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5 Cards in this Set

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Difference of eschemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke

Eschemic: occurs when a blood vessel supplying the brain becomes blocked

Hemorrhagic: occurs when a blood vessel bursts, leaking blood into the brain.

Describe/ Differentiate the seizures





Simple Partial

Tonic-Clonic: Loss of consciousness, muscle rigidity, convulsions, incontinence, postictal (recovery phase)

Clonic: (Convulsion) phase where muscles spasm then alternate with relaxation causing the typical appearance of the jerking motion.

Absence: Brief loss of consciousness, no loss of muscle tone, eyes flutter, more common in children.

(These do not invlove convulsive activity and include a lack of vocalization and a blank stare.)

Febrile: seizure associated with a high fever without any evidence of intracranial infection or other definite cause.

Simple Partial: seizure in which a pt. is awake and aware of the activity during seizure because only one hemisphere is involved

Differentiate Anaphylactic reaction & the Anaphylactoid reaction

Anaphylactic: severe, life-threatening allergic reaction aka anaphylaxis

Anaphylactoid: same as anaphylactic just with no previous exposure.

Treatment is the same and only difference is that it is an anaphylactoid when no previous exposure to the antigen/ allergen still results in a life threatening allergic reaction.

Describe/ differentiate the two abdominal pains Sematic & Visceral

Somatic: irritation with peritoneal lining. Pain is much more prevelant and localized. Sharp & typically constant.

Visceral: occurs when an abdominal organ is involved. Pain is usually less intense and poorly localized. Dull & Achy pain. Can be associated with nausea and vomiting.

Explain what Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Depression, Dementia & Psychosis is

Bipolar Disorder: changes in mood from very high highs to very low lows. These episodes are manic and expansive. Risk-taking behavior and pt can suffer from delusions or hallucinations.

Schizophrenia: A chronic mental illness where pt. suffers debilitating distortions of speech, thought, bizarre delusions, hallucinations, social withdraw, and lack of emotional expressiveness.

Depression: one of the most common conditions that is characterized by deep feelings of sadness, worthlessness, discouragement, and hopelessness. Can suffer loss of interest, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia and more.


Psychosis: mental state in which pt is out of tpuch with reality. Pt is truly in their own world. Not limited to any of the above and is often developed in congruence with a pt.s mental health problems.

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