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46 Cards in this Set

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Faecal deposits are called?

Worm castings

Metameres are about __in no?


How are the dorsal and ventral parts marked by?

Dark median mid dorsal line

Presence of genital openings

What is prostomium?

Sensory in function

1st body segment?


Clitellum present b/w? What are they? What tissue do they have?


Prominent dark band of glandular tissue

Body is divided into?

Preclitellar,Clitellar and PostClitellar Segments

Spermathecal Apertures are on? How many?

Ventrolateral sides of intersegmented grooves ie 5-9

4 pairs

A female pore is present in?

In midventral line

Male genital pore are?

Ventrolateral sides of 18 segments

What are numerous minute pores?


Where are the setae absent?

1st,last and clitellum (14-16)

Where are the setae present?

Embedded in epidermal pits in middle of each segment

Body wall is covered by?

Thin noncellular cuticle

Oesophagus is


Mouth is


Intestinal caecum is

26th segment

Broken down molecules are absorbed by?

Intestinal membranes

Blood glands are? They produce?

4-6 segments

Produce blood cells which are phagocytic in nature

Whre is haemoglobin?

Dissolved in plasma

Septal Nephridia are

15 to last segment

Pharyngeal nephridia?

4-6 segments

Integumentary nephridia are?


Where are the each nephridia present?

Septal - on both sides of intersegmental septa

Integumentary - attached to lining of body wall

Pharyngeal - present as 3 paired tufts

Setae are not found in?


Clitellar region


Nerve cord is

Ventral paired

Sensory system?

No eyes but has receptor cells (possess light & touch sensitive organs)

Specialized chemoreceptors are?

Taste receptors

Where are the sense organs present?

Anterior part of worm

Nerve cord present? Structure? Nerve ring formation?

Anterior region (3-4 segment)

Laterally encircles the pharynx and joins cerebral ganglia to form nerve ring

Cerebral Ganglia + other nerves in ring are for?

Sensory input + command muscular responses

Spermathecal apertures?

Four pairs,5-9 segments

Testis present in? No.?

10-11 segment

Two pairs

Ovaries are paired and attached to?

Inter-segmental septum of 12-13 segments

Accessory glands present?

17-19 segments

Single median genital pore in?

14 segment

What joins to form female genital pore?

Ovarian funnel

Vas deferentia is?

18th segment

Male genital pore formed by? Present in?

18th segment

Prostatic duct open to form genital pore

What is absnet in coelomic fluid of earthworm?


Mating process called?


Cocoons produced by?

Gland cells of clitellum

Fertilization occurs in?

Inside cocoon

Produces how many worms? Time?

Avg - 4

2-20 worms

After 3 weeks

Spermathecal pores are in?

5-9 segment grooves

Development is?
