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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the different kinds of hip pain?
Joint (groin)
Lateral (hip gone)
Sacroiliac (buttock/low back)
What symptoms are indicative of hip pain in a joint?
Pain with weightbearing
What kind of pathology is likely with hip pain in a joint in an old person? Young person?
Old: OA

Young person: labral tear (you'll hear clickling, locking)
If you suspect a labral tear, what should you order up?
MRI arthrogram
What physical exam test should you do if you suspect joint hip pain?
Internal rotation of the leg
What's the treatment for hip pain in the joint?

Mechanical aids:
Weight loss
What symptoms will someone come in with if they have lateral hip pain?
Pain with side lying and walking
What will be the physical exam of someone if they have lateral hip pain?
Tender to palpation over the trochanter (bursitis) or the tendons (tendonitis)
What tendeons insert on the greater trochanter that could be causing tendinitis?
Obturator externus, internus
Gluteus minimus
What's the treatment for lateral hip pain?
-Steroid injections

What is the history of someone who come in with sacroiliac hip pain?
Posterior hip/low back/buttock pain

Increased during weightbearing
What is the test on the physical exam that you use to look for SI hip pain?
Focal tenderness

FABER's test
What is the treatment for SI hip pain?
Physial therapy

Steroid injection (under fluoro)
What is the history that someone presents with if they've got patellofemoral chronic knee pain?
Pain behind the patella when they get up
What is the exam for patellofemoral knee pain?
Positive patellar compression tests
What is the treatment for patellofemoral knee pain? Why?
Strengthen the vastus medialis, stretch the rest of the quad. Also, strengthen the external hip rotators.

Underlying this is the fact that the patella is displaced laterally and is coming into contact with the femur


If there's foot/ankle problems, use orthotics
What is the history of someone with patellar tendonitis?
Lots of physical activity, then pain in the inferior patellar region
What is the pathology underlying patellar tendonitis?
Microtears in the patellar tendon
What are the physical exam findings in patellar tendonitis?
Tenderness/fullness in a smile distribution below the patella
What's the treatment for patellar tendonitis?

Eccentric strengthening

What is the history of PA bursitis?
Relative overuse (MALL-WALKERS DISEASE) and then MEDIAL knee pain
What is the history of someone with plantar fascitis?

Pain on the plantar surface - the initial steps are the worst
What is the physical exam of someone with plantar fasciitis?
Tender to palpation, especially when the foot is dorsiflexed
What is the history of someone coming in with a calcaneal stress fracture/
Hell pain with weightbearing

Pain increasing there as the day continues
What's the physical exam test for a calcaneal stress fracture/
Reproduction of the pain with a medial-lateral squeeze of the calcaneus
What's the history of someone with achilles tendonitis?

Pain with long strides, doing a calf raise
What are the physical exam findings of achilles tendonitis?
Tenderness, reproduction of symptoms with pressure over the Achilles tendon
What's the treatment for achilles tendonitis?

If really bad, crutches

Eccentric strengthening
What's the history of someone with a stress fracture of their foot?
Runners/people who are on feet a lot

Pain increases with time spent on foot
What are the physical exam findings of someone with a stress fracture?
Focal tenderness of the midfoot
What's the treatment of someone with a stress fracture of the foot?

2-4: rest/ice/crutches

5th: send them to ortho - this won't heal
What is the history of someone with metatarsalgia?
Pain with weight bearing
What are the physical exam findings of someone with metatarsalgia?
Tenderness when you palpate the metatarsal heads (usually the 2nd and 3rd)
What is the treatment of someone with metatarsalgia?
What are the different kinds of shoulder/neck pain?

Upper trapezius

C3/C4 radiculopathy
What two tendons are vulnerable to impingement in the shoulder? WHy?
Long head of the biceps and supraspinatus

They go "under the bridge" of the AC joint and coracoacromial ligament
What test do you for a supraspinatus tear?
Abduct arm to paralell, 30 degrees from front, externally rotate
What is the history of someone with glenohumeral shoulder/neck pain?
Recent overuse

Pain with overhead activites
What are the physical exam findings of someone with glenohumeral shoulder/neck pain?
Pain with ABduction that's increased when the humerus is internally rotated
What's the history of someone with upper trapezius pain?
Whiplash onset of aching pain in shoulder

Aggravated by a maintenance of posture

Relieved by massage, stretch
What are the physical exam findings of someone with shoulder/neck pain?
Tender/trigger point pain
What's the treatment of someone with shoulder/neck pain?
Massage, etc.
What's the history of someone with C3/C4 radiculopathy pain?
Insidious onset

Pain fluctuates with head/neck position

Sharp (rather than diffuse) in nature

History of remotecervical injury
What's the physical exam of someone with C3/C4 radiculopathy like?
Pain reproduced when you narrow the neuroforamen
What's the treatment of someone with C3/C4 radiculopathy?

Meds (anti-neuropathic)

Steroid injections

If bad enough, surgery
What's the history of someone with lateral epicondylitis?
What's the physical exam findings of someone with lateral epicondylitis?
Tenderness to palpation over the origin of the common wrist/finger extensors

Pain reproduced with resisted wrist extension
What's the treatment for lateral epicondylitis?
Rest/ice after activity


Eccentric strengthening
What's the history of someone with deQuervain's Tenosynovitis?
History of wrist/hand overuse

Pain over the radial aspect of wrist associated with increased activity
What are the physical exam findings of someone with deQuervain's Tenosynovitis?
Tenderness over the conjoined APL and EPV muscles