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35 Cards in this Set

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compare the matrix of cartilage with that of bone

cartilage matrix has matrix of collagen and elastic fibers while bone matrix has calcium, inorganic salts

identify the fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength

collagen fibers

how is hyaline cartilage different from elastic or fibrocartilage

fibers usually not visible

what tissue has lacunae, calcium salts and blood vessels

osseous tissue

name the blast cell for blood production


most predominant organelles in goblet cells and other glandular epithelium

rough ER, golgi complex and secretory vessels

describe simple columnar epithelium that forms absorptive cells of digestive tract

single layer of tall closely packed cells, columnar cells are most associated with absorption and secretion because of dense microvilli on apical surface and tubular glands that secrete mucus, also have cilia which help move substances

where is pseudo stratified columnar epithelium found

trachea, most of upper respiratory tract

what type of epithelium forms the lining of serous membranes

simple squamous

general composition of connective tissue

ground substance and fibers

what cell types are found in areolar connective tissue

mast cells and some white blood cell

name the type of tissue that maintains shape of ear

elastic cartilage

what type of gland secretes its product directly into the blood rather than through ducts

endocrine gland

what type of epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells but are all in contact with basement membrane

psedostratfied columnar

many layerd epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at surface

stratified squamous

what causes edema

excess fluid trapped in body tissues

what structure prevents heart muscles from separating

demosomes, a type of junction

type of tissue that lines arteries veins and lympatics


muscle tissue

cardiac smoothh and skeletal, gives muscle ability to contract and have mobility

list steps of tissue repair

inflammation, organization and regeneration

three main components of connective tissue

ground substance, fibers and cells

describe adipose tissue

fat tissue, has great nutrient storing ability, insulation and energy storage

type of tissue that are shock absorbing between vertebrae


two types of fat

visceral(surrounding organs) and subcutaneous (beneath skin)

type of connective tissue tendons ligaments composed of

dense regular

what type tissue are macrophages found

loose connective tiissue, areolar

epithelial membrane that lines closed ventral cavities

serous membrane

membrane that lines body cavities open to exterior


where is stratified squamous found

lining of mouth

what lines digestive and respiratory tracts


what lines blood vessels and hearrt


order of epidermal layers

stratum corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

types of skin cancer and severity

squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma(most dangerous)

what are the most abundant cells of epidermis


protein found in epidermis responsible for toughening skin
