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70 Cards in this Set

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How did We Begin

- Fones' idea wsa always about dental hygiene and dental public health

>> mass _ and _ treatment

* use this when choosing the BEST answer*

- education ; preventive

Promoting Health and Preventing Disease Within Groups

- public health is concerned with the health of _

- the goal of public health is to _ and _ the health of the public across three essential domains:

>> _ protection

>> _ prevention

>> _ promotion

- all people

- protect and promote

>> health

>> disease

>> health

Public Health

- former US Surgeon General Koop once stated that health care matters to us some of the time; however,public health matters to us _

- Public health is _

- concerned with the _ health of a group

>> not limited to the health of the _, or a particular _ or _

>> not defined by _ sources nor _

- it is simply a concern for, and activity directed toward the _ and _ of the health of a population

- all of the time

- people's health

- aggregate (cumulative)

>> poor, service, nor problem

>> payment , specific agencies

- improvement and protection

Core Functions

- Assessment

- Policy development

- Assurance

- Serving all functions


Public Health Goals

- prevent _ and the _ of disease

- protect against _

- prevent _

- promote and encourage _

- respond to _ and assist communities in recovery

- assure the _ and _ of health services

- monitor health status to identify _

- _ and _ health problems and health hazards in the community

- _,_, and _ people about health issues

- mobilize community partnerships to _ and _ health problems

- develop _ and _ that support individual and community health efforts

- enforce _ and _ that protect health and ensure safety

- link people to needed _ and assure that provision of healthcare when otherwise unavailable

- assure a _ public health and personal health care workforce

- evaluate _, _ and _ of personal and population based health services

- research for new _ and _ solutions to health problems

- epidemics ; spread

- environmental hazards

- injuries

- healthy behaviors

- disasters

- quality and accessibility

- community health problems

- diagnose and investigate

- inform, educate, and empower

- identify and solve

- policies and plans

- laws and regulations

- personal health services

- competent

- effectiveness, accessibility, and quality

- insights and innovative

Dental Public Health

- the science and art of _ and _ dental disease and promoting dental health through organized community efforts

- the delivery of oral health care, research and education, with an emphasis on the utilization of the _ to a target population

- preventing and controlling

- dental hygiene sciences

Factors Affecting Dental Public Health

- _ values

- _/_ to care

- infrastructure

- workforce

- dental hygiene

- oral health _

- _ population

- malpractice

- insurance

- societal

- accessing/accessibility

- disparities (differences)

- aging


- Dentists

- Midlevel Provider - MN

- Dental hygienists

- dental assistants

- dental therapists

- denturists

Role additions:

- entrepreneur

- corporate

- professional roles


Prevention: Primary

- the employment of strategies and agents to forestall the _, reverse its _, or arrest its process before _

- onset

- progress

- treatment becomes necessary

Prevention: Secondary

- employs routine treatment methods to _ and/or _ to as nearly normal as possible, can also be called _

- terminate the disease process

- restore tissues

- restorative care

Prevention: Tertiary

- employs strategies to _ through _

- replace lost tissues

- rehabilitation

Preventive Modalities

- Dr. _

- community _

- _ therapies

- dental hygiene treatment

- dental sealants

- athletic _

- alternative restorative therapies

- Alfred Fones

- water fluoridation

- fluoride

- mouthguards

Community Water Fluoridation

- _ method to reduce dental caries

- systemic: _

- topical: _

- beneficial to _

- school water fluoridation: _ levels of fluoride

- _% of those served by public water supplies receive fluoridated water

- well water: no way to fluoridate everyone's; if not naturally in well water _

- new guidelines: due to A/C and heat, discontinued ideal that areas with colder weather require _ fluoride and vice versa

>> today, we are getting fluoride from many other sources, do not need as much in water

- bottled water requirements: if advertised that contains fluoride, _; otherwise no regulations

- defluoridation: have _ fluoride; needs to be removed

- only valid argument against community water fluoridation is that the addition of fluoride to public water supply prevents _

- cost effective

- children

- children and adults

- all individuals

- high (since not there 24/7)

- 70%

- will not get fluoride

- higher

- have to say how much

- too much fluoride

- personal choice

Fluoride Preventive Modalities


- water

- foods

- _ supplements

- _ fluoridation

- _ fluoridation


- toothpaste

- mouthrinse

- professionally applied: _, _, _

- fluoride _

- fluoride

- salt

- milk

- gels, foams, rinses

- custom trays

Dental Sealants

- Effective in reducing _

- best when placed by a _ and _

- used in _ dental programs

- pit and fissure caries

- provider and assistant

- school based

Preventive Modalities

- Alternative restorative treatment (ART)

- xylitol

- _ counseling

- _ screenings

- _ mouthguards

- nutritional

- oral cancer

- athletic

Mass Education and Promotion

- scientific _

- _ information

- _ data published

- accuracy

- factual

- correct

Target Populations

- a group of people with _

- in order to assure program effectiveness, it is helpful to have _ with your target population

- dental hygienists must concentrate on teaching _, those individuals who _

- similar characteristics

- contact

- caregivers ; provide direct care to patients

Target Profiles

- a _ of the target population that includes specific descriptions

- sometimes termed _

>> location

>> available resources

>> partnerships

- comprehensive overview

- community profiles

Target Populations

- leaders need to support program

- some populations face obstacles when trying to access dental care; often termed _

>> common barriers: values, literacy, language, finances, fear, transportation, age, convenience

- socioeconomic status (SES): includes _, _, _ and _

- SES relates to dental _ and _

- lower SES = _ caries

- barriers

- education, income, occupation, culture

- disease and treatment

- increased

Target Populations: Children

- no community water fluoridation or well water with low fluoride = _

- _ and _ graders targeted for school sealant programs

- _ = age specific/special needs

- fluoride mouthrinse program in schools

- 2nd and 6th graders

- fluoride varnish


- culture encompasses _, _ and _ and influences all aspects of life

- Pluralism exists when numerous distinct _, _ or _ groups are present and tolerated within a society

- Cultural competence: defined as the _ of and _ for an individual's/population's cultural differences, the recognition of how these differences impact a _

>> such as health care providers and the ability to communicate effectively and work cross-culturally

- attitudes, values, and beliefs

- ethnic, religious, or cultural

- awareness ; respect ; specific group

Health Education

- education of health behaviors that brings an individual to a state of _

health awareness

Health Promotion

- the _ and _ of people on health behaviors

informing and motivating

Behavior Change

- when a target population adopts _

- first: provide effective _

- second: change values aimed at _

- result: _

- first _, then _ opinions and subsequent values about oral health

- without motivation, no _ can take place

- _ must take place

- positive health behaviors

- dental health education

- improving health

- healthy behavior

- teach ; change

- learning

- value adoption

Health Education Theories

- health belief model: for an individual to display readiness to take action to _ or to act in a _

>> he/she would need to believe he/she was susceptible and that the disease has serious consequences

- stages of learning depicts an individual's natural progress from _ to _

- social cognitive theory: postulates that knowledge, behavior, and environment act in a reciprocal manner to _

>> self efficacy: the main construct of the SCT, is the belief that one's _ will have an impact on _


- avoid disease ; preventive manner


- continually affect each other

- actions ; outcome

Behavior Change

- classical conditioning suggests that individuals become conditioned to specific stimuli to _

- operant conditioning is based on the concepts of _

- modeling behavior can facilitate learning through _

- act in a specific way

- rewards and punishments

- imitation

Learning Principles

- _ of the group is necessary for learning to take place

- parents, school teacher, etc. should serve as role models during the year on positive dental health _ and _

- the first step is to _

>> this is a _ of the final outcome that the instructor expects from the target group upon completion of the presentation

- domains of learning:

>> psychomotor: the describe _

>> cognitive: to describe _

>> affective: to describe _

- levels of learning:

>> knowledge:

>> application

>> problem solving

- objective: involves a specific, observable _/_ that a learner will perform or exhibit

>> includes: target group, condition, measurement

- involvement

- values and behaviors

- identify the goal

>> broad statement

- actions

- behavior

- feelings

- action/behavior

Effective Teacher Characteristics

- ability to _ with students

- enthusiasm

- flexibility

- _ knowledge

- _ skills

- patience

- _ personality

- willingness to _

- interact

- broad

- organization

- pleasant

- learn

Department of Health and Human Services

- US public health service

- National institutes of Health

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- Food and Drug Administration

- Indian Health Services

- Health Resources and Services Administration

- Administration for Children and Families

- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

State Influence on Dental Care Delivery

- State Dental Divisions: consultative in nature

- Medicaid: title XIX (19) of social security act


- Prisons

- Tribal Clinics

- Institutions

- Community Clinics


Dental Care Delivery

- Need: a normative, professional judgment as to the _ and _ of health care services required to attain or maintain health

- Demand: the _ or _ of dental care from a population

- Supply: the _ of dental care services available

- Utilization: the number of dental care services _

- amount and kind

- particular frequency ; desired frequency

- quantity

- actually consumed

Social Advocacy

- dental hygienists are advocates for patients health by:

>> affecting change in _

>> change in _

>> change in _

>> change in the _ through the legislative and regulatory systems

- their behavior

- dental office protocols

- products used

- practice of dental hygiene

Social Advocates

- social advocates/change agents are individuals who cause _, _, or _ change; be it intentional or unintentional

- they cannot be effective without the collaboration of others who are motivated by _ and _ factors to pursue change

- they are good at _

- they know what resources are available and know the position of those who _

- social advocates implement change in regard to how dental care is _, who is able to _, and how to ensure _

- change in dental public health should be a _ and _ of dental hygienists

- social, cultural, or behavioral

- external or internal

- empowering others

- oppose changes

- delivered ; receive it ; sustainability of a program

- primary concern and interest

Collaboration and Partnership

- the process of working together towards _

- two or more organizations or individuals who work on a task of _ and _

- strengthened through _

- _ is vital

- a common goal

- mutual interest and benefit

- networking

- cooperation

Coalition Building

- come in a variety of forms: permanent, temporary, single, or multi-issue

- increases the potential for success in creating _, increasing _, creating a _, and developing _ to complex problems

- policy change, public knowledge, network, innovative solutions

Public Health Law

- there are three major areas of public health law:

>> Police Power: those enforced by _ (regulate dental boards, and emergency health operations)

>> Disease and Injury Prevention: includes _ activities (prevention initiatives, OSHA)

>> the Law of Populations: analyzes issues using _ and can be applied to health issues (environmental law, community water)

- government agencies

- legal

- epidemiology

Legislative Initiatives

- within the last decade, RDHs in many states have been given authority to provide dental hygiene without the _

- the US Public Health Services created to provide dental services to Alaskan Natives

- supervision of dentists


- the laws that affect dental hygiene practice are enacted and enforced by _

- these laws are developed by the _

- dental boards enforce these laws

- individual states

- legislature

Dental Public Health Programs

- School based models

>> sealant programs, school based programs, mobile clinics, swish and spit, athletic mouthguards

- head start programs:

>> fluoride varnish

- nursing home/healthcare facilities


Assessment (Needs Assessment)

- assess via _, _ data

- populations _ (dental index)

- populations _

- facility _ and _

- workforce _ and _

- _ resources

- _ needed

- surveys, existing

- dental needs

- demographics

- availability and state

- needed and available

- existing

- funding


- Dental hygiene diagnosis:

>> prioritize _

>> diagnose to provide _ and _ for "blueprint"

- develop _

- identify methods to _ goals

- address _ and possible _

- _ should be evaluated

- _ should be evaluated

- _ should administer the evaluation

- _ should the evaluation be conducted

- _ should the evaluation be conducted

- needs

- goals ; objectives

- blueprint

- measure

- constraints ; alternatives

- what

- who

- who

- when

- how


- begin program operation

- _ and make _ identified

- identify _ and operation management

- revise ; changes

- workforce


- measure to determine _ in meeting goals via surveys and dental indexes

- make _ and _ evaluation

>> qualitative: _ data such as perceptions and attitudes

>> quantitative: measures expressed as _ or _

- make _ as needed

- Formulative evaluation:

>> _ examination of a programs success

>> usually conducted while _ the program

- summative evaluation:

>> examination of a programs _ after it has been implemented

>> performance management refers to the systematic process which includes _ and _ in evaluation

- nonclinical

>> interviews, surveys, document analysis, focus groups

- clinical (_ screening)

>> complete, limited examination, inspection, screening

- success

- qualitative and quantitative

- non numerical

- quantity or amount

- ongoing revisions

- internal

- planning

- merit

- employees and group members

- basic

Dental Indexes

- Standardized quantitative methods for _, _and _ oral conditions

>> simple: _

>> cumulative: _

>> reversible:_

>> irreversible: _

- Dental index has: clarity, simplicity, objectivity, validity, reliability, easy, quantifiable

-* Ramfjord teeth: _

- scoring and analyzing

- if they have it or not

- if they have condition plus other conditions

- can change

- cannot change

- * #3, 9, 12, 19, 25, 28

Plaque, Debris, and/or Calculus

- Patient Hygiene Performance (PHP)

- Plaque Control Record (PCR)

- Plaque free score

- Plaque Index (PI)

- Oral Hygiene Index (OHI)

>> Debris Index (DI)

>> Calculus Index (CI)


Gingival Bleeding

- Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI)

- Sulcular Bleeding Index (SBI)

- Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index (EIBI)


Gingival and Periodontal Indexes

- Gingival

>> Gingival Index (GI)

- Periodontal

>> Periodontal Index (PI)

>> Gingival Periodontal Index (GPI)

>> Periodontal Disease Index (PDI)

>> Community Periodontal Index of Treatment (CPITN)

>> Periodontal Screening and Recording (PSR)


Dental Caries

- decayed, missing or filled permanent teeth or surfaces: _ or _

- decayed, extracted, filled primary teeth or surfaces: _

- Root Caries Index (RCI)


- deft or defs


- Developmental Defects of Dental Enamel (DDE)

- Dean's Index of Fluorosis

- Fluorosis Risk Index

- Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis (TSIF)


Common Dental Indexes

- Rates or proportions

- incidence rates: how many _ seen

- prevalence rates: _ of cases at a given time

- new cases

- total number

Government Evaluation

- indicators

- National oral health surveillance system (NOHSS)

- water fluoridation reporting system

- Basic screening survey (BSS)






- the value of research its contribution to the body of knowledge that can be used by the practitioner

- society has a right to dental hygiene care provided by professionals who possess a substantial theoretical foundation for exercising judgment and improving oral healthcare

- one characteristic of a profession is its ability to _ and _ a body of knowledge that is unique to itself

>> the key focus of research should be the _ and _ of its knowledge and practice

- a professions research efforts are closely linked with its service role and _ and _ to the public

>> practice can only be as good as the _and _ that supports it

- develop and validate

- development and validation

- responsibility and accountability

- research and theory base


- the research question

- the _ of the literature

- the _ study design

- data collection

- data analysis

- conclusion

- review

- research

Research Approaches

- Historical: to determine the meaning of _

>> recorded interviews, interviews, literature reviews

- Descriptive: to describe and identify _

>> survey, case study, cross sectional, cohort/longitudinal, document analysis, trend, correlational, retrospective

- past events

- current events or situations

Descriptive Approaches

- Survey: to gather _ about status quo; usually involves _ sample size

- Case study: to conduct in-depth report on _,_, _ or _

- Cross Sectional: to study _ of a population in a _

- Cohort/Longitudinal: to study the _ over _

- Document or Content Analysis: to analyze _

- Trend: combines _ and _ research to establish patterns from the past and present in order to predict future occurrences

- Correlational: measure the relationship between _; comparison of _

- Retrospective: (_) to investigate existing differences to determine _

>> reverse of _ approach

- Sur: broad information ; large

- case: single group, person, event, or situaton

- cross: cross section; limited time

-C/L: same population ; extended period of time

- analyze: documents themselves

- trend: descriptive and historical

- corr: variables ; two sets of data

- retro: (ex post facto) ; possible causes

>> experiemental

Experimental Approach

- investigate _ and _ relationships

- involves manipulation of _ and _ variables

- Includes _: quasi experimental no control

- cause and effect

- independent and dependent

- control

Research Designs

- Post test only design

- Pretest/Post test design

- time series design

- solomon four group design


Research Terms

- Pilot study: a _ conducted prior to a _ study

- Blind: when either the _ does not know whether or not the subject is receiving actual treatment

- Double blind: when _ do not know whether or not subject is receiving treatment

- Placebo effect: typically patients receiving placebo witness _

>> a control, no treatment "_", drug of choice for a disease, standard treatment called an _

- Cross over: subject is tested on _ at _

- Washout Period: time between _

- Split Mouth: _ is used for treatment, and other half has a _

- Pilot: smaller study ; larger, funded

- Blind: examiner OR the subject

- Double: BOTH the examiner and subject

- Placebo: improvement

>> sugar pill ; active control

- Cross: two different treatments at different times

- Wash: two different treatments

- Split: half of the mouth ; control or different treatment

Research Process

- research always begins with _

- the next step is the _

- a hypothesis is the result of asking a question that can be _

- questions arise from a researchers _, _, and _

- a question

- development of a hypothesis

- researched

- observations, observed occurrences, previous research


- A question to be _ by a study

>> it is the result of asking a question that can be _

- null hypothesis: "not"

- alternative hypothesis: positive or research

- answered

- researched


- independent variable: condition of the experiment that is being _

- dependent variable: the measure thought to change as a result of the manipulation of the _

- Extraneous variable: not _ to study, but may _ study

- manipulated or controlled

- independent variable

- related ; influence

Types of Data

- Dichotomous (Discrete Variable)

>> two _ categories

>> _ and _ units or categories

>> counted only in _

- Continuous:

>> can be measured anywhere along a _

>> large and infinite numbers of measures along _

>> can be expressed in _

- mutually exclusive

- distinct and separate

- whole numbers

- linear scale

- a continuum

- fractions

Scales of Measurement

- Nominal: _ categories

- Ordinal: _ mutually exclusive categories

- Interval: _ between any two adjacent units of measurement

- Ratio: _ point determined by nature; denotes _ of variable

- mutually exclusive

- rank ordered

- equal distance

- absolute zero; absence

Data Analysis

- measures _ and _

Central Tendency

- mean: _; used with continuous ordinal data

- median: _ of the data; used with ratio, interval, or ordinal data

- mode: value that _; used with all types of data


- communicates how much _ is present in a group of data

- describes _ of data within a research study

- range

- variance

- standard deviation

- central tendency and dispersion

- average

- midpoint

- occurs most often

- variation

- distribution

Normal Distribution

- forms the _ for comparisons and making statistical decisions

- a _, _, _ curve

- explains why random variables tend to be normally distributed

- mean, median, an mode equal in value

- theoretical foundation

- symmetrical, unimodal, bell-shaped

Skewed Distribution

- when a distribution of scores is _, the curve is said to be distoreted/skewed

- skewing is caused by a few _ in the distribution

- it can be identified by comparing the _ and _ of the distribution

- asymmetrical

- extreme scores

- mean and median


- _ and _ communication of data

- _ and _ understanding and interpretation of data

- the ability to compare _ visually

- effective and economic

- easier and quicker

- multiple distributions


- studies relationships between _

- does not equal _

- establishes risk

- "r" signifies the correlation

- (+/-) determines the _ of the relationship

- 0 = _

- 1 = _

- variables

- causality


- no correlation

- perfect correlation


- the p value is _ value

- it represents the probability that the findings from the study are due to _

- the p value commonly accepted in oral health research is _ than 0.05

- if _ than 0.05, the results are said to be not statistically significant

- probability

- chance

- equal to or smaller

- larger

Epidemiology Terms

- mortality: is the ratio of the number of _ from a given disease or condition to the total number of cases _

- morbidity: is the ratio of _ individuals to _ individuals in a community

- endemic: the _ of disease; relatively _ in a particular geographic region

- epidemic: the occurrence of an illness or condition in _ in a community or region; usually occurring _ and spreading _

- pandemic: an epidemic in which the disease may _ to affect several _

- Prevalence: is the number of _ of a disease or condition in a population at a given time

- Incidence: is the number of _ of a disease or condition in a population within a specific time

- risk factors: characteristics of an individual or population that may _ of experience of a given health problem

- Surveillance: the method of systems used to _ in a population periodically or on an ongoing basis

Mort: deaths ; reported

Morb: sick ;well

End: usual presence ; low

Epi: excess of normal expectancy; suddenly ; rapidly

Pan: cross international borders; countries/continents

Prev: all existing cases

Inc: new cases

Risk: increase the likelihood

Surv: monitor disease