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32 Cards in this Set

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He was President Washington's secretary of the Treasury and was given the job to repay Revolutionary war debt

U.S Bank

Hamilton's plan to reapy the war debt included a tariff; a tax on whiskey, federal assumption of state debt and this
Whiskey Rebellion
President Washington sent troops to put down this re olt showing power of the new federal governement
loose contructionist
This type of person believes that the federal government has implied powers which are practiced using the elastic clause
Strict constructionist
This type of person believes that that the federal government must use its delegated powers only, a d limit use of the elastic clause
Political Parties
Divisions between founding fathers led to these organisations of people with similar political beliefs
Jays Treaty
This treaty during Washingtons presidency ensured that British troops would finally evacuate U.S territory
Alien and Sedition Acts
These laws were signed be President Adams and the Federalist Congress were unconstitutional, violating citizens rights
New Orleans
Fearing the the Mississippi River would be closed due to U.S traffic, President Jefferson tried to but this port from France.
Louissiana Purchase
Jefferson bought this land from France , congress justified his unconstitutional act as a loose example of treaty making
Lewis and clark
President Jefferson sent these two adventurers to explore the Louissiana Purchase to the Pacific for development
Barbary Pirates
Jefferson sent US naval ships to battle these groups who wer siezing American ships in the Mediterranean

Embargo Act

Jeffersons law prohibiting trade with other nations to remaim neutral in the French/British war, it hurt the US economy

Thomas Jefferson

While Hamilton believed in manufacturing and a powerful president, he favored agriculture he limited president

Permanent Alliances

During his "Farewell Address", President Washington warned the U.S to avoid these in its foreign affairs

XYZ Affair

American's were angered by this event, in which Federalist Congress were unconstitutional, violating Citens rights

Revolution of 1800

In the election of 1800, in which Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans ousted the Federalists from power, was called this.

War Hawks

These were Congressmen who wanted the war of 1812 with Britain in order to conquer Canada for the U.S


This was the British practice of capturing American sailors and forcing them to serve on British ships' a cause of the war of 1812


This was an affect of the war of 1812, along with growth of factories and lessened dependence on foreign trade.

Hartford Convention

Federalists at this meeting during the war of 1812 proposed constitutional amendments they threatened secession

Transportation Revolution

This society wide change opened new routes to to the Western Frontier

National Road

This turnpike between Virginia and Illinois was paved with planks and charged tolls for maintaining the road

Erie Canal

Though this waterway made the transport of materials from the West quicker, it isolated the South, causing sectionalism.


This invention by Robert Fulton increased the speed of river, and canal traffic increasing the transport of bulk goods.

John Marshall

Supreme Court Chief Justice whose decisions increased the power of the court, he was a "loose constructionist"

Marbury vs. Madison

This Supreme Court case involved a state attempting to the U.S bank and showed the federal government as the supreme law


Because each region was economically different, this belief of putting the interests of your nation first emerged.

Monroe Doctorine

This foreign policy made the US the "Protector of the Western Hemisphere" warning against recolonizing

The Americas

The Monroe Doctrine closed these to further colonization by European nations

Latin America

Revolts for Independence in this region caused President Monroe to issue his doctorine


Though the Monroe Doctrine protected protected the America's, this was our continued policy towards European affairs