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107 Cards in this Set

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dance the world into creation
sun god
god of fertility, creativity
egyptian goddess
turn in ecstasy to be united with allah as they are expressing the love and joy that they feel
the impulse to move is the raw material that cultures shape into evocative sequences of physical activity
dance is ______ but so intensely ________ that to question or belittle other people's dances is to challenge the right to _________
universal, personal, be themselves
dance is such a part of being human that it is used as what?
a metaphor of life itself
what do dance anthropologists explore?
idioms and sources of power of dance by viewing it in social and cultural contexts
The entity of dance is not seperable from the ______
concept of culture; every dance is ethnic
what are the raw materials of dance?
time, space, body, energy
what two realities does dance affirm?
physical and spiritual
how do we know what dance might have been like in pre-historic times?
primitive societies today, wall paintings
what were some of the functions of dance in prehistoric societies?
fertility, pray for favor, train warriors, to heal the sick, to solidify a sense of community, commemorate victories, preserve history, seasonal events (bringing the sun back), storytelling
how did the first europeans in tahiti (1767) view the dancing of the natives?
lewd and provocative
in the 1820's dance had been suppressed by who?
the London Missionary Society
what were the polynesians actually saying through the movement of their dance?
they were young, strong, and happy with themselves
through time, highly skilled dancers were highly _______as performers
training in dance became as important to powerful leaders as
the training of warriors, as important as communication with words
court entertainers were ______of today's theatrical dance
Rudolf Von Laban movement theorist who gave us Labanotation and Effort/shape theory stated that all movement is defined by
effort, time, shape
George Balanchine said that movement
must be self explanatory, if it isn't it has failed
how does a successful dance performance transform an audience?
from passive performers to active participants
Are a stage, costumes, makeup or music required the dancers to transform an audience?
no but it makes it more exciting
what are two reasons that dance has not always occupied a position of equality among other arts?
it's too closely linked to music to stand on its own; the difficulty to preserve choreography
the purpose and style of dance are determined by whom?
the choreographer and performer
what is meant by having an aesthetic experience?
anything that moves or changes you?
how does one develop his/her own personal aesthetic?
experience; linked to background and familial choices
kinesthetic sympathy?
knowing how something feels
what is the main problem with defining dance strictly in western terms?
judgment: our way is the best way
why has dance always been an optimal way for connecting with the spirit world?
the dancing body is where the two worlds of the physical and spiritual meet
what are life's daily rhythms to which primitive peoples are strongly connected?
night and day, seasons, stages of life, weather, sickness and health, war and peace
what is ritual dance?
traditional clusters of movement used to worship and appease the gods and to hold magical and spiritual powers
what are four types of dances used for religious purposes?
imitative, medicine, commemorative, spiritual connection
what are considered to be the oldest dance formations still used today?
processionals--> used in choir
circles--> geometric shape with distinct shape to keep things in or out (seen in nature)
labyrinths=takes you to the center and leads you out again
how do we know about the ancient dances of egypt?
stone carvings on tombs, hieroglyphics
Communication bw two realms of exisistence is possible through dance for the _____
deified ancestors or personified natural forces that take possession of initiates
egunegun ceremonies
festivals held in honor of the initiates and orishas
a cool river goddess
god who wields a lightning bolt
Influenced by yoruban tradition, Nigerian christians invite the ______ to possess them
holy spirit
dance is an integral part of life in the ______
sub-saharan africa
bantu greeting
what do you dance?
asante greeting
we dance because we are not stones
For the Australian aboriginal culture......
all of their life's journey is inseperable from dance
How were Dionysian energies channeled constructively?
choral and dramatic competitions
the philosophers ______ left an elaborate literature on dance theory in which they recognized the power of dance, but they disagreed on how it should be used and controlled
socrates and plato
Plato and his student ______ thought that the educated man should know how to dance gracefully
what underlined platonic ideals of dance?
harmony, modesty order
who held that real men do not dance unless they are drunk or insane?
what form of theatrical dance arose after cicero's death?
_____ incarnations of _____ and ____ have inspired epics that have been celebrated through the centuries with dance dramas
Vishnu's; Rama and Krishna
is a sol dance, descended from devotional dances of 10th century temple dancers for females
Bharata Natyam
a dance/drama depicting tales from Hindu mythology by a troupe of highly trained male performers
emotions common to everyone's experience
knowledgable spectator
in bharata natyam the dancer is more concerned with what instead of space?
in bharata natyam the dancer is trying to achieve the perfect pose which will convey a sense of ____
bharata natyam stresses two complementary styles of movement?
virtuosity (abstract, imporvised sequences) expressivity (poetry through mime)
well known indian dancer known for her rendering bharata natyam
what is the most demanding form of indian dance?
where do student study the demanding curriculum of kathakali
karala for a min of 7 years
who are the pullavas?
low caste and very primitive; they are like spiritual garbage collectors
what is the basic vehicle of dance?
dancing bodies
a commandment of jewish life is
that jews must dance at weddings
Right dance in jewish culture?
david dancing before the lord, miriam
wrond dance in jewish culture?
golden calf
Biblical hebrew has _____ different verbs to describe the act of dancing
Group of 18th century European rabbis→ they feel that joy and prayer and ecstatic connection with God is through music; men with men women with women
give examples of native american imitative dances
deer dance, eagle dance, wolf ceremony of the innuits
what does the hoop dance signify?
for what and for whom do the hopi perform the snake dance?
rain, great father
what dance arose among the plains indian tribes after the US gov banned all danced ceremonies?
ghost dance
who did the ghost dance bring together?
enemy tribes
what were the major ceremonial dances of the incas about?
agricultural rights
what is the volador dance?
5000 years old from c. america, mayans tie rope around a 100 foot pole and circle 13x to make you better person
what is happening to the religious dances of Tibet and Napal?
banned by religious persecution in china; dances that are banned are usually kept alive in secret
how did the eastern orthodox view of dancing differ from the roman view?
Roman: excluded dance from the litergy Eastern: kept dance in the chuch
what were dances that were approved by the early church fathers?
processionals, labyrinths of the floor of cathedrals in france, germany and italy, the dance of the innocents
a protestant christian sect who in the 18th century moved from england to NA and used dance centrally in worship services
when did traditional folk dances begin to disappear?
the industrial revolution
cecil sharp
dance ethnologist who researched and collected dances of various cultures
Country Dance Society of America
led to this group with the resurgence of interest in dance
what are four types of world wide social dances
courtship, work, war, communal
where was couple dancing thought to have first arisen?
The nomadic Wodaabe women whose marriages have been arranged by their families have the chance to leave an unhappy marriage how?
once a year all the men dress up nicely and dance for the women in a line and the unhappy woman may choose a new man to be her love husband
by the 15th century, dancing masters were writing manuals of what?
steps and etiquette
Why do you think most of the important dancing masters of the renaissance were jews?
bc dance was a cultural function
who was the most famous jewish dancer?
William the Jew
Spain's flamenco is different from other european dances because
it is infused with sensuality and strong rhytmic patters
the flamenco is a mixture of
andalusian, moorish and gypsy
how did this style of dance reach the new world and where can its influence be found?
through spanish settlers in the new world
what took europe by storm in the 1830s and why were they considered risque?
polkas and waltzs because you linked arms wiht partners and had to hold on tight
slavic wedding dances depict?
women's work: sewing, cradle rocking, bread making, taking care of babies
what were the origins of today's african american step dances
war dances
chinese weapons dances gradually evolved into what
martial arts
where might the english moors dances have originated?
spain; active from christians and moors fighting
what does the scottish sword dance emphasize?
agility and fast footwork
dance is one of the channels of communication used to pass along important___ from one generation to the next
social skills
what kinds of behaviors are young people taught through social dance?
what is expected of them as men and women, how they respect and behave around each other
How do the dances of polynesia differe from the dances of morocco?
Polynesian: both affirm sensuality in the celebration of sexuality together but they dont touch
Morocco: sexes are separated to express these things
why are the dances of USA so diverse?
because of our numerous immigrant groups
what kind of dancing as early as the 7th century tested the limits of church control?
the wild dancing of carnival
during what era did the processions of flagellants appear?
black death in europe 1348-51
what is the purpose of dance in yorubaland
human interaction with gods and ancestors
why are the egungun festivals held?
these are animal masquerades, satirical masquerades to honor the ancestors