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29 Cards in this Set

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Order of soils from smallest to biggest

Clay < 0.002 mm

Silt 0.002 <--> 0.05mm

Sand > 0.05

Smaller particle soils hold water better or worse? Why?

Better, because there is less space between particles for gravity to pull water down

Properties of soil

Color, Texture, Moisture

Is intraspecific or interspecific competition stronger? Why?

Interspecific competition is stronger because same species have the same niche width.

What is GPP? Where does it come from?

Gross primary production, total amount of chemical energy obtained from light per unit time. Occurs through photosynthesis

What is NPP? How do you calculate it?

Net Primary Production. The energy left over after use of energy for cellular respiration and maintenance of existing tissues.

NPP = GPP - respiration [by plants]

What is AET?

Actual evapotranspiration. the process by which water in transferred to the atmosphere from evaporation in soil and other surfaces and transpiration from plants.

Evaporation + Transpiration

What is transpiration?

Water from soil -> plants -> atmosphere

What is trophic efficiency, how do you calculate it?

Trophic efficiency is efficiency with energy transferred from one trophic level to the next.

Trophic level efficiency = Energy available at next level / energy available at one level. =input/output

What is the Rule of thumb/ Ten percent rule with energy flow?

Due to the system being imperfect, Output > input. around 10% of the input will be the output to the next level.

1000 Joules -> 100 Joules -> 10 Joules -> 1 Joule

How does the second law of thermodynamics apply to energy flow between trophic levels?

organisms lose heat with each trophic level while producing their output to the next level

What is Nitrogen fixation?

The process by which Nitrogen NO2 in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia NH3.

What are the two steps of nitrification?

Nitrification begins with the oxidization of ammonia to nitrite, then is followed by oxidization of nitrite to nitrate.

What is denitrification?

The process of nitrate reduction, that ultimately produces Nitrogen N2. Completes the Nitrogen cycle.

What are the two forms of Advantageous Resemblance?

Crypsis and mimicry

What are two defenses against predation?

advantageous resemblance and aposematic coloration

What is Crypsis? Give an example.

Matches background, looks inedible.

stick bug

What is mimicry?

Resemblance to a non-related species living in the area.

What are the two types of mimicry? Define them

Batesian mimicry: creature resembles a non edible version of a closely related species.

Mullerian mimicry: Unpalatable species resemble one another

What is aposematic coloration?

Bright colors warn of consequences to predators. Warning coloration

What will happen to N1 if species 2 is absent? (N2 = 0)

N1 will K1 (will increase to carrying capacity

What are the four possible outcomes of the competition equations?

Species 1 succeeds over species 2, species 2 succeeds over species 1, unstable equilibrium in which species most abundant at outset usually succeeds, and finally stable equilibrium where both coexist at lower rate than if they were alone.

Why are predator-prey models unrealistic?

Prey populations are limited by food resources and not just predation. No predator can eat infinite number of prey.

What is true predation?

Encounters few prey, kills soon after capture

what is grazing?

encounters many prey, few are killed. (sheep eating grass)

What is parasitism and disease?

Encounters few prey, kill long after capture

What are effects of competition on both species?

both negative (-) (-)

What are effects of mutualism on both species?

(+) (+) both positive

What are effects of predation on both species?

(+) (-)