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47 Cards in this Set

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Axial portion of the body:




Appendicular portion of the body:


Western anatomical position:

Body erect

Feet flat on floor

Arms at sides

Feet and palms face forward

Sagital plan divides the body into:

Right and left parts

Transverse or horizontal plan divides the body into:

Upper and lower regions

Frontal or coronal plane divides the body into:

Front and back portions

Physiology is the scientific study of (blank)


Anatomy is the scientific study of (blank)


Define the Urinary System of the body:

  1. Kidneys, urinary bladder and ducts
  2. It functions to eliminate metabolic waste from the body

The muscular system:

  1. Consists of all the muscles in the body
  2. Produces movement and heat

The integumentary system consists of:

  1. The skin and its derivatives
  2. It covers and protects the body

The skeletal system includes:

  1. The bones, cartilage and ligaments
  2. It forms the framework of the body

The lymphatic system includes:

  1. Lymph, lymphatic vessels and lymphoid organs
  2. It is our major defense against disease

The nervous system includes:

  1. The brain, spinal cord and nerves
  2. It receives stimuli and coordinates body activities

Sebaceous glands are:

Oil glands

What are the levels of organization in a human?

  1. Atoms
  2. Molecules and macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, etc.)
  3. Cells and organelles
  4. Tissue
  5. Organs and organ systems
  6. The human organism

Mater is...

Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight.

Atom is...

An atom is the smallest unit of an element

Protons are (positive/negative/no charge) charged?

Protons are positively charged.

Neutrons are (positive/negative/no charge) charged?

Neutrons have no charge.

Electrons are (positive/negative/no charge) charged?

Electrons are negatively charged and exist outside the nucleus.

What is an isotope?

An atom that has a different number of neutrons in the nucleus and therefore a different weight is an Isotope.

What is a neutral PH?

A neutral PH is 7

What is an acid PH?

Acids have a PH of less than 7

What is a base PH

Bases have a PH of greater than 7

In a chemical equation, is the product written on the right or left side?

The product of a chemical equation is written on the right side of the equation.

The reactants of a chemical equation are written on the left side.

What is needed to create a complex molecule?

Synthesis reactions form a complex molecule from two or more simple molecules.

(T/F): Exergonic reactions release energy.

True. Exergonic reactions release energy.

(T/F): Endergonic reactions require energy which is then stored in the chemical bonds.

True. Endergonic reactions require energy which is then stored in the chemical bonds.

(T/F):In homeostasis, it is typically maintained by positive feedback loops which inhibit change.

False: In homeostasis, it is typically maintained by negative feedback loops which inhibit change.

What are positive feedback mechanisms (loops)?

Positive feedback loops are stimulating and cause a process or change to occur at a faster and faster rate leading to a culminating event.

(T/F): Negative feedback loops cause change?

False. Negative feedback loops inhibit change.

Negative feedback loops (examples)?

  1. Body temperature
  2. Blood sugar
  3. Blood pressure

Positive feedback loops (examples)?

Does not maintain homeostasis.

Occurs when the body needs to amplify a process.

  1. Producing blood clots
  2. Creates LH sugars that causes ovulation
  3. Uterus and oxitocin secreting during childbirth

What is adipose tissue?

Fat. It forms a protective cushion around certain organs, provides insulation and is an efficient energy storage material.

What is melanin?

Melanin is the brown or black pigment produced by melanocytes to protect the skin from UV radiation. It gives the skin the tan or brown coloration and provided the color of brown or black hair.

If sugar is added to water, which is the solvent and which is the solute?

  • Sugar = Solute (dissolves)
  • Water = Solvent (does the dissolving)

A negative ion is a ?

  • A negative ion is an anion
  • In a ionic bond, the atom that gains one valence electron.

A positive ion is a ?

  • A positive ion is a cation.
  • In a ionic bond, the atom that loses one valence electron.

What is simple diffusion?

  • Simple diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
  • It may take place through a permeable membrane
  • No energy is needed to move across the membrane

What is the function of DNA in the nucleus of a cell?

  1. Made of genes
  2. Directs protein synthesis in the cytoplasm
  3. The gene in the DNA controls the synthesis of one specific protein molecule
  4. Protein synthesis uses mRNA and tRNA in transcription and translation
  5. Genetic code is transferred from DNA to mRNA which carries information to the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm

What is cytoplasm?

  • The gell-like fluid inside the cell
  • Made of largely water with a variety of solutes
  • Has organelles suspended in it

What are ribosomes?

Ribosomes are granules of RNA that function in protein synthesis

What are mitochondria?

Mitochondria are enclosed by a double membrane and function in the production of ATP (energy).

What is endoplasmic reticulum?

Endoplasmic reticulum is a series of membranous channels that function to transport molecules.

What is rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes associated with it and it transports proteins.

What is smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not have ribosomes associate with it and it transports certain types of lipids (fats).