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115 Cards in this Set

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1. List key questions to obtain a health history for the respiratory system. (8 total)
2)Shortness of breath,
3)chest pain (note inspiration expiration),
4) hx: resp infection/ allergies,
5) History of smoking
6) chest surgery
7) environmental exposure
8) self care
What are the functions of the plurae?
contains lubricating fluid,
neg pressure lung to chestwall active in lung expansion.
What two muscles are used in inspiration?
diaphram and intercostal muscles
Is expiration or inspiration active or passive?
Inpiration is active
Expiration is passive
What 4 muscle/muscle groups are utilized in forced expiration:
2) Scaleni
3) trapezious
4) abd. muscles
What is a normal ratio AP to transverse diameter in an infant under age of 6
AP=Transverse diameter
In a normal adult aged > 6years
What is the normal ration of AP to transverse diameter
AP<Transverse diameter
1:2 to 5:7
What condition does a person have if a adult has an equal Anterio posterior diameter and transverse diameter
"Barrel chested"
hyperinflation of lungs
Chronic emphysema and Asthma
By what age should the AP to transverse diameter be 1:2 to 5:7
What two may limit thoracic cage excursion
What severity of deviation from normal in scoliosis mark a person at risk for impaired cardiopulmonary function
>45 degrees
Who has the most prevalence of scoliousis and what age
adolescent girls
A hump back spine is what configuration
A S shaped spine is
When AP=transverse
Barrell chest
Infant under age 6
emphysema asthma hypervent
A Pigion breast is what spine config
Pectus Carinantum
A funnel breast is what spine configuration
Pectus Ecavatom
What is normal diaghragmatic excursion in adults
3 to 5 cm
What condition would extend diaghramatic excursion to 7 to 8 cm
well condition people
What would a high level of dullness and absence of excusion during diaghragmatic excursion indicate? what two diseases would be expected?
fluid in space between pleura
1) plueral effusion
2) atelectasis of lower lobes
What lung has 3 lobes?
the right
What lung is slightly higher due to location of liver
The sternal angle is also known as the
Angle of louis
What does the angle of loui mark
tracheal bifurcation
start counting ribs
What is a normal costal angel
90 or <
A costal angle of what would indicate chronic overinflated lungs or emphysemia
What rib and line describe the upper horzontal fissure border of the right lung
4th rib, mid sternal line
What anatomical landmarks mark the distal portion of the right middle lobe
5 th rib and mid axilary line
the inferior border of both oblique fissures can be found at
6th rib and the midclavicular line
The superior boder of the Right Lower Lobe and Left Lower Lobe can be located on what anatomical structure
What lung has 3 lobes?
the right
What lung is slightly higher due to location of liver
The sternal angle is also known as the
Angle of louis
What does the angle of loui mark
tracheal bifurcation
start counting ribs
What is a normal costal angel
90 or <
A costal angle of what would indicate chronic overinflated lungs or emphysemia
What rib and line describe the upper horzontal fissure border of the right lung
4th rib, mid sternal line
What anatomical landmarks mark the distal portion of the right middle lobe
5 th rib and mid axilary line
the inferior border of both oblique fissures can be found at
6th rib and the midclavicular line
The superior boder of the Right Lower Lobe and Left Lower Lobe can be located on what anatomical structure
Where should you start posterior chest auscultation and where do you end
start c7 to T10
Which lung is shorter why
The right lung is shorter than the left becauase of the location of the liver
which lung is narrower why
left location of heart
When Aucultation what part of the chest contains the majority of upper and middle lobes
anterior chest
when auscultating what part of the chest contains mostly lower lobes
What side of lung has no middle lobe
What is the breathing rate of a healthy adult
10-20 / min
What is the normal adult depth in ml of respiration
500 to 800ml
What is the ratio of FEV/FVC of a normal outcome of an adult patient with a spirometer
75% or greater
What FEV1/FCV of a patient with mild obstruction to airflow
Moderate obstruction would measure what with the use of a spirometer
What type of obstruction occurs when FEV1/FCV is 50% or lower
Sever obstruction
What is the normal Pulse oximetry result
95%-97% and greater
What is the normal ration of Pules to respiration
4 pulses to one respiration
What normal part of respiration occurs to expand avioli
continued sighing leads to what two disorders
2) Dizziness
What type of respiration is shallow rapid short breathing
What respiratory rate indicates tachypnea
What 4 pathologic conditions result in tachypnea respirations
1) respiratory insufficiency
2) Pneumonia
3) alkalosis
4) Pluerosy and leasons in pons
What type of respiratory pattern is slow and regular
What respiratory rate indicates bradypnea
<10/ min
What respiratory pattern is Irregular and slow
What respiratory pattern is due to prolonged bedrest or conscious splinting of the chest to avoid respiratory pain
What are the 3 causes of bradypnea
1) drug induced resp depression of medulla
2) Increased ICP
3) diabetic coma
What respiratory pattern is an increase in both rate and depth
What respirary pattern is present in diabetic ketoacidosis, hepatic coma, and lesions of the midbrain
What respiratory pattern blows of CO2
What may result from hyperventilation. What does hyperventilation cause (what does blowing off CO2) cause
What respiratory pattern generally wax's and weynes in a regular pattern.
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
What is the most common cause of Cheyne stokes respiration
Severe heart failure
Where does cheyne-stokes appear nonpathologically
Normal infants
Elderly in sleep
What respiratory pattern generally wax's and waynes irregularyly
What 5 possible conditions will manifest biots respiration
1) head trauma
2) heat stroke
3) Spinal Meningitus
4) brain abcess
5) encephalitus
Kussmaul respirations are what type of respiratory pattern
hyperventilatio associated with diabetic ketoacidosis.
Metabolic Acidosis will cause what breathing pattern
What respiratory pattern is marked by normal inspiration and prolonged expiration in all lung fields
chronic obstructive breathing
What is the sequence of Assessment techniques for thoracic and lung assessment
1) inspect
2) Palpate
3) percussion
3) Auscultate
What 3 factors can affect the intesity of tactile fremitus
1) relative location of bronchi to chest wall
2) Pitch and intensity
3) thickness of chest wall
What condition and disease would increased tactile fremitus be present in
increased desity of lung
What 4 pathological conditions would manifest decreased tactile fremitus
1) obstructed bronchus
2) pleural effusion
3) pneumothorax
4) emphysema
What percussion note is present when percussion over the scapula
What should you hear over the pleural cavities when percussion
Over what 3 organs should dullness be percussed when assessing the chest and thorax
What quadrant of the chest should tympani be percussed. Over what organ will tympani resonate.
LLQ Stomach
What may imitate the adventagious lung sound like crackles
hair on patients chest
What will minimalize artificial rales caused by pateints hairy chest
pressing the stethoscope harder
dampaning hair with wet cloth
What breath sound is high in pitch and loud in amplitude
When Auscultating breath sounds, what duration would be expected with bronchial breath sounds
Inpiration <Experation
What breath sound would be classified as hollow and tubular in quality
What breath sound is low in pitch and soft in amplitude
What is the duration of Inspiration compared to expiration in Vesicular breath sounds
Inspiration > Expiration.
What breath sound has equal inspiration and expiration
What type of advantageous breath sound is cracking and popping in quality (not cleared by cough)
fine crackle
What type of advantageous breath sound is a high pitch when inhaired air collides with deflated airway
fine crackles
Whan Fine crackles are heard in late inspiration what 3 diseases are possible causes
1) pneumonia
2) Heart Failure
3) Intistitial fibrosis
When Fine crackles are heard in early inpsiration what 3 diseases are possible causes
1)Chronic bronchitus
2) Chronic Asthma
3) Emphysema
When Fine crackles are heard in expiration what is taking place
sudden airway closing
What kind of adventagious sound is not cleared by coughing (hint rice crispies)
Fine crackles
What breath sound is caused by air colliding with secrettions in the trachea and large bronchi
course crackles
What crackle breath sound is low pitch and loud
course crackle
What 4 conditions will manifest course crackles
1) pulmonary edema
2) Pneumonia
3) pulmonary fibrosis
4) depressed cough reflex
Are course crackles cleared by cough
What crackle is high pitched but disapear after the first few breathes
Atelectatic crackles
What happens to avioli in atelectatic crakles are heard
Avioli are previously partially inflated and become fully inflated.
Under what 3 conditions will Atelectatic crackles be heard
1) Aging adults
2) bedridden person
3) just roused from sleep
High pitched polyphonic is what kind of wheezing
What two conditions may lead to sibilant wheezing
1) Asthma
2) emphysema
Sonorous Rhonchi are at what pitch and tune
Low pitch
What two conditions would cause sonorous Rhonchi
Bronchitus, Bronchal tumor
airway abstruction
A high pitch monophonic is what kind of wheezing
What two conditions would indicate stridor
coup and eppiglottis in children
Upper airway obstruction
When is stridor present on inspiration or expiration
Where is pleural friction rub heard best in
anteriolateral wall
What causes a pleural friction rub
Loss of lubrication of lung and chest wall
Name 5 Strategies to promote lung health
1) do not smoke, avoid second hand smoke

2) well ventilated enviroment no houshold chemicals

3) limit exposure to ozone
4) deep breathing exercise, regular exercise

5) Wear a mask to avoid exposure to resp illness and allergens.