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108 Cards in this Set

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what are the two driving desires for a change of direction for dance in the 20th century were...
1) to return to expressive motivation and personal vision 2) to revolt against the formal design and patterned movement of ballet
what influences an artist besides one's individual impulse to express inner thought and feeling through movement?
trends in the other arts, social, political, religious, spiritual, philosophical issues
where did the first glimmerings of modern dance begin?
America and Germany
Who were delsarte and dalcroze?
19th century european movement theorists
what did delsarte and dalcroze pioneer?
both devised different methods in understanding human movement
delsarte believed in _____ while dalcroze developed a method called ______
freedom and relaxation, eurythmics
what is eurythmics?
teaches concepts of rhythm, structure, and musical expression using movement,
Rudolf von Laban devised systems of ______ and _____ dance and all movement, which is still in use today
analyzing and notating
What did Mary Wigman's works deal with?
struggle between conflicting powers
What were Mary Wigman's two innovative uses of music?
silence and she would create the music after her choreography was completed
Which Mary Wigman student opened a Wigman school in NYC?
Hanya Holm
Who became the first modern dancer to successfully choreography for Broadway musicals?
Hanya Holm
Who was the mother of modern dance?
Isadora Duncan
Where did Isadora Duncan receive her inspiration?
nature, inside herself, and ancient Greek art
What were Isadora Duncan's reasons for dancing?
spiritual and emotional
What kinds of music did Isadora Duncan choose for training and performances?
the finest classical music and symphonies, serious concert pieces
What kinds of costumes and decor did Isadora Duncan use?
greek style tunics in bare feet with plain curtains hanging behind
who were two other american pioneers of the modern dance movement?
Ruth St. Dennis and Ted Shawn
Why did Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn found the Denishawn school?
they felt that America was laking the integration of body and spirit the way they had observed in Indian, Japanese, and Asian dance forms
How did St. Dennis continue to influence dance in America after her partnership with Shawn ended? Shawn?
she continued to teach dance and form liturgical dance movement in choirs and church groups; he became a teacher and author
Who were the most illustrious graduates of the Denishawn school?
Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, and Wildman
What was Martha Graham's devised system of muscular tension and relaxation known as?
contraction and release
What is contraction and release based on?
breath and breathing
What did Martha Graham's technique and performing style include?
seated exercises for flexible hips and spines, standing exercises for strength, controlled falls
what type of themes did Martha Graham like to choreographically explore?
pre-christian, christian, american pioneers, greek tragedies
Christian Themes
American Pioneers
Greek Tragedies
Primitive Mysteries, Appalachian Spring, Night Journey
Why did many of Martha Graham's talented dancers leave her company?
to explore their own movement ideas
What was Doris Humphrey's technique based on?
fall and recovery
Doris Humphrey's book _________ is still used today for dance composition and choreography ideas
The Art of Making Dances
What did Lester Horton's technique emphasize?
strong, fluid torso, and ease of movement
What were Lester Horton's works about?
social problems
Who was Lester Horton's most well known student?
Alvin Ailey
What was one of Ailey's famous performances?
Beloved --> based on a newspaper article about a minister who beat his wife to death with a bible because he thought she was unfaithful; was performed by dance theater harlem also
what two male dancers started their careers in Martha Graham's company?
Erick Hawkins and Paul Taylor
What was Hawkin's mainly interested in? What was the dance called?
American historical and literary themes; Plains Daybreak
What does Paul Taylor dramatically portray? What was the dance called?
human experience by juxtaposing light and dark, humor and tragedy; Speaking in Tongues
Where did Anna Soklow graduate from?
Martha Graham's Company
What did Anna Soklow explore in her dancing?
unanswerable questions of societal importance such as urban isoolation and the Holocaust
What were the names of Anna Soklow's dances?
Rooms and Dreams
Who did Eleo Pomare study with?
Kurt Jooss
What did Eleo Pomare explore; what was his dance called?
African American themes; The Junkie
Who is called the father of Post-Modernism?
Merce Cunningham
Who does Merce Cunningham collaborate with?
contemporary composers and artists; uses chance as impetus for choreography
Who's works were entirely created by him for a total stage environment, his dancers often used as abstract, moving sculptural shapes?
Alwin Nikolais
What was one of Alwin Nikolais's works?
Tensile Involvement
Since the middle of the 20th century an attempt has been made to intertwine the diverse threads of what three dance genres?
ballet, jazz, modern
What are three trends that probably will continue in this century?
1) blending of modern, ballet, jazz, tap, street dance 2) blending of theatrical with social and ethnic forms, sports and circus 3) blending with film, computer graphics and spoken word
when dance is only one element of many, the total theatrical event is called what?
Performance Art or Dance Theater
Much of the work of contemporary choreographers is a continuation of whose dance experiments?
Post-modern choreographers
What is the underlying philosophy for the next wave artist?
valid and acceptable to experience with dance in any way one desires
What are some examples of new wave artists choreography?
using buildings, dancing on mountains, etc
What did Elizabeth Streb belive about music?
that is was the enemy of dance, and that the sounds should be generated from the movements done by the body
What are the interests of the post-moderns?
improv, untrained performers, increased level of physical fitness, new environments, musical collage, spoken words, sounds and silence, new choices of subject matter
What was the 50's like?
Broadway musicals, WWII had ended, everyone believed that everything was going to be perfect
What was the 60's like?
civil rights movement, Vietnam war, woman's liberation movement
Who were the Judson Church Choreographers?
collection of NY choreographers who used trained and untrained dancers, performed in a de-sanctified church
Who is Pilobolus?
Athletes who created sculptural forms to be derived in more than one image
Who is Meredith Monk?
Is a multi-media artist; does EVERYTHING --> films, artist, choreography, script, writing; Turtle Dreams and Ellis Island
Who is Bill T. Jones?
known for energetic forceful movements, themes of racism and social injustice in society
Who is known as the bad boy of modern dance?
Mark Morris
What is Mark Morris known for?
his flare for storytelling, humor, jokes, gender jokes, white oak dance project with Mikhail Baryshnikov
White Oak Dance Project
school of ballet which encompasses everything from ballet to west African dance, flamenco, etc for all levels and ages
who is Liz lerman?
famous for dance exchange and multigenerational works, likes to dig deep, compares and contrasts
What does training in many different styles produce?
technically strong and versatile dancers
Once the old enemy of modern dance, ______ is used in classes and _________ dancers join modern based companies
ballet, ballet trained
what is an example of pointe work that is not ballet?
cirque de sole acrobatic team, Chinese swan lake
Who were the earliest dancers/choreographers in the 20th century who crossed ballet and modern?
Michel Fokine, Anna Pavlova, Vaslov Nijinsky
Michel Fokine
1st to do a ballet in one act, wanted one ballet to be different from the next, Les Sylphide
Vaslov Nijinsky
greatest male dancer of his time, did very shocking and innovative choreographic work
Anna Pavlova
best known female dancer of her time, traveled the world as a missionary for ballet dancing, was seen by Lincoln Kirstein
What do the examples of Apollo and The Prodigal Son, two of ______ earliest ballets, tell us about his broad interests?
George Ballanchine; abstract and narrative ballets
What did Mr. B inculcate as the basis of his movement?
With what composer did Balanchine form a lifetime association with?
Igor Stravinsky
Where did Stravinsky start his career?
Ballet Russe
Who initially persuaded Balanchine to come to America? What was his answer?
Lincoln Kirstein; said he needed a school first to do his ballets
What are ballanchine dancer's known for?
the fastest dancers in the world because a lot of their movements is based in 5th position and plie
Where was Balanchine's childhood training at?
Kirov School at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia
What two dance genre's influenced Balanchine's exploration of movement and what style resulted? What is this style called?
modern and jazz; neoclassical ballet
Ballet of the Elephants
choreographed by Balanchine and composed by Stravinsky, made for the Wringley Brothers for the Barnum and Bailey Circus
What did Balanchine do that was different than some of his colleagues?
he encouraged the talents of young choreographers in both ballet and modern from with and outside the company
Who did Balanchine call his muse and Stradivarius?
Suzanne Farrell
When Balanchine passed, who was the NYCB directed by?
Peter Martins --> former principal dancer and Jerome Robbins --> original member who choreographed equally successfully for ballet, Broadway, and films
Who was the first African-American to become a principal male ballet dancer in a major ballet company?
Arthur Mitchell
Why did Arthur Mitchell leave NYCB at 35?
he wanted to form a school in Harlem to give back to his community
Where did the Arthur Mitchell company find its frist home?
Gas station garage
What accompaniment were for the first boy's ballet classes in the Arthur Miller company?
drums, didn't have tights or ballet shoes, would wear gym clothes
What Russian dancers defected to the west as a result of Balanchine's visits to his native land?
Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov
Who co founded the contemporary company, White Oak Dance with Mark Morris
Mikhail Baryshnikov
What American born brothers founded the San Francisco Ballet?
Lou, Harold, and William Chritensen
How did Agnes DeMille contribute to American ballet?
with her ballet rodeo, she used American gestural language, did broadway based choreography --> Oklahoma
Who is the choreographer who has successfully intertwined many dance forms of ballet, modern, Broadway, and film, moving from an iconoclastic to a more mainstream style?
Twila Tharp
What American ballet company has the identity as "the voice of young America in dance"?
Joffrey Ballet
Who founded the Joffrey Ballet? Where is it located?
Robert Joffrey, Chicago
What kinds of works for the repertoire of the Joffrey Ballet?
Bourneville, Nijinsky, reconstruction of works (bands across stage film)
Who was Maurice Bejart?
French, added new vigor to classical dance
Who was Pina Bausch?
German, trained at Julliart, added body language, sexual warefare, and loneliness to dance
What ballet was choreographed by both Bejart and Bausch?
Sacre du Printemps (Rite of Spring)
How are Bejart and Bausch similar in their choreography?
both used powerful emotional content and sexuality in their gorgeous, almost overwhelming ballets
Who is the artistic advisor and choreographer for the Nederlands Dans Theater?
Jiri Kylian
What does Kylian combine in his choreographer?
modern and ballet
NDT II and NDT III; What ballet?
17-22; 40+; Road to the Stamping Ground
What is Butoh?
Japanese dance of darkness, shows us impalpable truths about ourselves, makes us look at things we don't want to look at, deals with human conditions (depravity, disease, death, starvation)
Who was the first person to do the Butoh?
Tatsumi Hijkata
Garth Fagan
After Before --> a piece about what happened with African movement after slavery, from the Islands
Molissa Fenley
choreographed solo to Rite of Spring
Rite of Spring
choreographer, score, producer
Nijinksy, Stravinski, Diaghelev by Ballet Russe
Elizabeth Streb
thought we ought to be able to fly; sets and costumes were in primary colors only
explored the animal in us, explores how the body moves (movie with dancers jumping and slapping their bodies)