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70 Cards in this Set

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Coronary Perfusion Pressure
CPP Ratio is CPP at 5:1 or CPP at 15:2 ratio
CPP at 15:2 ratio
Full chest recoil allows for what
Good Cardiac Output
Adult BLS ratio for Single Rescuer (not trained)
30-2 Ratio
Health Care Provider’s (2) BLS ration (trained)
15:2 Ratio
Good CPR = output of _______%
What is a TID
Threshold Impedance Device which increased Cardiac Output during CPR related to intubation.
Poor Prognostic Indicators regarding PT survival
Absent of corneal or papillary response. Absent withdrawal to pain. No motor response.
When a health care provider does not recognize critical PT changes, and these changes result in death, this is known as ______ to Rescue?
What are some of the critical care changes that should be recognized and action should be taken?
Neuro Status, HR, Resp, Temp, Na+, U.O.
What type medication is Nipride (Nitroprusside)?
Antihypertensive which Vasodilatation
Measurement of pressure, flow, volume & oxygenation within the cardiac system is known as ______ Monitoring?
True or False there are two types of Hemodynamic Monitoring, Invasive & Non Invasive?
List Non-Invasive types of hemodynamic monitoring that can occur?
BP, Cap Refill, EKG, I/O.
List Invasive types of hemodynamic monitoring?
ART line, CVP,
This number is reflected on the Vitals Monitor in ICU, it reflects the Right ventricular preload pressure. What is the _______?
The volume of blood within the ventricles at the end of diastole or filling pressure is?
Any force or resistance that the ventricles must pump against is known as?
What types of things can impact Preload?
Dehydration, Hypovolemia, Dysrrthymia
Digoxin is a drug that increases force of contraction, it could also be called an ________?
Chonotropic drugs impact what cardiac function?
Rate of Contraction
Cardiac Output Equation
Cardiac Index (CI) adjust CO for what
Body Surface Area
When should a Invasive Pressure Monitoring system be zeroed?
#1st Time line hooked up, Tube Reconciliation at change of shift, When the tubing is changed.
Positioning of Transducer ……where?
Atria of heart (Phleobstatic axis) Midchest 4th intercostals or per CTICU pit to tit!
What is the usual location of an Art Line
Right Radial
What is the pressure of a Pressure Bag inflated to?
300 mm Hg
A continuous flush such as pressure bag delivers ____mls per hours?
3mls /hr
True or False it is okay to give iv medications through an Right ART line?
True or False a Swan Cath is used to measure CVP, PA, PCWP &SVR, CO?
Central Venous Pressure is a reflection of amount of fluid returning to the _____ side of the heart-preload?
Normal CVP is ________mmHg?
True or False Respirations (inhalation and exhalation) will impact the CVP?
True or False Spontaneous breathing PT has have a lower CVP then Mechanically ventilated PT’s?
True or False If a PT CVP drops the Dr. should be notified ASAP ?
False , The nurse should monitor for trends.
What are some things that can cause alterations in the reading or data of the CVP?
Infection, perforation, erosion, migration, thrombus.
The RN is preparing to administer IV medications into the Central Line what standard of care should she provide and what will she document?
Aseptic (hand washing & gloves), Scrub the Hub, Flush, Admin Flush. Note that medication was given, site was patent, dsg was dry, clean and intact.
If the PT has a fluid deficit or a hemorrhage the CVP will reflect a Decreased or Increased Level?
If the PT has hypervolemia or Heart Failure(left sided) the CVP will reflect a Decreased or Increased level?
How often should the RN assess the neurovascular stats distal to the arterial insertion site?
A majority of circulation to the hand is supplied by the Radial or Ulnar Artery?
The ________ Test is the Ulnar Adequacy test?
Allen Test
When is the Allen Test performed? Before or After the Insertion of the Art Line?
What does the Dicrotic Notch represent related to cardiac function? Closing or Opening of values?
What things might cause incorrect reading of an ART Line?
Clot in the line, Cath tip against wall of vessel, Air Bubbles in line.
Arterial Line pressure will be ___- ____ mmHg Higher than a Blood Pressure cuff?
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Placement: Distal _______, Medial _______, & Proximal ________?
Pulmonary Artery, Right Ventricle, Superior Vena Cava
Left Ventricle Function can best be measured by a Pulmonary Capillary ________?
Is the Pulmonary Artery Pressure Measured at Inhalation or Expiration?
What is the Inflation range of the balloon, _____ to _____ mls?
1.0 to 1.5mls
When the balloon has been inflated what primary source will pull the balloon through the heart?
A Thermo dilution Catheter can not only measure temperature it can also provide?
CO Cardiac Output
To prevent Infection & Sepsis how often should the pressure tubing, transducer & stop cock be changes?
96 Hours
When pulling a central line what to complications could occur?
Emboli & Thrombus
True or False The insertion and removal of the PA/Swan Cath could cause Dysrrhythmia?
If a PE should occur related to placement of a PA/Swan Cath what might be S/E?
Neuro LOC, Dec Resp, Inc BP, Inc Pulse
Who is allowed to adjust placement of a PA/Swan Cath…..RN, LPN, PCT, or DR?
DR only!
All stockcocks should have what attachment?
What is key when monitoring a PT for hemodynamic changes?
Know the base line, (General Appearance, LOC, Skin Color, Vitals, Peripheral Pulses, U.O.)
List three components of Brain?
Brain Tissue 78%, Blood 12%, Cerebrospinal Fluid 10%
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
Normal CPP is _____ to ______ mmHg?
CPP < 50 is associated with ________ & ______ death?
Ischemia & Neuro
True or False if Brain tissue is lost due to trauma it will generate?
This drug is a Vasopressor the renal dose of <3mcg/kg/min is used. This drug is?
What is the Primary Function of Mannitol?
To pull fluid into the vascular spaces and decrease ICP
When should measurement of ICP occur Inhalation or Expiration?
When Trouble shooting a incorrect ICP reading what might the RN look at?
CSF Leak, Obstruction in cath, Kink in line, Drainage Height
True or False CPP optimal level should be 60 or above?
The gold standard for ICP measuring is ?