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60 Cards in this Set

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What are the trhee depressions which make up the base of th einterior of the cranial cavity?
Anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae
What three bones form the shallowest of the cranial fossae?
Frontal bone
Ethmoid bone
Sphenoid bone
What part of the frontal bone supports the frontal lobes of the brain?
The orbital plates
What is the midline protrusiono fht efrontal bone and projects into the left an dright cerbral hemispheres?
The frontal crest
What serves as the attachment point for the falx cerebri?
The frontal crest
What transmits through the foramen cecum?
An emissary vein
What is located at the base of the frontal crest?
The forament cecum
What is a sharp ridge of bone in the midline, psoterior to the frontal crest and formane ceum?
Crista galli
In addition to the attachment at the frontal crest where else does the falx cerebri attach?
crista galli
What gyrus lies laterally to the crista galli?
The gyrus rectus
What is a thin lamina of bone located on each side of th cresta galli?
Cribiform plate
What lies on the cribriform plate on each side.
Olfactory bulb
Where are the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina located?
At the jucntion of the cribriform plate and the orbital plate of the frontal bone.
What transmits through the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina?
The anterior and posterior ehtmoidal nerves and vessels from the orbit to the anterior cranial fossa
What is located medially, posterior to the cribriform plat and is the most anterior part of the boyd of the sphenoid bone.
Jugum (Yoke of sphenoid)
What extend laterally from the jugum?
Extend laterally from the jugum
What part of brain is supported for by the lesser wings?
Posterior border of each lesser wing.
Where does the lesser wing project into?
Lateral sulcus of the cerebral hemisphere.
What serves as the attachment for the free border ofthe tentorium cerebeli?
Anterior Clinoid processes
What are the two components of the cetnral part of the middle cranial fossa?
The chiasmatic sulcus and sella turcica
What forms the median elevation forming the posterior border of the chiasmatic sulcus?
Tuberculum sellae
What is the name of the depresion that houses the pitutary gland and is covered diaphrgma sellae?
Hypophysial fossa
What is the square plate o fbone projecting superiorly from the body fo the sphenoid?
Dorsum sellae
What provides the attacdhmen for the fixed border of the tentorium cerebeli?
Posterior clinoid process
What supports the temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres?
The lateral part of the middle cranial fossa
What three components form the lateral part of the middle cranial fossa (ant to post)?
Greater wign fo the sphenoid bone
Squamous temporal bone
Anterior face of the petrous temporal bone
What foramen is located between the two roots of the leser wing of the sphenoid and the boyd of the sphenoid?
Optic canal
What foramen is a large horizontal opening lcoated between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid?
Superior Orbital fissure
What structures transmit through the optic canal?
The optic nerve (CN II) and the ophthalmic artery (from the carotid)
What structures transmit through the superior orbital fissure?
CN III (Oculomotor)
CN IV (Trochlear)
Ophtahlmic nerve (CN V 1)
CN VI (Abducens)
Ophthalmic veins
What foramen is located in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, posterior to the medial end of the superior orbital fissure?
Foramen Rotundum
What structure transmits through the foramen rotundum?
The maxillary nerve (CN V 2)
What foramen is located in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, posterolateral to the foramen rotundum?
Foramen ovale
What structre transmits through the foramen ovale?
The Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
What foramen is located in the greater wing of the sphonoid bone, postero lateral to the foramen ovale?
Foramen spinosum
What structures transmit through the foramen spinosum?
The middle meningela artery (greatest contributor to dura)
Mengingeal branch of V 3
AFter Forament Spinosum Describe the course of the middle meningeal artery?
After transmission, it courses in a groove on the floor and lateral wall of the middle cranial fossa.
What foramen is located between the petrous temporal bone and the sphenoid bone and is closed by a cartilaginous plate in life.
Foramen Lacerum
What passes over the superior aspect of the cartilage in route ot the cavernous sinus?
The Internal carotid artery (ICA)
Describe the relationship between the greater and lesser petrosal nerves and the foramen lacerum.
Posterolaterally along the anterior face of the petrous temporal bone
Where is the trigeminal impression located?
Posterior to the foramen lacerum on the anterio surface of the petrous temporal bone (near the apex)
Where does the end of the carotid canal open into?
The middle cranial fossa at the apex of the petrous temporal bone
What is housed in the trigeminal impresssion?
The trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion
What are the four parts of the ICA?
1st part: The Cervical part
2nd part: Petrous part
3rd part: Cavernous or Sigmoid part
4th part: Supraclinoid part
What is the largest and deepest of the cranial fossae?
The posterior cranial fossa
What are the components of the posterior cranial fossa?
The occipital bone
parts of the temporal bone
the posterior surface of the dorsum sellae of the sphenoid bone
What is a long flat slope of b one located anterior to the foramen magnum and is formed by the basilar portion of the occipital bone
What supports the brainstem?
The clivus
What is a longitudinal ridge on the occipital bone; located posterior to the foramen magnum in the midline?
Internal occipital crest
What provides bony attachement for the falx cerebelli
Internal occipital crest
Where does the internal occipital crest end posteriorly?
Internal occipital protuberance where the confluence of the sinuses are located.
What is a pair of depressions in the occipital bone, posterior and lateral ot the foramen magnum?
Cerebellar fossae
What fossae makes up most of the floor of the posterior fossa?
Cerebellar fossae
What fossa (not posterior) houses the left and right cerebellar hemispheres?
Cerebellar fossae
What forms the anterolateral wall of the posterior cranial fossa?
Posterior surface of the petrous temporal bone
Mastoid part of the temporal bone
What structures transmit via the foramen magnum?
Brain stem
Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
Vertebral arteries
What structures transmit via the internal acoustic meatus?
CN VII (Facial)
CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear)
What foramen is located between the base of the petrous temporal bone and the occipital bone?
Jugular foramen
What structures transmit via the jugular foramen?
CN IX (Glossopharyngeal)
CN X (Vagus)
CN XI (Spinal accessory)
Inferior petrosal sinus
Jugular Bulb
What canal is located in the occipital bone, just above the anterolateral margin of the foramen magnum?
Hypoglossal canal