diabetes mellitus



What does this histo description correspond to ?

Non follicular subcorneal pustules with bacteria visible within the pustules. Acantholytic keratinocytes can be present.

Impetigo (bacteria may not be visible)

Give one breed that may be at greater risk for mucocutaneous pyoderma

GSD and GSD crosses

Give the key features of mucocutaneous pyoderma

-Epidermal hyperplasia with superficial pustulation and crusting

-dense plasmacytic lichenoid dermatitis

-dermal epidermal junction is not obscured and hydropic degeneration is minimal to absent

-pigmentary incontinence can striking

Give the typical form of superficial bacterial folliculitis seen in English Bulldogs

Hairless and hyperkeratotic lesions with minimal inflammation

Zoospores of dermatophilus congolensis are attracted by carbon dioxide diffusing from the surface of the skin: T or F


What type of culture média are to be avoided if you want tu culture Dermatophilus ?

Sabouraud and MacConkey

Give 4 factors that predisposed to deep pyoderma

- immunoincompetence

- severe follicular or dermal damage done by a primary disease (ex demodicosis)

- trauma (pressure, licking etc)

- inappropriate treatment

Give 3 bacteria usually found as secondary infectious agent in deep pyoderma

Pseudomonas spp

Proteus spp

E. Coli

In furonculosis, proportion of tissue eosinophils and neutrophils can give you information on the ethiology : give them

- majority of neutrophils (luminal and mural) & equal eosino and neutro in perifollicular dermis : infectious

- majority of eosino at all these sites : cause is probably not infectious / likely caused by insect or arachnid or other sterile eosino disorder

- absence of eosinophils : immunosuppression (concurent glucocorticoids, demodicosis)

Give one breed presiposed to pyotraumatic folliculitis and furunculosis

Labrador retriever

What type of breeds are predisposed to nasal folli and furunculosis ?

Dolichocephalic breeds

= GSD, bull terrier, collie, pointer, hunting dogs

Give two sets of DD for nasal folliculitis / furunculosis (depending on extension of lesion)

-Multiple coalescent: lupus, pemphigus, drug reaction, dermatomyositis

-more discret: eosinophilic folliculitis and furunculosis

In muzzle folliculitis usually antibiotherapy and local antiseptic are sufficient to resolve the pb : T or F

F : after surinfection is treated, topical corticosteroid may be necessary to prevent new lesion

Interdigital furunculosis are cystic : T or F

False !!

Give the most common parasite involved in chronic pododermatitis and Give also 3 other parasites (worms)

- Pelodera strongyloides

- Ancylostoma spp

- Uncinaria stenocephala

German shepherd dog folliculitis and furunculosis : explain the underlying problem


- increased CD8 and decreased CD4 and CD21

- decreased T lymphocyte in skin biopsies

- same amount of : IgA, IgG and IgM bearing B lymphocytes in lesions (compared with other breed with deep pyoderma)

- same amount of Langerhans cell in skin biopsy from bacterial pyoderma in GSD and other breeds

What are the 4 elements that can be arguments to diagnose GSD folliculitis/furunculosis and cellulitis ?

- presence of deep pyoderma

- exclusion of other causes (demodicosis, allergy, ehrlichiosis)

- severity ++ although no corticosteroid was given

- relapsing episods

Anaerobic cellulitis is (more/less) rapidly progressive and severe than aerobic cellulitis

More rapid and severe

Give 4 clinical characteristics of anaerobic cellulitis

- rapid progression

- poor demarcation

- massive edema and swelling

- necrosis

Give in order of frequency the 6 most common isolated bacteria in cases of anaerobic cellulitis and the 3 antibiotic usually effective

Bacteroides > Peptostreptococcus > Fusobacterium > Porphyromonas > Clostridium > Prevotella

- metronidazole, chloramphenicol and amoxicillin clavulanate

What is the most common bacteria cultured from subcutaneous abcesses in dogs and cats? What antibiotic can you use ?

Pasteurella multocida

Penicillin, amoxicillin and amoxicillin clavulanate,

What is a bacterial pseudomycetoma ?

= cutaneous bacterial granuloma or botryomycosis

Def : chronic, suppurative, granulomatous disease caused by non branching bacteria. They form grains of compact colonies in tissues that are surrounded by pyogranulomatous inflammation.

What is the most common bacteria implicated in bacterial pseudomyctoma ?

Coag positive Staph

Also possible : pseudomonas, proteus, streptococcus, actinobacillus

Give the treatment of choice for Botryomycosis (bacterial pseudomycetoma)

Surgical excision + systemic antibiotic

Mycobacteria are gram + but they stain poorly unless special stains are used. Why ?

Because of the structure of their cell walls which have thick layer of mycolic acids on the outer surface

These fatty acids promote the acid-fast staining capability

When dormant, M. tuberculosis lose acid fast properties because of changes in mycolic acid and other cell wall associated glycolipids

What are the properties of mycolic acid found in mycobacteria wall ?

-make the cell wall hydrophobic =

—>resist chemical damage and dehydration

—>limit effectiveness of hydrophilic antibiotic and biocides

—>survival and growth within macrophages

Give two other bacteria than mycobacteria that can demonstrate acid fast characteristics


Rhodococcus equi

Give the list of microbes that can be involved in cutaneous granuloma and pyogranuloma (7 categories) by Santoro et al in 2008

Back (Definition)

In feline leprosy what is the histo features of the leproid form ? What are the 2 differences with the tuberculoid form ?

Nodular to diffuse granulomatous lesions with sheets of epithelioid macrophages containing numerous acid-fast bacteria and few lymphocytes

- the tuberculoid form has much lower bacteria and more lymphocytes

Give the three types of mycobacterial infections

- infection by host adapted species

- infection by saprophytic mycobacteria causing localized lesion in immunocompetent host

- infection by saprophytic mycobacteria of very low pathogenicity, almost never affect immunocomp host and cause disseminated disease in immunodeficiency host

What is your diagnosis ? What are the pathogens recognized in this species ?

Squirrel leprosy

-Mycobacterium lepromatosis

-Mycobacterium leprae

-Mycobacterium avium

Mycobacterium bovis infection has a higher incidence in dogs or cats ?

Cats !

How cats can get infected by Mycobacterium microti ?

Voles, Wood mice and shrews can be infected

Llamas can be infected by Mycobacteria, which one ?

Mycobacterium microti

Llamas can be infected by Mycobacteria, which one ?

Mycobacterium microti

What emerging Mycobacteria has been reported in Australia with infection reported in marsupial, alpacas, a cat and some dogs ?

Mycobacterium ulcerans

What diagnostic test can you use for mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ?

-Ziehl Neelsen staining (acid-fast bacilli in red)



- IDR tests (48-72h) : BCG or purified protein derivative (PPD) tests: in dogs

-serologic testing or blastogenesis test: in cats

Abyssinian and Somali are particularly susceptible to one Mycobacteria? Which one ? What are the symptoms in these susceptible hosts ?

Mycobacterium avium

Respiratory and/or GI signs

Generalized lymphadenopathy

Actinomyces is gram+ and non acid fast : T or F


Which one is odorless ? Actinomycosis or actinobacillis ?

Actinobacillosis !

Which one is odorless ? Actinomycosis or actinobacillis ?

Actinobacillosis !

What diagnostic tool can you use for actinomycosis ?

-Culture : anaerobic, 2-4 weeks

-direct smears of aspirate or biopsy with special stains

—> Gram, Brown Brenn, Gomori methenamine silver

-Hoeppli splendore materials often present

What is the principal DD of actinomycosis ?


Treatment for actinomycosis

Surgical excision or debulking and high dose penicillin long therapy

As Actinomyces, Actynobacillus is a gram +, anaerobic rod : T or F


Actinomyces = gram+, non acid fast, anaerobic rod

Actinobacillus = gram-, non acid fast, aerobic coccobacillus

Histopathologic exam of Actinomycosis And Actinobacillosis have the following features : nodular to diffuse dermatitis, panniculitis or both due to suppurative or pyogranulomatous lesion. Presence of Hoeppli-Splendore material and need for special stains to see the pathogen (Gram or Brown-Brenn)

True or False


Nocardia is a soil saprophyte

It is gram + and partially acid fast

It is a branching filamentous aerobic germ

True or false?

All is true

What is the main nocardia in cat?

N nova

Nocardiosis only affect the skin : True or False ?

False : pyothorax may be present, affection of lung, widespread dissemination also possible

What spécial stains are needed for detection of nocardia ?

Gram and Brown Brenn

What spécial stains are needed for detection of nocardia ?

Gram and Brown Brenn

How nocardia and actynomyces can be dinstinguished at histo ?

Nocardia is partially acid fast positive with modified fite faraco stain

Nocardia usually branch at right angle (Chinese characters)

What class of streptococci is responsible for Streptococcal and staphyloccal toxic shock and necrotizing fasciitis?

Group C streptococci, especially Streptococcus canis

Most strains are positive for M protein and streptolysin O

What class of streptococci is responsible for Streptococcal and staphyloccal toxic shock and necrotizing fasciitis?

Group C streptococci, especially Streptococcus canis

Most strains are positive for M protein and streptolysin O

Two types of symptoms can be developed by dogs with infection by Streptococcus canis in case of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome

- sepsis and shock

- sepsis and necrotizing fasciitis

Give the histo exam features of Streptococcus fasciitis

Severe necrosis and suppuration and extensive edema and hemorrhage of the dermis and subcutis. Thromboses vessels with or without vasculitis. Colonies of cocci are visible within necrotic exudate.

What dermatological sign can be seen with brucellosis ?

Scrotal dermatitis resulting from licking over painful epididymitis and orchitis

Also lesion resembling acral lick dermatitis in a female beagle

What findings are typical feature of Lymph nod (histo) in case of Brucellosis ?

-Sinusoid histiocytosis

-medullary cord plasmacytosis

Give the three possible form of plague

-bubonic (most common)



What findings are typical feature of Lymph nod (histo) in case of Brucellosis ?

-Sinusoid histiocytosis

-medullary cord plasmacytosis

Give the three possible form of plague

-bubonic (most common)



Rat, cat and dog are equally susceptible to plague : T or F

F : rat and cat >> dog

Other animals are resistant

What are the two most common mode of infection for plague ?


Ingestion of infected animals

Ctenocephalides felis is a commonly involved in plague transmission : T or F

F: common dog and cat fleas are not normally involved

What is the most frequent form of plague ?

Bubonic (50% of infected cats)

Then systemic

Then pneumonic in 10%

If you suspect plague you should instaure treatment asap with gentamicin as the survival rate is 90% with prompt treatment : T or F

T : also rifampin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, fluoroquinolone

Trichomycosis : what is it? How do you treat it ?

-Bacterial infection of the hair shaft

- corynebacterium spp

- you shave !

Give the three species of Bartonella more commonly implicated in infection of human, cat, dog, horse

Bartonella henselae

Bartonella vinsonii

Bartonella koehlerae

Give two cutaneous lesions possibly induced by Bartonella henselae or other

- cutaneous panniculitis

- vasculitis

What diagnostic method is recommended for Bartonella in order ton increase the Se

Culture on blood agar then PCR

NB : serology very insensitive (many are negative)