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46 Cards in this Set

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most influential factor

socioeconomic status

wellness concept

quality or state of being healthy as a result of active process vs. health: state of optimal well-being

injuries model similarity to infectious agent model

communicable disease = infectious agent

injuries = agent is energy

US bone and Joint decade initiative: movement is restricted by what

musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis/LBP/fracture

American deaths from chronic disease

7/10 =1.7 million people

1/2 US adults have at least one chronic illness =133 million

exercise and nutrition programs that help reduce risk of CA and CVD are what kind of prevention

primary: modifiable and lifestyle choices

~% of elder maltreatment is by a family member


General adaptation syndrome

Alarm-adrenaline increase

Resistance - adapting, release cortisol

Exhaustion - ANS for homeostasis, shuts down

chiropractic profession believes in

health and active wellness programs for prevention, Integrative practice

biostatisitics: quantitative vs. qualitative

***Quantitative: discrete, measurable #___, continuously count/measurable quantities (age, BP)

***Qualitative: categorical, ALTernative (yes or no, "sure" won't cut it here!), **non-ALT (blood type)

uniintentional injuries are preceded by what

an unsafe act (personal behavior) -> hazards and condition (environmental factor)

major infectious dz re-emerged due to shifting weather patterns

Dengue Fever

modification of a product/environment to redue unintentional injuries defines what

Automatic (passive) protection Ex. child-proof safety lock on doors

violence of intentional injury in the US has increased in recent years, prevention recommendations include what

methods for conflict resolution: child protection service, brady handgun violence prevention act (wonder how the right to open carry will affect school campus)
major dimensions of health

state of complete physical, mental, and social well being (multi-dimensional)

stress is a prequel to anxiety (2 types)

state -short term (reactionary ex. when someone smiles at you)

trait- long term (modus operandi ex. when someone smiles at you and follows you into a dark alley)

4 major chronic diseases account for what amount burden on society

1) heart dz. 2)cancer 3)stroke 4)diabetes

current re-emerging infectious dz

dengue fever, TB, bubonic plague, ebola, etc.

gov. agency in charge of safety and efficacy of all drugs

FDA : food and drug administration

US bone and joint decade initiative: direct and indirect costs of musculoskeletal of the Gross domestic product

$850 billion

2 chief methods of performing an epidemiological investigation

**descriptive studies: used to study distribution patterns or relationships (time, place, and person aka nouns)

Analytical studies: used to study determinants

Note: 1st half of snow study was descriptive -> analytical**

stress is similar to anxiety except

amygdala, hippocampus, and nucleus accumbens (rewards centers) are involved with stress

unique population health inequities are mostly reflected in differences of ...

social and cultural factors

as portal entry chiro docs, how can we help

Becomeaware, informed & literate (from this course). Raiseawareness in your community about chronic diseases . Localpublic health educational programs (join civic groups). Placechronic disease prevention as a priority in daily practice. Perform screening activities. HRA questionnaires (ADAM, Medicare & Loganassignments). Portal entry services - BP, UA, Glucose, basicblood work, Lipids . Co-Management of diabetes, hypertension &weight

Mortality in the US is attributed to the topthree health-damaging behaviors to what levels. Primary prevention m/c:

1) tobacco use -**CDC finds we spend 300 billion

2)lack of exercise

3)poor eating habits

how can prevention, health education and active wellness based on evidence help student docs with RIME

promote health and active wellness, use evidence based research

compared to medical care advances, how have public health measures inc. life expectancy from 1900-2000

public health: increase 25 years of life (5xs)

medical care: increase 5 years of life (2xs)

what is sharing a gene that is rendering antibiotics ineffective

NDM-1 (new delhi metal-beta-lactamase-1) its been passed between bacteria which produces an enzyme that renders antibiotics ineffective (horizontal gene transfer)

differences in health among difference populations defines what

health disparities

what part of US population thinks public health is only for the poor


chronic disease are also what type of disease and are generally what

are non-communicable illnesses that are prolonged in duration, do not resole spontaneously, rarely cured, and have co-morbidities

report promoting Prevention

1979 "healthy people: the surges general's report on health promotion and disease prevention

US common chronic disease account for many of the top ten killers, what are the top 5 categories

1)heart disease 2)cancer 3)stroke 4)diabetes

what accounts for the m/c cause of diability

arthritis/chronic disease MUSCuloskeletal conditions

chronic diseases are what and to what level a burden on society

chronic disease account for 75% of the $2 trillion spent annually on health care in the US

of major/common causes of chronic disease in the US, what is the common theme

ALL are modifiable and lifestyle

-lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, alcohol consumption

newly emerging infectious disease from the metal-beta-lactamase enzyme that renders medicine ineffective is found where and in what

in 2008, spreading to europe in bacteria and viruses

5 A's for intervention and most important one

ask, advise ASSESS (**uses the stages of change!), assist, and arrange

3 major type of epidemiological studies, think timing of exposure

cross-sectional: snapshot in time (**simultaneously)

case-control: retrospective, odds ratio (**start with disease)

***co-hort: follow groups, risk-ratio (**start with exposure)

***Random control Trial: gold standard for "cause and effect"

examples of infectious disease that become chronic and can be managed

Hepatitis C, TB

unintentional injuries in workplace

1) home


3) sports areas


new direction for chiro

integrative practice (Hilgartner will hunt you down)

how many US adults have at least one chronic illness

nearly 2 million US americans die each year from chronic disease, 66% deaths caused by 4 given above (H,C,S,D)

-note: US health care system structure is based on Chronic care

**accuracy =____


**ecological model, environmental, and behavioral health =____



cornerstone of preventative health is the primary issue in group