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55 Cards in this Set

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functions of the digestive system
digestion, absorption, elimination
break down of food into particles small enough to pass through the plasma membrane
the transfer of nutrients into the circulation
removal of undigested waste material
lack of appetite
binge eating followed by self-vommitting
gall bladder stones
inflammation of the gallbladder
vomitting blood
acessory organs
salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
four layers of the digstive tract
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth nmuscle, serous membrane
mucous membrane
named because its epithelial layer contains many mucus secreting cells
mucus secreting cells(globet cells)
digestive juice- secreting cells
contains blooe vessels and nerces that help regulate digestion
small intestine many mucous producing glands protecting intestine from acidic material from stomach
smooth muscle
layers - aid in peristalsis to propel food through the digestive tract and mixes it with digestive juices
serous membrane
organsi n the abdominopelvic cavity- thin moist tissue
loose connective tissue
outermost membrane that secrets a serous fluid
membran that lines the abdominopelvic cavity
-parietal peritoneum
-visceral peritoneum
parietal peritoneum
lines the abdominal cavity
folds over the organs
inflammation of the peritonium
organs of the digestive tract/GI tract
mouth, pharynx, esophagus,stomach, SI,LI
digestion of starch salivary amylase
oral cavity processes food
ingestion, mastication, mixing with saliva,deglution(swallowing)
parasymphathetic stimulation
sypathetic stimulation
increases activity too fast cannot absorp
decreases activity slow down constipation inadequate absorption of nutrients
villi in mucosa of small intestine(ateriole and venule bridged with cappillaries)
capillaries absorb
capillaries absorb
simple sugars
small proteins
amino acids
simple fatty acids
absorption: portal system
portal system transports nutrients to liver
absorbed directly into the blood
dissolved in water, C+B
absorbed with fats
incorporated in fats A,D,E,K
muscular tube (25cm) long
no digestion
carries food to stomach
hiatus hernia
weakness causing a portion of the stomach to protrude up through this space (dont lie down)
hiatial hernia
lower part of esophagus and stomach slides up through the diaphragm into thorax
(heart burn, pain, feeling of fullness, and refluux of stomach acid into esophagus causing ulceration and bleeding)
swallowing- a coordinated effort
tongue pushes bolus back
involunatry swallow reflex
soft palate + uvula raised seal off nasopharynx
tongue is raised to seal off the back of the oral cavity
epiglottis guards the trachea
swallow food moves into the esophagus
peristalisis moves food into stomach
lower esophageal sphincter
cardiac sphincter
between the esophagus and the stomach
-separates the region of the stomach that is close to the heart
pyloric sphincter
far end of the stomach and the small intestine
-regulates how rapidly food moves through the small intestine
stores food and liquid
breaks down food by churning action and gastric juices
when the stomach is empty the lining forms many folds. and vice versa
gastric juice
secreted by special cells in the lining of the stomach
protein digestin enzyme activated only when food enters the stomach and HCL is produced
strong acid that helps break down proteins
greek for juice
highly acidic
semi-liquid mixture of gastic juice and food
enters the small intestine
small intestine structure
longest part of the digestive tract
duodenum(digestive juices enter from the liver and gallbladder)
secret mucus
secret enzymes
absorp digested food
stool is liquid and unformed at this stage
villi in small intestine
absorb digested food
increase surface area
contain blood vessels and lacteals->transport fat molecules
large intestine structure
anal canal(anal sphincter)
large intestine function
secret mucous
reabsorp water
form feces- final firming stool
bacteria in the large intestine produce vitmin K and B
acessory organs releace secretions through ducts into digestive tract
mouth, all othe organs to duodenum, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
the liver: the hepatic
bile leaves the liver by two ducts that form
the gall bladder:the common bile duct
after collecting bile from the gall bladder
the gall bladder: cystic duct
bile from liver flows into the hepatic duct then to the _________ connected with the gallbladder
common bile duct
common hepatic duct(liver) cystic duct(gallbladder), pancreatic duct(pancreas) all merge to the
the liver
manufacture bile
modify fats for more efficient use by cells
right and left lobes
portal vein, hepatic artery blood supply
the gallbladder
stores bile, main function is to emulsify fats
the pancreas
exocrine function-into the organ thru a duct
produces alkaline fluid to neutralize acidic chyme in the small intestine
-endocrine function secrets into the blood
-produces insulin and glucagon to regulate sugar metabolism
enzymes and the digestive process
are proteins
are highly specific in their actions
help split nutrient molecules