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171 Cards in this Set

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Name some parts of the Integumentary system
Skin, Hair, Kidneys, Nails, sweat glands, & Sebaceous glands
What system helps to maintain homeostasis?
The integumentary system
What system regulates body temerature?
the integumentary system
What is the body's largest organ?
Deposits of melanin in certain areas such as the backs of hands and the face lead to the formation of what?
skin spots
Epidermis is...?
The outer skin layer of the skin
Melanin is...?
A dark pigmant that gives our skin, hair, and eyes color
Sebum is...?
An oily substabce secreted by glands in the skin that lubricates the skin and helps to prevent it from drying out
T or F?
Contraction of the muscles helps us to maintain an upright position.
T or F?
Contracting a muscle causes it to shorten, resulting in movement
What causes hair to turn gray?
loss of melanin
Where are long bones found?
the arms and legs
True or False?
Nails are made of a special skin cells that have been hardened by a protein called melanin
What causes injuries to heal slower with aging?
blood flow to the skin decreases
Dermis is...?
The deepest layer of the skin, where sensory receptors, blood vessels, nerves, glands, and hair follicles are found
Subcutaneous tissue is...?
The layer of fat that supports the dermis
T or F?
Na, an import mineral that keeps the bones strongs and helps the cardiac muscle to function properly, is stored in the bones.
T or F?
Contraction of the skeletal muscles helps us to maintain a constant body temperature by cooling down.
T or F?
Blood cells are made in the bone marrow.
What happens to skin during aging that puts a perosn at risk for injuries?
it becmes fragile, thin, and dry
What happens to nails during aging?
they become hard, tough, and yellow
Where are irregular bones found?
in the face and spinal column
Long bones have what?
A shaft and two rounded edges
Oddly shaped bones that are not flat are called?
irregular bones
The bones that form the skull are called?
flat bones
Where are fixed joints found?
the skull
Where are slightly movable joints found?
the spine
Where are freekly movable joints found?
the fingers
Describe three normal age related changes that affect the musculoskeletal
-loss of bone tissue: takes Ca from bones and bone loss occurs
-Loss of muscle mass: muscle cells decrease making it difficult to be physically active
-Wear and tear on joints: increase in age. lose proteins that make joints stretchy causing pain
What acts as a "Shock Absorber"?
What is the framework of the body formed by bones?
the skeleton
what is atrophy?
the loss of muscle size and strength
What attaches one bone to another, stabalizing it?
what is a joint?
the area two bones join together
what are tendons?
bands of connective tissue that attach the skeletal muscles to the bones.
The inside of the nose is the?
nasal cavity
The main orgins of respiration are?
What connects each lung to the trachea?
strong muscle that seperates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and assists in ventilation is?
the diaphragm
Tiniest branches of the bronchi are called?
the bronchiole
What is responsible for speach and is also called the voice box?
the Larynx
What is the passage that carries air fromt he pharynx down towards the lungs (also called the windpipe)
The throat region is called the what?
the pharynx
What are the two phases of breathing?
inhalation and exhalation
What muscle is strong and dome shaped that seperates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity?
the diaphragm
What muscles are located between the ribs and help with respiratory effect?
intercostal muscles
The rate and depth of breathing is controlled by what?
the brain
What are the special cells that are located in the medulla and in some of the major arteries, monitoring the amount of Cardbon Dioxide and Oxy in the blood?
CO2 moves fromthe blood into what and is removed from the body when exhaled?
What are two things that you can do to keep your respiratry system funcitoning regulary?
exercise regulary
dont smoke
Mucous Membrane
a special type of epithelial tissue that lines many of the organ systems in the body and is coated with mucous
a slippery, sticky substance that is secreted by special cells and serves to keep the surfaces on mucous membranes moist
the process during which the body obtains Oxy from the enviornment and removes CO2 from the body
Gas exchange
the transfer of Oxy into the blood and CO2 out of it
the strong, domes shaped muscle that seperates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and assists in breathing
The two main compnents of blood are?
the plasma and the blood cells
What is plasma?
the liqued part of the blood
Why are the red blood cells red?
b/c hemoglobin turns bright red when combined with Oxy
the process of allowing the blood vessels to constrict or dialate according to the body's needs
List two functions of the cardi vascular system
-transports nutrients and Oxy to the cells
-Carries waste away
Less efficent heart contraction with aging is?
tires faster while exercising
Decreased elasticity in the arteries and veins in aging is?
the person feels dizzy or light headed when standing
Decreased numbers of blood cells with aging is?
puts the person at a higher risk for developing infections
The liqued part of the blood is called?
What cells are responsible for carrying out oxygen to all the tissues in the body?
What percentage of plsma is water?
Red blood cells are also known as what?
What blood cells are repsonsible for fighting infection?
White lood cells are also known as what?
What protein is found in red blood cells that combines with Oxy to carry it to the tissues of the body?
Platletes or_______ are responsible for clotting of the blood.
What is another name for Platelets?
The continuous movement of the blood through the blood vessel is called what?
The heart muscle contracts in two phases called the what?
cardiac circle
The active phase of the cardiac cycle, during which the myocardium contracts, sending blood out of the heart, is called?
The resting phase of the cardiac cycle, during which the myocardium relaxes, allowing the chambers to fill with blood, is called?
A condition that results from pooling of blood in the veins just underneath the skin, cusing them to become swollen and "knotty" in apperance, is called?
vericose veins
What are the structures of the Central Nervous system?
the brain, cerebrim, diencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum, spinal cord
What are the structures of the Peripheral Nervous Sysem?
cranial nerves, sensory nerves, and motor nerves.
The nervous system helps to maintain the body's__________ by controlling the other organ systems.
The nervous system allows us to interact with our _____ through the special senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
Due to changes that occur with aging, older people tend to have a slower reaction times. What does this put the elderly at risk for?
falling or having accidents
Central nervous system
consists of the brain and the spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System
nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord
a cell that can send and recieve information
helps to speed the conduction of nerve impulses along the axon
gap between the axon of one neuron and the dendries of the next
Sensory Nerves
nerves that carry info from the internal organs and the outside world to the spinal cord and up into the brain
Motor Nerves
nerves that carry commands fromt he brain to the muscles and organs of the body
What cells or groups of cells are associated with a sensory nerve?
sensory receptors
The sensory receptors pick up info, calleda _____, and translate it into a nerve impulse.
The Sensory receptors that are responsible for ________ are found throughout the body.
general sense
receptors are stimulated when something comes in contact with the surface of the body and presses on them, causing them to change shape
Deep Touch
some sensory receptors allow us to sense pressure
sensory receptors are found in the muscles, tendons, and joints
free nerve endings (dendrites) in the skin and the tissues of our internal organs
Taste & Smell
sensory receptors change a chemical signal into an electric one
The clear front portion of the eye that allows the light to pass through to the inside of the eye
The tough outer layer of the eye
An opening in the center of the iris
This controls the amount of light that enters the eye
This contains sensory receptors that turn light into nerve impulses
A felxible, transparent, curved structure in the eye that adjusts to focus light rays
The middle layer of the eye that contains the blood vessels
Sensory Receptors
Specialized cells or groups of cells associated with a sensory nerve
a waxy substance that helps ptroect the external auditory canal
Age-related loss of eye's ability to focus on objects that are close
age-related hearing loss
Loss of sensory receptors in the skin
risk of accidental burns
Decrease in appetite
decrease in chemoreceptors on the tongue and roof of the nasal cavity
The endocrine system controls many of the body's processes, such as growth and development, reproduction, and what?
The endocrine system produces what that is released into the bloodstream?
The hormone travels in the what until it reaches the specific cells that it acts on.
Hormones with short-term effects help the body maintain what?
Hormones and ______ that act on cells to produce a response.
Many of the physical changes that are part of aging are directly related to a ____ in the amount of hormones released throughout the body.
What structures are part of the endocrine system?
Pineal gland, Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland (PTH), Thymus gland, Adrenal glands, Pnacreas, and Sex glands
What hormone is produced by the Thyroid gland?
thyroxine and calcitonin
What hormones are produced by the Medulla of the Adrenal gland?
Epinephrine and norepinephrine
What hormones are produced by the cortex of the adrenal gland?
Glucocriticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens
What hormones are produced by the Pancreas?
insulin and glucagon
Function of Teeth
Assists in chewing
Function of Esophagus
the mucus secreted by this organ, as well as the action of its muscle layer, helps to move downward and into the stomach
Function of the Small Intestine
where most absorption of nutrients takes place
Function of the Liver
produces and secretes bile
Function of Gallbladder
stores bile
Function of Pancreas
produces substances that aid in digestion, as well as insulin and glucagon
What is an age related effect of missing or painful teeth?
makes chewing difficult and increases the perosn's risk of choking
What is an age related effect of a decrease in the production of saliva?
makes swallowing difficult
What is an age related effect of slow movement of food through the digestive tract?
can put hte older person at risk of constipation
A condition that occurs when the feces remain in the intestines for too long
A transfer from nutrients from the digestive tract into the bloodstream is?
Involuntary wavelike muscular movements are?
Substances that have the ability to break down chemical bonds are called?
The semisolid waste product of digestion is called?
The process of breaking food down into simple elements is called?
What is the function of the kidney?
clean flood and filtrate
Function of the Ureter?
two slender muscular tubes carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Function of the Bladder?
hollow sac that holds urine
Function of Urethra?
tube that carries urine out of the body from bladder
The Urinary System consists of what?
kidneys, ureters, the bladder, and the urethra
T or F?
The urinary system removes waste products and excess fluid from the body in the form of urine?
T or F?
The Urinary Syst. helps regulate the acidity of the blood?
T or F?
The normal functioning of the urinary syst helps the body to maintain homeostasis
Describe the age related change of less effecient filtration
descrease in the kidneys ability to filter waste products from the bloodstream
Describe the age related change of decreased muscle tone
most common in older women who have had children or are obese; may contribue to stress incontinence
Describe the age related change of enlargement of the man;s prostate gland
may result in episodes of overflow incontience
contain all the eggs in a "holding pattern" until they are needed
if it occurs, occurs in the fallopian tube
the fertilized egg will attach to the lining of the uterus and cont. to grow
serves as the birth canal, through which a baby pases during birth
this occurs when the breast tissue is stimulated by the hormone prolactin
Function of Testicles
located in scotum sac and secrete testoterone
Function of the Epididymis
the sperm cells mature and develop the whiplike tail
Function of Vas Deferens
sperm cells are mixed with the secretions from the seminal vesciles and the prostate gland
Function of the Penis
allows sperm cells to be deposited into the woman's reproductive tract
T or F?
Increased production of female sex hormones may also cause some women to develop facial hair
T ot F?
Menapause can cause hot flashes irritability, a loss of energy, and an inability to sleep
T or F?
some women experience vaginal dryness and irritation due to aging
T or F?
Frequency and duration of erections in men decrease with age
T or F?
Effects of aging on the resp. syst can result in decreased blood flowto the penis
T or F?
The prostate gland in men tends to enlarge with the age and make urination difficult
The process by which living thing makes more living things like itself is called?
These special cells are contributed by each parent that contain half of the normal number of chromosomes.
sex cells
This occurs when the male and female sex cell joins, forming a cellt hat contains the complete number of chromosones
The period during which the secondary sex charectoristcs appear and the reproductive organs begin to function is called what?
This is the cessation of menstruation and fertility that women typically experience in their early 50's
The montly loss of blood through the vagina that occurs in the absence of pregnancy is called what?
mentral period
The release of a ripe, mature egg from the female ovaries each month is called what?
This is the process by which the glandular tissue of the female breast produces milk
This is a forcefull release of semen through the body