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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the polar component of a lipid?

Glycerol backbone

What is the name of the head groups of lipids?

Hydrophobic fatty acid tails

What are the structural functions of lipids?

Membrane components
Cell integrity
Insulation (heat/nervous impulses)

What are the two lipid energy sources found in the body?

Fatty acids

What is the term for a water-insoluble hydrocarbon with a carboxylic acid group, an even number of carbon atoms that can be condensed with hydroxyl groups?

Fatty acids

What can most fatty acids be synthesized from?

Acetyl CoA

What is the difference between saturated, monounsaturated, and polunsaturated fatty acids?

The number of double bonds (unsaturation points)

True or false: Humans have the ability to make omega-fatty acids.

False; we need both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in our diet.

What is a prominent source of Omega-6 fatty acids?


What is a prominent source of Omega-3 fatty acids?


What type of enzymes make prostaglandins?

COX enzymes

What responses within the cell do the prostaglandins mediate?

Inflammatory responses

Name two common COX enzyme inhibitors

Aspirin, Ibeuprofin

What is the site of triglyceride digestion?

Small intestine

What is the primary enzyme that breaks down triglycerides?

Pancreatic lipase

After absorption, the triglycerides are resynthesized in the intestinal epithelium and combined with cholesterol and apolipoprotein B-48 to form _______________.


True or false:
Cholesterol is...
-An alcohol?
-Soluble in water?
-Has a 4 ring structure?
-In cell membranes?
-Highly calorie dense?

Saturated: False, unsaturated
Alcohol: True
Soluble in water: False, insoluble
4 Rings: True
Cell membrane component: True
Calorie dense: False, cannot be metabolized

What common molecule is a precursor for steroid hormones?


Bile acids synthesized in the liver are derived from ___________.


Adrenal hormones, aldosterone, cortisol, and Vitamin D are all made from what basic precursor?


True or false: 85% of cholesterol is dietary.

False: 85% is made in the body, 15% is dietary

Where is exogenous cholesterol vs. endogenous cholesterol from?

Exogenous= food
Endogenous= from genetics

What lipid class is responsible for 95% of fat stored in tissue?


Free fatty acids bind to albumin in the blood.
Triglycerides form micelles in the blood.
Cholesterol has transport proteins to move through the blood...


Fats are insoluble in the blood

True or false: Most intestinal cholesterol is present in the esterified form.

False; unesterified in intestines

What is the primary lipoprotein involved in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway?


The larger the lipoprotein, the ___________ the density is.


Name the lipoproteins in size order from largest/least dense to smallest/most dense.

Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)
Low density lipoproteins (LDL)

Intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL)
High density lipoproteins (HDL)

How much fat does the average person get from their diet per day?

60-130 g of fat per day

What is the major function of bile salts and pancreatic lipase?

Solubilizing fats

What is the presence of excess fats in the stool called?


What causes steatorrhea?

Deficiency of bile salts leading to fat malabsorbtion

Which type of lipoprotein should not be seen in a fasting specimen due to it being cleared approximately 6 hours after a meal?


What kind of lipoprotein is the major carrier of endogenous triglycerides?


Where are VLDLs secreted?


How are LDLs formed?

Breakdown of VLDLs

What is a macrophage that has taken in too many LDLs called?

Foam cells

What lipoprotein carries 60-70% of all plasma cholesterol?


What are the two types of HDL and why are they different?

Discoidal: active in removing cholesterol from peripheral cells
Spherical: major type in plasma

Which lipoprotein contains peroxidases to prevent lipid oxidation/destruction?


Lipoprotein A is most similar to which class of lipoprotein?


What system does Lipoprotein A most effect when it is in excess?

Cardiovascular (keeps clots from being broken down)

Name the function of each lipase:

Pancreatic Lipase (LPS)
Hepatic Triglyceride Lipase (HTGL)
Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL)
Hormone sensitive Lipase (HSL)

LPS: Digestion of triglycerides
HTGL: digestion of triglycerides + phospholipids
LPL: Removal of triglycerides from chylomicrons
HSL: Release of triglycerides for energy

Name the function of each transport protein:

Acyl CoA Cholesterol Acyltransferase (ACAT)
Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT)
Cholesterol Ester Transfer Protein (CETP)
Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein (MTP)
ATP-Binding Casette family (ABC)

ACAT: Esterification of cholesterol for packaging into VLDL/macrophages
LCAT: Transfer fatty acids from phospholipids to cholesterol in HDL
CETP: Swaps cholesterol in HDL for triglycerides in VLDL
MTP: Parcels cholesterol esters into chylomicrons
ABC: Secretes cholesterol esters from cells to HDL

Which lipoprotein has the lowest ration of lipid to protein?


The exogenous pathway involves primarily which lipoprotein?


Which is the "good" lipoprotein class?


Which lipoprotein class contains almost exclusively Apo B-100?


Which lipoprotein class is the transporter of endogenous triglycerides from liver to muscle and adipose cells?