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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the order of the taxonomic naming system?

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order Family, Genus, Species

What is the life cycle of animals?

2n -> Meiosis -> Gametes -> Fertilization -> Zygote -> Mitosis

What is the life cycle for plants and algae?

2N -> Meiosis -> Mitosis/ Spores ->
N -> Gametes/Mitosis -> Fertilization -> 2N Zygotes / Mitosis

What is haploid?

contains only one of each 23 chromosomes in the human genome.

What is a diploid?

A cell or nucleus containing cells from each parent

What is a gamete?

A mature haploid male or female cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote

What is a zygote?

a diploid cell resulting from two haploid gametes

What is meiosis?

cell division that results in 4 daughter cells each with half the chromosomes from the parent cell.

What is mitosis?

Cell division that results in two daughter cells having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus

What is the vascular tissue?

consisting of phloem and xylem, transports water and nutrients throughout the trees

What is a gymnosperm?

A plant that has seeds that are unprotected by an ovary or fruit. Includes conifers, cycads, and ginkgo

What is an angiosperm?

A plant that has flowers and and produces seeds enclosed within a carpel. Includes most herbaceous plants, shrubs, grasses, and most trees

Where does meiosis occur?

in the stamen, ovary, ovule, and seed

What is bilateral symmetry and radial symmetry?

bilateral is can be cut in half evenly, radial is like a pizza

What are Protostomes?

a multicellular organisms whos mouth develops from a primary embryonic opening , such as annelid, mollusk or arthropod

What are deuterostomes?

multicellular organism whos first opening becomes the anus

What are the four things that all chordata have at some stage in their life spans?

Notochord (allows movement), pharyngeal slits (gills), dorsal hollow nerve chord, post anal tail

What are the 3 main branches of the mammalian phylogeny?

Monotremes, Marsupials, eutherians

What are Montremes-Prototheria known for?

egg layers (oviparous)

What are marsupials- metatheria known for?

shelled embryo, live birth (vivaparous)

What are Placentals - eutheria known for?

live birth w/ placenta

4 things that will determine if a species is present

1. Dispersal, 2. Want to live there, 3. Other species allowed, 4. Environment

What are seedless vascular plants?

Produce and spread through spores, plants that contain vascular tissue but do not flower or seed

example: ferns, club moss

Defining characteristics of ecdysozoa?

three layered cuticle