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24 Cards in this Set

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Why are street drugs illegal? (3)
1. Adverse health effects
2. Affect personal life (family, employment, travel)
3. Damage society (costs, safety, economy)
What do some younger kids tend to use to get high? (2)
Solvents (liquid paper, dry erase markers)
Nitrous oxyde (propellant in cool whip)
Why is Marijuana illegal?
The law prohibited marijuana use in hopes of lowering the high crime rates in New Orleans back in the 30s.

Marijuana Tax Act of 1937
What's the active ingredient in Marijuana? What is it extracted from?
- THC (tetra-hydro-canna-binol)
- The resin on the marijuana leaves/buds
What effect does THC have on your body?
- It's an anandamide agonist (inhibits pain response)
- Produces euphoria in your brain
- Impairs your memory
- Slows reaction time (don't smoke and drive)
- Nausea
What are some examples prescribed THC?
- Marional (decrease appetite)
- Sativex (MS treatment for uncontrollable muscle contractions)
The science for medical marijuana is weak (the placebo effect when taking marijuana is what's strong)
How many marijuana uses in Canada?

- 15 million
- 1.5 million
- 150 million
- 150 thousand
1.5 million
What's "herbal incense" (or JWH-018)?
"Fake" pot that is similar to marijuana.
- It's now illegal
- Leaves are spiked with synthetic analgesics + cannaboids
Which drug has been used as a stimulant for centuries?

- Marijuana
- Heroin
- Cocaine
- Popular stimulants for some civilizations in high altitudes (consume cocaine like coffee)
Cocaine in Coke?
Coca cola is made out of coca leaves. In the past, the cocaine from the coca leaves weren't extracted, and there was cocaine in coca cola. A company called Stepan Chemical in New Jersey allowed to use coca leaves in their products
Products that had cocaine
- Coca cola
- Vin Mariani
- Shampoo
How was cocaine made illegal?
Risk > benefits
- Harrison Tax act of 1914
Products that are based on the cocaine molecule?
- Stepan chemical (topical anesthetic)
- Novocaine (dental anesthetic)
What's the difference between cocaine hydrochloride and crack cocaine?
Hydrochloride: 100$ to get high (much bigger dose required)

Crack cocaine: 2$ to get high (+ smaller dose)
- Crack cocaine is given to teens for free to get them addicted + get consumers
Why is cocaine unsatisfying?
- Effect lasts 15 minutes
- Least satisfying drug
How does cocaine affect your body?
- Inhibits dopamine reuptake (allows accumulation of dopamine for a short amount oftime).
- Seizures
- Psychiatric disturbances ("coke bugs")
- stokes
-Cardiac arrhythmia
- Death
What's most dangerous about cocaine?
Addiction is extremely strong (has strong bio and psych effects), and it is the least satisfying drug, so you always craving some if you are addicted.
Who discovered Amphetamines?

- Max Jackobson
- Gordon Allex
-Timothy Leary
Gordon Alles
How do amphetamines work in your body
Dopamine agonist.
Low/normal doses: Stimulates your sympathetic system (fight or flight)
High doses: Parasympathetic system stimulated
How did soldiers get high on Benzedrine (an inhaler)?
They used to dissolve it in coca cola's acidity and drink it.
Dr feelgood - who was he and what did he do?
- Kennedy's doctor Max Jacobson
- Prescribed amphetamines to many people, so called Dr feelgood
What's amphetamine psychosis?
- Causes extreme aggression, auditory and visual hallucinations similar to schizophrenia, and paranoid psychosis to those taking too much amphetamines
What's Sudafed? What was it used for?
Sudafed was an OTC decongestant. Now its an under the counter drug (you have to ask to get it). It was used to make meth.
What are some of the effects of amphetamines/methamphetamine?
- Increases aggression
- Can be used to treat depression
- Amphetamine psychosis
-Dries up your runny nose
- Potent vasoconstrictor (can block blood circulation on your skin + teeth and damage them - necrosis)
- Addictive to your body (people will do anything to get it)