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42 Cards in this Set

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Plant functional group

Plants with similar physiological and anatomical characteristics that influence their seasonality, resource requirments, and life histories. Example legumes all fixing nitrogen.

Diveristy and production

The more diverse a functional group, the more primary production occurs. A study found that an area with more diverse algeal species had increased production. Same thing was found with trees.

Bottom up and top down controls

Bottom: influence of physical and chemical factors such as temperature and nutrients on trophic levels.

Top: influence of consumers.

Trophic cascade

Effects of predators on prey that alter abundance, biomass, and productivity of a population or trophic level across more than one link in the food web.

Green world hypothesis

The balance between predators and prey allows for plant life to survive and keep the world green. Think of the yellowstone wolves.

Difference between nuetrient and energy flow

Energy makes a one eay trip through the ecosystem. Nuetrients are transformed, moved, and recycled through and envrionment.

Active versus sequestered

Active:fluxs often, rapid movement between organisms and environment

Sequestered: stays in unavailable form for long time, carbon in soils, peat, fossil fuels, etc.


The change in plant, animal, and microbial communities in an area following a disturbance or the creation of a new substrate. Succession differs from other form in community change in that it results results in a completely new begining for the area.

Primary and secondary succession

Primary: occurs on newly exposed geological substrate, example volcano creating new soil with lava

Secondary: everything is destroyed exceot soil, example forest fire

Seral stage, pioneer community, and climax community

Seral: the intermediate stage found in succsesion leading to the climax community

Pioneer: the first organisms to colonize in a succesional sequence

Climax: the late successional community that can persist until a disturbance

Species richness and succesional change

Increases rapidly and then plateaus near the end

Facilitation, tolerance, and inhibition

Facilitation: pioneer species colonize a new area and over time make the area more adept for other species and less adept for themselves

Tolerance: initial stages of colonization are not limited to a few pioneer species. Early species do not make the environment better for late successional, they are simply tolersnt enough to move it.

Inhibition: early inhabitants modify the environment so that it is worse for both late and early species. Late species invade when a disturbance opens up an area from the earlt colonists.

Permenant plot vs. Chronosequence

Permenant plot: same plot or area studied over time

Chronosequence: different areas of land srudied at the same time meant to signify different time periods (glacier bay)


Heterogeneous area consisting of distinctive patches organized intoa mosaic like pattern.

Compositional heterogenity and configurational

Compositional: different types of thing located

Configurational: heterogenity of the spacing of the thing measured

Previous theories effect on habitat fragmentation

Meta populations: could result in some species persisting

Island biogeography: larger and less isolated the patches, the less extinctions and more immigration

Species area curve: The larger the area, the greater diversity of the species

Glanville Butterfly

Total population size increased with area. Population density decreased. Exitinction and colonization occured mostly in smaller patches with smaller populations. More isolated patches had lower densities.

Island biogeography

Greater size leads to less extinction, less isolation leads to more immigration. And equalibrium is reached on all islands. Example is study with birds in pacific islands.


Can be either land seperated from land by water, water seperated by water by land (lakes), or something like mountain tops


Change in species composition over time due to immigration and extinction.

Refinements of island biogeography theory.

Increased size can also lead to increased immigration. Species richness is also not in equalibrium on a lot of islands and is also affected by speciation as well as area and location.

Latitudinal biodiversity gradient

There is increased species diversity in the tropics. There are six major theories behind this.

1. Time since perturbation, the tropics are older and are disturbed less

2. Productivity, high productivity of the tropics leads to high diversity

3. Environmental heterogeneity, the tropics are more heterogenous

4. Favorableness, the tropics have a more favorable and steady temperature

5. Niche breadths and interspecific interactions, tropical species are affected more by competition between other species than by their own species and have narrower and more niches

6. Differences in speciation and extinction rate, the tropics have more speciation and less extinction

Habitat destruction and fragmentation

Destroys niches, increases edge effects, lowers overall area, decreases immegration, etc. Usually this reduces diversity more with fragmentations but in some niche situations can help.

What do ice cores tell us about co2?

Levels of co2 have been rising exponentially since humans became ondutrialized.

Evidence for rises in human co2 concentrations

During major world events fheir is a decrease in co2 levels

What is a limiting nuetrient?

The nuetrient that is restricting further growth of a population or organism

Assimilatory and dissimilatory processes

Assimilatory: transformation of elements from inorganic to organic (photosynthesis)

Dissimilatory: organic to inorganic (respiration, decomposition)

Law of the minimum

The limiting nuetrient will control the amount of biomass yeilded from a crop or organism

Decomposition, mineralization, immobilization

Decomposition: beeakdown of organic matter. Releases co2 and other inorganic compounds.

Mineralization: conversion of nietrients from organic to inorganic forms

Immobilization: uptake of inorgnic N by bacteria or fungi

Nitrification and denitrification

Nitri: conversion of ammonium to nitrate by chemosynthetic bacteria

Denitr: conversion of nitrate to atmospheric dinitrogen carried out by anaerobic bacteria

Leaf litter bags

Used to measure rates of decomposition in an area. The amount of mass lost corresponds to the decomposition. Decomposition is higher where evapotransperation is higher, lignin is low, and low c:n ratio

Deforestation affect on nuetrient loss

Lack of plants means nuetrients are not taken up and can be lost as run off from streams. From here they are lost from the environment and taken to a place where they can now be im excess such as water pools.

El nino la nina

El nino: off west coast of s america warmer temp, lower pressure, more rainfall, lowers levels of fish, hurts sea lions. Opposite affect near austrailia and asia.

La nina: little rain, cool water, high pressure. Opposite near australia/asia.

Major pools and fluxs

Nitrogen: atmosphere to fixing by bacteria and lightning to plants to ammonia to nitrite to nitratd to anerobic bacteria to atmosohere

Carbon: atmosphere to producers to consumers to detrivore to atmosphere

Phosphorus: well

Limiting factors for terrestrial and aquatic environments

Terrestrial and marine: nitrogen

Freshwater: phosphorus

Southern oscillstion index

Measures severity and timing of el nino and la nina

Major landscape elements

Heterogeneity, size to area, comlosition

Extinction debt

Species that do not immedietly go extint but will because of habitat destruction

Initial floristics model

All types of species present at beginning, first most abundsnt is grow fast live short, then grow slove live long (growth rate and longevity)

Competition dispersal model

First soecies good at dispersal, second good at competition


Measures environmental changes across the globe and can be used to estimate future events

Things that affect a microclimate

Color of grouod, topography, ground composition