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79 Cards in this Set

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Early endurance enhancement with "dope", what were used?
caffeine, cocaine, alcohol, nitroglycerine(vasodilator, +heart rate), strychnine(rat poison, stimulant)
The guy first used strychnine in 1904 olympics marathon, and won it, although he almost died.
How was adrenaline as stimulant drug? what sport is it ideal for?
not ideal due to short duration time and requires IV injection.
It's ideal for boxing.
Two types of stimulant used in WWII. What did the ally and Germans each use?
Amphetamine: decongestant, also makes you sleepless and fearless. The allies used it as part of their airforce.
Methamphatamine: Germans used for blitzberg.
First two cyclist in history to die due to performance enhance drug amphatamine.
Jensen: rome olympic.
Tom Simpson: tour de france
From nervous system point of view, which nervous system does amphatamine work on?
Sympathetic: fight or flight
Charles Éduard Brown-Séquard:
injected dog testicle for enhancing sex. applied doctrine of signatures (more detailed: Similia similibus). He got the idea right: internal secretions-Hormones
which professors are known to isolate testosterone?
Koch and McGee
Before the Soviets put testosterone (steroid) in heavy use, what were its other uses?
for inmate rehab (concentration camp survivors).
Also for race horses
Who was Dr. John Ziegler?
American learned the uses of anabolic steroids from the soviets, he reengineered testosterone to get rid of the androgenic effects.
Testosterone has two uses: anabolic(for growth), and also androgenic, what are some androgenic effects?
body and facial hair, heavy brow, vocal cords, acne, increased sex drive, testicle shrinkage, clitoral enlargement.
Who's the director of medicine, in charge of the east german swimming team? approximately when was steroids banned?
Hoppner, 1980
What does GC/MS work?
GC sort molecules based on retention time, while MS checks the exact mass of the molecule, and produce a distinct pattern for each molecule (KEYWORD: fingerprint)
what's the more common way of measuring steroid level for the olympic committee?
by measuring the ratio of two substances in the body
If testosterone to epitestosterone ratio is more than 4:1, the person is definitely something. How can the person beat the test (specific term involved)?
By masking, or inject epistestosterone in the body to bring the ratio down.
define masking by diuretics
beat the steroid test by increase urine production, which dilutes the testosterone level.
how does isotope helps to find out if a player used steroids or not?
the modern source of steroid is often from mexican yam, a plant source which its C13:C12 ratio is higher than than 1:99 (more C13)
3 health risk of steroids
liver damage
heart damage
nick name of Tetrahydragestrinone? what does it do? What's the name of the company that produces it?
"The Clear", it is a designer steroid to avoid detection.
Company name is BALCO: bay area laboratory cooperative
what sport did blood doping begin? approximately when was it banned?
USA cycling, 1985
recombinant erythropoietin (EPO): what is it, how is it manufactured?
it's a hormone (hormone) that controls red blood cell synthesis. can be used in any disease that requires blood transfusion. It's inserted into bacteria or yeast, and grown from it (recombinant protein).
athlete died from heart attack from using recombinant EPO because of its?
improper dosage used, which the blood became too thick with RBC, and causes heart attack.
How to test if someone doped with recombiant EPO? what's the keyword?
collect blood sample and centrifuge, and look at the HEMATOCRIT (the level of RBC, which would go to the bottom).
What's the new way of testing for recombinant EPO? specifically what are the ON and OFF methods?
using antibodies. test urine, and if high, confirm with blood test.
ON model: immediate use, measures ratio of Hb, EPO and soluable transferin factor.
OFF model: longer use (2-3 weeks): measures Hb, EPO and Reticulocyte.
What is gene therapy and how could you use it as a performance enhance drug?
insert gene into human by a virus. could be used for EPO gene. The only successful case of this the the bubble boy case.
Top 5 disease in WWII
STD, typhus, malaria, cholera, flu
2 early theories of disease, who were they disproved by?
spontaneous generation (disease created by God), disproved by Redi.
miasma theory (bad smell), disproved by Snow.
What is pasturization by louis pasteaur:
heat food to high temp to kill bacteria, then cool down to remove flavour.
Significance of Gram Stain:
different types of bacteria have different chemical compositions, which they could have different compositions from us.
First idea of antibiotics: what dye did Erlich come up with?
Trypan red: trypanosome is a microbe that can be dyed red. trypan red is a dye that binds to bacteria. He modified the dye to contain arsenic, which then is a poison to bacteria.
salvarsan 606, developed by Erlich: what it's made from and it treats for?
salv = safe. arsan=arsenic.
used to treat syphylis.
lots of side effect
prontosil: also a dye, widely used antibiotic. why does it only work in vivo?
what type of drug is this?
does it work on Gram positive or negative bacteria?
1. Prontosil only works in vivo in humans, as it is converted to sulfanilmide (caused the creation of FDA).
2.It's a type of sulfa drug.
3. Gram positive.
How does Sulfa drug work? what enzyme does it bind to stop its activity?
they do not kill bacteria but are bacteriastatic (stabilize bacteria growth while give your immune system time). It works by mimmic other substance which as it binds to dihydropteroate synthase, the enzyme becomes non functional.
two discoverers:
Place of mass production:
method of mass production
Flemming: original discoverer
Florey and Chain: isolated penicillin, did the key experiment.
United States, Illinois
Merck Production Method
What are Dianobol and Stanozolo?
first generation anabolic steroids made.
What antibiotic celphalosporin related to? its mechanism?
penicilin. has beta lactam ring that inhibits bacteria cell wall synthesis.
how does streptomycin work? what other drug is related to it?
stops protein synthesis by acting on ribosome. a related drug is tetracycline.
What type of drug is Quinlone? how does it work?
an example of Quinlone?
prevents DNA from unwinding + replicating.
what is Quinlone drugs notoriously known for
bacteria can easily develop resistance to Quinlone drugs.
What are MRSA,Necrotizing fasciitis, and Clostridium difficile.
All are strains of bacteria that develop resistance to antibiotics.
MRSA is the general type, subtype Necrotizing fasciitis gives the flesh eating disease.
Clostridium difficile cause antibiotic resistance related diahrea.
Rank the following 4 disease in terms of leading cause of death caused by smoking:
cancer, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, chronic lower respiratory disease.
1. heart disease.
2. cancer
3. cerebrovascular
4. respiratory.
What is the bonsack machine?
does the mass production of cigarettes
What does Flue-Curing do in terms of cigarettes?
Makes the smoke from cigarettes less harsh. so it's easier to smoke them.
true or false
toxicity = risk x exposure
if false, what's the correct formula
false: risk = toxicity x exposure
what neurotransmitter does nicotine mimick? what neurotransmiter does it release to make smoking so addictive?

safer cigarette alternatives:
describe them
eclipse uses charcoal at the end, which burns cleaner.
accord uses battery to release nicotine.
what does the alternative to smoking "Chantix" contain? how does it work?
Chantix contains varenicline. varenicline is a modified form of cytisine, which it mimmicks the effect of nicotine.
what is CD4 and CD8 cells? what are their respective functions?
CD4 is helper T cells, while CD8 is killer T cell.
CD8 recognizes the viral protein fragments on cell surface, specifically, MHC receptors, and kills the infected cell. CD4 sends the signal to kill the cell, and is acted as a backup system.
What is the purpose of memory cells.
it allows you to generate an IMMEDIATE, specific response soon the invader is seen.
Who developed the first cow pox vaccine? what's the official name of small pox?how does cow pox work?
Edward Jenner.
It's a weaker version of the Variola virus, which it works by attenuation.
What's Pasteaur's contribution in vaccine?
attenuation: heating virus to weaken it.
introduced the booster shot.
What are the two types of polio vaccines? how do they work?
Salk vaccine: dead virus, injected + booster shot, defective batch which caused its unpopularity.
Sabin vaccine: attenuated virus (alive, but weaken), oral, no booster, more popular.
What is theWakefield study relating to vaccines?
fake study tried to associate vaccine with autism.
What does thiomersal preservative of the vaccine contains? is it safe?
it contains mercury, and it's safe.
What is a vaccine adjuvant? what was it made of, now?
an additive that allows a stronger immune response, which no longer requires booster shot.
originally it's made from alum (inorganic), then made from oil, now it's made from squalene
What is the new generation of vaccine?
how is it made?
give an example. hint: it's for cervical cancer
recombinant vaccine: it's recombinant protein of the virus (CAPSID) that was grown in yeast.
example would be: Guardisil, Hepatitis B.
Does AIDS affect:
0.1% of the adults on Earth.
What are the 3 phases of AIDS?
1. accute phase - fever
2. chronic phase-settle down, but HIV is virulent and slowly killing CD4 cells.
3.AIDs phase: when most CD4 cells are compromised, which person will die to secondary infection.
What's the world market per year in terms of drugs?
6 trillion
6 billion
60 billion
600 billion
6 billion
what's the canadian market for drugs per year?

5 billion, 20 billion, 100 billion, 200 billion.
20 billion
how many types of drugs are available on the Canadian market?
5000, 10000, 100,000, 1000
The aids drug AZT works by preventing DNA synthesis of HIV virus. what method of development is this drug made from?
Rational design: making drug one atom at a time.
What is high throughput screening (HTS)?
random testing reagents vs microbes.
What is a lead compound? Where is it found in?
a positive hit from HTS (high throughput screen), which drugs are going to be optimized from this compound.
What does the first efficacy test taken place? is it in vivo, or in vitro?
Philipines, Panlabs, it runs test tube analysis, so in vitro.
The number of animals used for drug testing per year?
hundred thousands
ten thousands
tens of millions
tens of millions, 60,000,000 per year.
What is a drug excipient?
what are fillers?
non medical ingredient of a drug
Fillers is a type of excipient which it ensures accurate drug quantity.
What's the difference between excipient stabilizer vs preservative?
stabilizer protect drug against chemical degradation, such as atmosphere.
Preservative protects against biological degradation, such as bacteria, mold.
What's the failure rate of Clinical trials for a drug?
20, 50, 80, 90%
Describe the 3 phases of clinical trials in terms of the
1. number of people,
2. its purpose
I. 100 healthy volunteers, safety only.
II. 100-300: safety + efficacy
III. 1000s: safety + efficacy + rare side effect.
What is the nuremberg code? what are its 5 key aspects?
ethics code, for medical testing, you require:
given consent, prior animal study, benefit>risk, qualified scientist, no suffering.
What is the infamous Tuskgee study:
infect syphilis to black men, and observe effect. denied them treatment even when penicilin came out.
who discovered amphatamine, and what effect did he notice?
Gordon Alles. He noticed it was an decongestant, and also make you sleepless
Who was John Manson, what drug did he create?
Worked with the prof. he created stanozolol, which Ben Johnson was found to be doped with.
Ed Bruke in 1984 cycling, what did he do?
he started the blood doping of the us cycling athletes.
What type of sports did doping first use for? Endurance or Fast action?
Endurance such as cycling and marathon.
What's the first sport amphatamine used for? was it successful? What's the first sport it killed the athlete?
100 m dash, not idea, as amphatmine is suitable for ENDURANCE activities. It first killed Jensen at cycling.
Phases of aids, what came first, second and third?
chronic, acute, aids phase.
In the battle vs aids in the chronic phase, what determines the battle is lost?
depeltion of B cells
depletion of CD4 cells
Depletion of CD8 cells
Depletion of cd 4 cells.