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14 Cards in this Set

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what is g?

general intelligence is the concept that general intelligence as a single factor that influences all cognitive function

what is a stanford binet test?

a modern version of first IQ test, testing verbal and non verbal items

what is raven's standard progressive matrices?

a non verbal intelligence test requiring analogous reasoning on geometric shapes n patterns, designed to be culture free

what is fluid intelligence?

a fundamental factor in intelligence that represents the ability to think and reason on your feet.

what is crystallized intelligence?

a fundamental factor in intelligence that represents the knowledge accumulated of an individual

what did alfred binet do?

he wanted to measure child's intelligence and potential,

genetic general intelligence, predict the effect of education

educational service categorization

what is WISC?

Wechsler intelligence scale, measures verbal and performance to combine in overall score. (WASI is the adult ver n has same componenets)

what are monozygotic and dizygotic twins?

MZ are identical twins that share 100% of genetic material cuz they develop from a single egg n sperm

DZ fraternal twins who share 50% of genetic material cuz they develop from separate eggs

why does heritability of IQ increase as children ages?

1.statistical error in younger children(dk what to do in test etc)

2.genes may determine life exp(vulnerable to disease)


how does SES affect heritability of IQ?

high SES: optimal environment,variance due to genes

low SES: environment might contribute relatively more than genes

still under debate

what is the flynn effect and what are some possible causes?

the increase in IQ scores from one gen. to another(avrg=3 points),cannot be explained by an increase in intelligence in population. could be due to btr education, parenting style, nutrition

elardo tested IQ of children at 3yr & 4/5 yr, they were put in an enriched environment at 6months n 24 months, what happened?

enriched environment score correlated substantial with ltr iq(.44 to .7), also applies to adopted children

why does iq decrease with each successive child?

emotional n intellectual attention decreases with each child,

larger families bck then had lower ses, so less money spent per child

what are the contradicting findings regarding how nutrition affects IQ?

bention & roberts: vitamins gave an IQ of 9 compared to placebo

schoenentaler: replicated in USA, crombie n colleagues could not replicate in scotland

additives only improve IQ in children who were previously impoverished