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174 Cards in this Set

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classification of organisms into established groups


classification of organisms based on evolutionary relationships


a characteristic of an organism

Character state

a particular form of a character


the evolutionary history of a group, often presented as a tree

Principle of Maximum Parsimony

a method of constructing phylogenies; "the simplest version of history is likely the correct one"


based on shared ancestry

ex. bones in vertebrate forelimbs


having a similar appearance, not due to shared ancestry, AKA convergent evolution

ex. eyes of vertebrates and cephalopod molluscs

Ancestral (plesiomorphic)

older, more "primitive" character state

Derived (apomorphic)

more recently evolved character state


derived character state shared by two or more taxa


a trait unique to a single taxon

Modern systematics

organisms are grouped according to shared derived traits (synapomorphies). all other traits are ignored.


a group that includes a common ancestor and all its descendants (AKA a clade), based on shared derived traits


includes a common ancestor and some, but not all, of its descendents, based on shared ancestral traits


common ancestor is not included in the group, based on convergent traits (homoplasy, not homology)




Types of genetic changes that don't affect fitness

1. Mutations in non-transcribed regions

2. Mutations in introns

3. Synonymous mutations in exons (ex. GCC -> GCA both code for alanine)

What causes sickle-cell anemia

A single, non-synonymous mutation in the code for hemoglobin (Glutamic acid -> Val)

Biological evolution

change in the genetic composition of a population over time

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

Allele and genotype frequencies will remain unchanged (in equilibrium) unless outside forces change those frequencies

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Genotype frequencies expected when no evolution is occurring

Requirements for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

1. No selection

2. No mutation

3. Infinitely large population

4. No immigration or emigration

5. Random mating

Genetic Drift

Changes in genetic composition of a population over time due to chance, occurs in all populations

Examples of genetic drift

1. Population bottlenecks

2. Founder effect



Mutation rate per generation at a particular locus

Rate of fixation for new mutations, alleles become fixed at the same rate that new alleles are added

Gene flow

movement of alleles between populations

Bergmann's Rule

Warm blooded animals are smaller near the equator

Causes of evolutionary change

1. Natural selection

2. Mutation

3. Genetic drift

4. Gene flow

5. Non-random mating

Natural selection (list of 3)

1. More offspring are produced than can be supported

2. Heritable variation exists between individuals

3. Some phenotypes are more successful than others


Proportion of phenotypic variance that can be attributed to genetic variance

Heritability equation

How does natural selection affect heritability?

Natural selection typically reduces the heritability of a trait.

Effects of close inbreeding

1. Expression of recessive deleterious alleles (inbreeding depression)

2. Loss of heterozygosity


A trait that enhances fitness, relative to alternate traits in the population

Directional Selection

Directional selection increases the proportion of phenotypes with a more extreme version of a trait (ex. peppered moth, male long-tailed widowbird)

Stabilizing Selection

Stabilizing selection does not alter the mean, but may reduce variation (ex. optimum birth weight for reduced mortality in humans)

Diversifying selection

Shifting of phenotype frequency toward opposite extremes, select against intermediates (ex. birds with intermediate sized beaks are less likely to survive to adulthood, mimicry complexes in butterflies)

Sexual selection (two types)

1. Competition for mates, intra-sexual selection

2. Mate choice, inter-sexual selection

Operational sex ratio

Relative numbers of males and females available in the mating pool at any time, usually male biased (not in red phalaropes and sea horses)

Examples of sexual dimorphism

1. Size dimorphism

2. Dichromatism

3. Behavioral displays

Examples of male-male (Intra-species) competition

1. Fighting, displays

2. Sperm competition

3. Infanticide

Examples of mate choice (intersexual selection)

Some direct benefits: parental care, nuptial gifts

Indirect or no benefit:

1. Indicator models

2. Fisherian "runaway" models

3. Sensory bias

4. Chase-away selection

"Good genes" model of intersexual selection

Traits evolve because they are good indicators of male genetic quality

Parasite hypothesis

Bright colors might indicate a male's ability to resist disease and parasites

Fisherian "runaway" selection

Traits evolve due to a genetic correlation between preferences and traits

Sensory bias

Male traits might evolve due to preexisting preferences in females

Chase-away sexual selection

Extravagant traits might result from males and females having conflicting interests (ex. forced copulation in water striders, females have adaptations to resist)


Female first, blue headed wrasse


male first, clownfish

Fitness at the genetic level

Success of certain alleles compared to other alleles

Inclusive fitness

Fitness of an allele includes effects on the fitness of the individual carrying the allele plus the fitness of others carrying copies of the same allele

Coefficient of relationship (r)

The probability that an allele identical by descent is also found in another individual

Hamilton's Rule

An allele for helping others will increase in frequency if the benefit to others, weighted by their relationship, exceeds the cost of helping

Hamilton's Rule

Kin selection

The evolution of traits that are favored because they enhance the fitness of relatives

A. Helping three other siblings

C. Parasites


can be seen, such as arthropods and worms


too small to see, such as bacteria, protozoans, and fungi


lives on surface of host (ex. flat mites)


live inside hosts (ex. tapeworms)

Advantages to ectoparasitism

1. Ease of dispersal

2. Safe from host's immune system

Advantages to endoparasitism

1. Ease of feeding

2. Protected from external environment

3. Safer from enemies

Disadvantages to ectoparasitism

1. Vulnerable to natural enemies

2. Exposure to external environment

3. Feeding more difficult

Disadvantages to endoparasitism

1. Vulnerable to host's immune system

2. Dispersal difficult

E. both B and C


a parasite that causes disease


live in or on other organisms


joint evolution of two or more species that exert reciprocal selection pressure on each other

Host defenses against parasites (list)

1. Immune systems in plants and animals

2. Biochemical defenses in plants and animals (ex. milkweed secondary compounds)

3. Sex? Parasite hypothesis, MHC

Biological Species Concept

Actually or potentially interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other groups

Phylogenetic Species Concept

A monophyletic group (clade); the smallest diagnosable cluster with single common ancestor

Problems with Biological Species Concept

1. Many recognized species hybridize (more than half)

2. The paradox of ring species (gene flow in a ring between different species)

Problems with phylogenetic species concept

1. Many species are paraphyletic (~23%)

2. Determining monophyly can be problematic

How does speciation occur?

Speciation requires a barrier to gene flow

Allopatric speciation

geographically separated

Sympatric speciation

occupying the same geographic area

Prezygotic barriers

1. Geographic isolation

2. Ecological isolation

3. Behavioral isolation

4. Mechanical or gametic isolation

Postzygotic barriers

1. Hybrid inviability

2. Hybrid sterility

3. Hybrid (F2) breakdown

Species tree

reflects history of species with nodes showing speciation events

Gene tree

shows the history of particular genes




X - Polyphyly (neither mono)

Y - Paraphyly (one is mono)

Z - Reciprocal monophyly (both monophyletic

B. Leaves; narrow

Methods plants use to reduce herbivory

1. Masting

2. Compensation

3. Structural and chemical defenses

a) induced defense

b) secondary compounds


plants produce a large number of seeds some years and few or none in others


Removal of plant tissues stimulates new tissue growth

Induced defense

Stimulated by herbivore attack (ex. cacti produce more spines when attacked)

Secondary compounds

Wide variety of chemicals, some function to reduce herbivory

E. Masting

Lotka-Volterra Prey Population Model

N - # prey

r - prey pop growth rate

a - capture efficiency

P - # predators

Lotka-Volterra Predator Population Model

N - # prey

P - # predators

b - conversion of prey to offspring

a - capture efficiency

m - predator mortality rate


Population interaction where one population benefits and the other is unaffected


Both species involved are benefitting

Trophic Mutualism

mutualist receives energy or nutrients from partner

Habitat mutualism

one partner provides the other with shelter or favorable habitat

Service mutualism

one partner performs ecological function for the other



Large scale biological community shaped by regional climate, soil, and disturbance patterns


Biological community and its abiotic environment


the effect of interaction between species together is greater than their individual effects

B. Web II

Most commonly used measure of community structure is

species diversity

Species richness

all of the species in a delineated area

Species Evenness

commonness or rarity of species (relative abundance)

Shannon-Weiner Index

C. 1.191

Trophic cascade

Rate of consumption at one trophic level changes species abundance at a lower trophic level

Trophic facilitation

Consumer is indirectly facilitated by a positive interaction between its prey and another species

Ecosystem engineers

create, modify, or maintain physical habitat for themselves and other species (ex. trees and beavers)


Keystone species

large effect relative to abundance

Agents of change

disturbance - physically injures or kills some individuals and creates opportunities

stress - reduces growth or reproduction of individuals and creates opportunities for other individuals

Primary succession

succession in areas completely devoid of life in habitats that have had catastrophic disturbance or are newly formed

often slow as conditions are inhospitable

Secondary succession

Reestablishment of community in which most but not all organisms are destroyed on habitats that retain their soil or were not strongly altered by catastrophe

D. Climax




long-term description of weather at a given location based on averages and variation measured over decades

Most important components of climate?

Temperature and precipitation


relatively dense, turbulent layer.

Coriolis effect

deflection of surface winds blowing north and south because of the earth's rotation

C. Tilt of earth

Seasons in the tropics

little change in radiation but bigger change in precipitation

Seasons in temperate zones

larger changes in radiation and bigger changes in temperature



division of a population through the formation of a barrier (ex. glacier, continental drift)


population is divided through movement of individuals across an already existing barrier. explains ratite evolution.



Species richness _________ as island isolation increases





chemical elements an organism requires for its metabolism and growth

Six most common elements in living tissue

Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur


Mechanism for making nutrients available

1. Mechanical

2. Chemical


Nitrogen fixation

converting N2 into chemically usable forms


Mean resident time

amount of time an average molecule of an element spends in a pool before leaving it


Where does anthropogenic N go?

N from fossil fuel emissions returns to earth as acid rain, N from fertilizers increases nitrogen runoff and leaching -> eutrophication

Net secondary production


Allochthonous energy

energy from external inputs

Autochthonous energy

energy produced by autotrophs within a system



Trophic level efficiency

amount of net production at one trophic level divided by the net production at the trophic level immediately below it

consumption efficiency

proportion of available energy that is consumed

assimilation efficiency

proportion of ingested food that is assimilated

production efficiency

proportion of assimilated food that goes into new consumer biomass


What determines the number of trophic levels in a system?

1) amount of energy entering system through primary production

2) Frequency of disturbance or agents of change

3) Physical size of an ecosystem


nonliving component of an ecosystem


a system in which living organisms interact with every other element in their local environment


the living component of an ecosystem

Primary production

fixation of carbon into chemical energy by autotrophs through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis

Why do trees lose more carbon than grasses?

they have more non photo synthetic tissue


Net primary production = gross primary production - resp


Why is NPP highest at mid-successional stages?

Highest proportion of photosynthetic tissue, plant diversity, and nutrient supply

Methods of measuring NPP

1) Harvest, above and below ground

2) Remote sensing

3) Chlorophyll concentration

4) Direct measurement of GPP and resp

- net exch. of CO2 in system = Net ecosys exch., NPP = NEE + heterot. resp.

5) Atmospheric CO2