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83 Cards in this Set

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What is it called when you see redistribution of bloodflow from ischemic areas to vasodilated collateral vessels in coronary vessels?
Coronary Steal Phenomenon
Where is the most de-oxygenated blood found in the body?
Coronary sinus
What cardiac features can cause dysphagia and hoarseness
Left atrium enlargement -> compression of esophageal nerve and recurrent laryngeal of vagus nerve
How is CO maintained in early and late exercise?
Early - Increase in SV
Late - Increase in HR
What results of decreased vessel capacitance as one gets older? What are capacitance vessels?
Increased pulse pressure; these are veins/ venules that return blood to the heart (high storage capacity, low resistance)
What effect do venodilators have on the heart and SV/CO?
The decrease preload
What is viscosity most dependent on?
Do arteries or veins contain the highest proportion of blood in the CV system?
In what conditions do you see decreased aortic elasticity?
Marfarns, Syphilis ('tree-bark' aorta)
What happens to the IV septum during inspiration
IT gets pushed to the left a little bit
Which murmur decreases intensity with amyl nitrate?
Aortic regurgitation
How are cardiac myocytes electrically coupled?
Via gap junctions
Chromotropic vs. Dromotropic
C - HR
Dr - conduction velocity
Which of these 4 do not have parasympathetic vagal innervation? SA node, atria, AV node, ventricles
What effect do B-blockers have on the pacemaker action potential?
Decrease phase 4 elevation
T-wave inversion
recent MI
U wave
hypokalemia and bradycardia
Conduction pathway
SA node, atria, AV node, common bundle, LAF, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers, ventricles
Wolff-Parkinson-White ECG
shortened PR interval
delta wave
widened QRS
What is SVT?
bypasses the AV node, uses an accessory node (ie. bundle of Kent)
Why should you not do cardioversion to rx an A-fib > 48 hours?
increased risk of dislodging a thrombus that has formed -> transport the clot
Rx for atrial flutter
Anti-arrhythmics, B-blocker
In a 3rd degree AV block, is atrial or ventricular rate faster? what bacteria can cause this?
atrial rate is faster; Borellia burgdorferi (Lyme Dz)
Cushing Triad
Respiratory depression
Cushing reaction
Brought on by baroreceptors. high ICP constricts arterioles -> cerebral ischemia -> hypertension (symp response) -> reflex bradycardia
What drives respiration in COPD patients?
high CO2 cannot stimulate central resp center, so low O2 (<60) is major drive on peripheral receptors
"ring like" calcification in the media of the arteries; where does it most commonly occur?
Monckeberg (radial and ulnar)
What are the 2 common causes of "onion skinning"/hyaline thickening of small arteries
DM and essential HTN (Arteriolosclerosis)
What are the 2 main mediators of smooth muscle migration in atheroslerosis?
Rx to decrease slope of BP rise in Aortic dissection
How is atherosclerosis related to aortic dissection?
it is NOT
During global ischemia, what is the first area damaged?
Pyramidal cells of Hippocampus (also cerebellum)
Rx for Prinzmetal's angina?
CCB - Nifedipine
Most common cause of sudden cardiac death?
Arrhythmia (V-fib)
What causes post MI free wall rupture, tamponande
macrophages degrade important structural components
ECG changes seen in MI
T wave inversion
ST elevation of at least 1mm in 2 contiguous leads
Q waves
Dressler's syndrome
Autoimmune fibrinous pericarditis post-MI
Dilated vs. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy hypertrophy
Dilated - eccentric; sarcomeres added in series
Hypertrophic - concentric; sarcomeres added in parallel
Rx for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
B-blockers or non-DHP Ca2+ blocker
Loffler's syndrome
a Restrictive Cardiomyopathy; endomyocardial fibrosis with a prominent eosinophilic infiltrate
These 4 Rx's reduce mortality in CHF
B-blockers, Ace-I, ARBs, Spironolactone
What causes persistent truncus arteriosus?
Abnormal migration of NC cells
Major cause of D-transposition of great vessels
Diabetic mother
Infantile vs. adult coarctation of the aorta
I - prox to ductus arteriosus
A - distal to ligmentum arteriosus
Ebstein's anomaly is most associated with what heart defect?
plaques in blood vessels
What are the "heart-failure" cells seen in the lungs?
Hemosidirin-laden macrophages
Ortner syndrome
Dilated LA (maybe from mitral stenosis) -> impingement of L recurrent laryngeal to the point of neuropraxia
Negative culture endocarditis
HACEK orgs
Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella
Most common bugs of IVDU endocarditis (tricuspid)
Staph aureus, Pseudomonas, Candida
Rx: Vancomycin
Giant cell granuloma in Rheumatic fever
Aschoff bodies
Activated histiocytes
Anitschkow's cells
Rheumatic fever - what antibodies are found?
Antibodies to M protein
ECG of acute pericarditis
diffuse STEMI, PR depression
Where do you see pulsus paradoxus (5)
Cardiac tamponade, asthma, OSA, pericarditis, croup
Cardiac tamponade ECG
Electrical alternans - alternation of QRS amplitude or axis between beats
How does syphilis cause the "tree bark aorta"?
Disrupts the vaso vasorum of the aorta -> dilation of aorta and valve ring
What do varicose veins predispose to?
Poor wound healing, varicose ulcers
Raynauds Rx:
DHP CCBs - vasodilators
Associated with polymyalgia rheumatica
Temporal arteritis
Transmural vasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis
Polyarteritis nodosa
Rx for Kawasaki
Ig and aspirin
Segmental thrombosing vasculitis
Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis oliterans)
Nevus flammeus
Port-wine stain in Sturge-Wever disease (leptomeningeal angiomatosis)
Rx for HTN in pregnancy
a-methyldopa, hydralazine
Malignant HTN rx that release NO -> can cause cyanide toxicity
Which malignant HTN rx opens up K+ channels
nitrates vs. B-blockers
Nifedipine vs. Verapamil
Nitrates/Nifedipine affect preload
B-block/Verapamil affect afterload
Which lipid-lowering drug can bind C.diff?
Bile acid resins
Cholesterol absorption blocker; does not decrease fat-sol vitamin absorption
How do fibrates act?
Decrease TG, Upregulate LPL via PPAR-y
Which CV drug can cause blurry yellow vision?
What is the most serious tox of digoxin?
Which drug can decrease digoxin clearance and displace digoxin from tissue-binding sites?
a BNP; increases cGMP and vasodilation
What competes with digoxin for binding sites?
K+; so hypokalemia can increase digoxin tox
What can cause toxicity in all class I antiarrhythmics?
Which B-blocker can cause dyslipidemia?
What are the Class III antiarrhythmic? (5)
Ibutilide, Sotalol, Bretylium, Amiodarone, Dofetilide
Why does amiodarone have class I,II,III, and IV effects?
It alters the lipid membrane
What is unique about amiodarone increasing QT interval?
Does not increase risk for Torsardes de Pointes
What is the drug of choice to abolish/diagnose supraventricular tachy?
What does adenosine do?
Increases K+ out of the cells -> hyperpolarizes the cell and decreases Ica