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15 Cards in this Set

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Beginning Awareness Phase
- stage of development in learning a new skill
- occurs when you learn that there is a specialized & more authoritative way of doing something.
AwkWardness Phase
- stage of development in learning a new skill
- initial attempts may be awkward & uneasy
- this happens to beginning public speakers as they learn how to use a speaker's outline, correctly cite their sources orally, implement findings from an audience analysis survey, and maintain eye contact with their audience while standing at a podium.
Skillfulness Phase
- stage of development in learning a new skill
- allows you to handle yourself well enough to do e task, but you are still thinking about the appropriate actions to do the task.
Integration Phase
- stage of development in learning a new skill
- you are delivering a speech, & all of those thoughts you had of doing particular actions during the skillfulness stage will come naturally & automatically, so your focus now is on delivering a well-thought-out address for your audience.
Goal Setting Process
1. Write down goals you want to achieve.
2. Write a short description as to why you want to achieve your particular goal, what would you miss if you didn't achieve this goal & what would you gain from achieving this goal.
3. Revisit your written goals & your "why" description atleast twice a day.
4. Think about how you can surround yourself with the appropriate people who can help you attain your goal.
5. Develop action plans to achieve your goals.
6. By consistently referring to your written goals from a 3x5 card you have that extra motivationto take the appropriate action to meet your desired results.
- taking time to close yojr eyes & visualize yourself delivering a high-quality speech & allow those images to be absorbed by your subconscious mind.
- picture yourself standing infront of your audience to receive their applause as you get ready to say your opening line of your introduction.
- the more you can visualize your speech by capturing all your senses in a movie format, the more real your public speaki g experience can become.
- supports your efforts at delivering a successful speech.
- start with "I am," affirm what you want and not what you do not want, and keep it short and precise.
- with your positive affirmation in hand, you can now believe that you have alreadg delivered an engaging speech to inform that was well prepared, well researched, and well delivered.
- creates positive expectations f yorself & the presentation of you public address.
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
- happens when one's expectations of an event affect the person's behavior in that given event.
- has 4 phases
4 Phases to a Self-fulfilling Prophecy
1. Clutching onto an expectation for yourself or others
2. Acting in harmony with tha expectation.
3. The expectation becomes realized.
4. The original expectation is supported & strengthened.
- the fuel to a positive mental attitude
- a characteristic that is needed at the podium, but it is even more important during the preparation process.
- noone wants to listen without enthusiasm.
- your enthusiasm for your topic, your audience, and the work behind the scenes is contagious.
- enthusiasm & passion will overpower talent any day.
Modeling Successful Public Speakers
- by watching world-class speeches, you will be able to see how top notch they deliver their message, frame their emotional appeals, organize their thoughts & present themselves as leaders.
- when studying other public speakers you want to look for traits you can implement in yourpublic-speaking skill-set & that can help you become a better public speaker.
- watching speeches by those whose talent & skills may not lie in public speaking can also give you tips as to what not to do.
- modeling is a proven activity to get you to where you want to go in a shorter amount of time.
You have 1,440 minutes a Day
- 1 thing we have in common with the world's most influential people.
- many students don't maximize their daily 1,440 minutes to the fullest & deminstrate the cruits of their poor time management at the podium in front of an audience.
Have a clear purpose
- not having a clear purpose of what your desired outcome is in a given day is a sureway to waste time.
- having a strong sense of urgency in using your time wisely is important in preparing for a speech, so start early.
Learn to say NO
- in order to use your time wisely
- saying no to time robbers like cellphones, texts, video games, email/web surfing while preparing for your speech will keep you focused & in a position to be fully prepared
- by saying no, you are saying yes to your success & your inidividual achievement towards your given goals, such as earning an A.
- create deadlines for yourself, & have a timer to countdown from 30 minutes to 0:00
The Preparation Process
1. Select a topic
2. Determine a general purpose
3. Formulate your specific purpose
4. Document a central idea that accurately reflects the main points of the speech
5. Conduct an audience analysis survey
6. Research your topic using the library, the internet & field studies
7. Support your ideas using examples, statistics & testimony
8. Organize the body of your speech
9. Create a catchy introduction & conclusion
10. Develop & proofread a preparation& speaker's outline of your speech
11. Analyze the word choice in your speech, refine & edit.
12. Implement appropriate visual aids that reinforce & add value to your message
13. Practice your delivery