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138 Cards in this Set

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The modern academic definition of “myth” is the same as the ancient Greek definition of “myth”
According to the modern academic definition of “myth” as used in this course, a myth is a traditional story with ____________
Collective importance
There are three different kinds of myth. The classification is based on _____________.
What kind of myth features ordinary humans as the principal characters and is set in the distant past?
folk tale
What kind of myth features supernatural beings as the principal characters and is set before or outside the present world order?
Divine myth
What kind of myth features heroes as the principal characters and is set in the distant past?
Homer wrote The Iliad in the _____________.
8th century
Which Roman author is our most important source of Greek myths?
Ancient Greek myths were originally meant to be _____________.
An etiological myth is, by definition, _________
In Hesiod’s view, “theogony” means the same thing as
According to Hesiod, the first being in the world is Chaos. The word “chaos,” as Hesiod uses it, is best defined as
According to Hesiod, which being is NOT asexually produced by Gaea?
Eros (was there from the beginning)
According to Hesiod, the creation of the First Generation of gods establishes _____________ in the world.
According to Hesiod, Cronus cuts off his father Uranus’s _____________.
According to Hesiod, Rhea tricks her husband Cronus into swallowing a stone instead of [name of a deity].
According to Hesiod, Aphrodite is born from a combination of the semen of Uranus and _____________.
sea foam
The ancient Greeks viewed sexual attraction as _____________.
something to be feared
In order to establish their dominance, the Olympian gods had to overcome _____________.
Titans and Giants
According to Hesiod, why does Gaea send Typhoeus against Zeus after she had taken his side in a previous battle?
no reason is given
The Olympian gods are best understood as a _____________.
cosmic family
Which is an attribute of Zeus?
eagle, lightning, and a bull
Zeus oversees the laws of ancient guest-host relationships, which the ancient Greeks called _____________.
If an ancient society has a principal male deity, he is most likely to be _____________.
sky or weather god
Hera is Zeus’s _____________.
wife and sister
Hera’s special bird is the _____________.
Zeus consorts with Mnemosyne (Memory) and their union produces the _____________.
the muses
The Fates _____________ the thread of each individual’s life.
Spin, measure, cut (they do NOT repair)
According to the ancient Greeks, who is subject to Fate?
By the time of Homer, Poseidon is most closely associated with which body of water?
Which deity does NOT live on Olympus (even though he was a very important god)?
The mother of Apollo and Artemis is _____________.
The arrows of Apollo bring _____________.
After slaying Python, Apollo establishes an oracle at _____________.
The earliest questions asked of the oracle of Apollo (through the Pythia) were about _____________.
Polis (city-states/government) and colonization
Hephaestus catches his wife Aphrodite in bed with _____________.
Hephaestus was most closely associated with _____________.
Metal Smiths
What is the term for “having an enormous erection?”
What is the term for “warding off evil?”
Which epithet belongs to Hermes?
Argeiphontes (killer of Argus) and Psychopompus
The female deities of Mt. Olympus all represent different aspects of a single concern, namely _____________.
Who is in charge of the hearth, home, and private life?
From what eastern fertility deity was Aphrodite derived?
Ishtar, Estarta, Inana
Who made and fell in love with a statue, which was brought to life by Aphrodite?
Artemis is the goddess of _____________.
Wild fertility
Artemis is a common type known at the Potnia Theron, which means _____________.
Mistress of beasts
Artemis turns _____________ into a deer, and he is attacked and devoured by his own hunting dogs
Actian in Thebes
Which of the following was NOT a skill given to humans by Athena?
Which of the following is an attribute of Athena?
Owl, egis (gorgon head on shield/cloak ), armor
The story of Niobe functions primarily as _____________.
The Greek goddess most closely related to the eastern fertility goddess type is _____________.
Demeter (agriculture)
Persephone is abducted by _____________.
Hades/her uncle
After her daughter is abducted, Demeter spends much of her time at _____________.
Demeter is a universal type known as the _____________.
Mater Dolorosa
The Rape of Persephone accurately explains the agricultural schedule of Greece.
Dionysus was born from the _____________ of Zeus.
Which of the following are associated with Dionysus?
Ivy, figs, grapes, pine trees, panthers, eastern animals, goats, and sometimes bulls
Who was NOT punished for refusing to worship Dionysus?
Who was ripped to pieces by women celebrating the rites of Dionysus?
Dionysus traveled to the Underworld to retrieve _____________.
His mother, Semele
The Greeks were uneasy about the fact that they worshipped Dionysus because the god was so _____________.
Irrational, eastern, and excessive
Hades was also known as _____________.
Polyxenos (host to many)
The ancient Greeks believed that after death, humans became _____________ or “images.”
The primary purpose of grave goods, highly visible mourning, large burial structures, cremation, and tombstones was _____________.
To keep the dead from coming back and bothering the living
Our most comprehensive source for the ancient Greek view of the Underworld is _____________.
Odyssey book 11
After summoning the ghosts, Odysseus is approached by many ghosts. Which ghost really wants a proper burial?
Who tells Odysseus he would rather be a slave among the living than the king of all the dead?
The heroes who fought valiantly at Troy are rewarded once they arrive in the Underworld.
With only a few exceptions, most ghosts in the Underworld spend their time _____________.
doing nothing
Upon their arrival in the Underworld, ghosts were judged by the crimes they committed when they were alive.
Gilgamesh is closely associated with, and was king of, the city of
Zeus turns Io into a
Lo eventually settles down in
Acrisius first imprisons his daughter Danae in
Underground bronze dungeon
Zeus impregnates Danae in the form of
Golden Stream
Acrisius puts Danae and Perseus in a box and
Throws them in the sea
Who commands Perseus to bring him the head of a gorgon?
King Polydectes
The only mortal Gorgon is
Perseus falls in love with a woman chained to a rock, named
The Folktale Motifs missing from the myth cycle of Perseus suggest that the story was meant for
Heracles is the son of Zeus and
Zeus impregnates Heracles’ mother in the form of
Likeness of her husband
Heracles is constantly harassed by the goddess
Heracles accomplishes his labors at the command of Eurystheus, his cousin and the king of
Which of the following is an old-fashioned (or “uncivilized”) attribute of Heracles?
Lion skin, club, and bow and arrow
Heracles’ first labor is to kill a savage lion who lives
Heracles must kill the Hyrda who lives
Heracles must take care of a bull, sacred to Poseidon, who lives
Crete, ends up in Marathon
According to the ancient Greeks, the end of the world to the west is
Straights of Gibraltar
One man, Philoctetes, is brave enough to light the fire of Heracles’ funeral pyre. As a reward, Philoctetes receives Heracles’
When he dies, Heracles becomes a god. The process of becoming a god is called
The Athenians considered themselves autochthonous and traced their ancestry back to Gaea (Earth) and the semen of
Aegeus is the king of
Theseus, son of Aegeus, Poseidon, and Aethra, is born and raised in
Theseus meets a villain who stretches or amputates travelers to fit his bed. The villain’s name is
Theseus meets a villain who ties travelers to two bent pine trees, which then tear the traveler in half when unbent. His name is
Zeus seduces Europa in the form of
a bull
Minos asks for a sign from Poseidon that he (Minos) is really the son of Poseidon. Poseidon sends a sign in the form of
Bull of Crete
Daedalus is responsible for designing and building all of the following
The bull, the laborynth and Icorisus’ wings
Theseus falls in love with, takes advantage of, and then abandons
Why does Theseus travel to the land of the Amazons?
He is bored
Phaedra falls in love with Theseus’s son Hippolytus, who is her
step son
Perseus does NOT encounter which of the following creatures?
The minotaur
Gilgamesh was _________
1st recorded hero
The etiological function of a Legend is analogous to
Modern history
The Danaids are an example of a common folktale motif called
All but one
Jason is closely associated with which region of Greece:
Who is the sister of Helen
Jason was raised, educated, and trained by a civilized centaur named
On his way to Ioclus, Jason helps an old woman cross a river and loses his sandal in the mud. The old woman is really
The evil king of Iolcus is
The Argo lands at Mysia, and loses _____________ who is searching for his boyfriend Hylas.
The golden fleece is located in
Aea, Colchis
Medea falls in love with Jason and helps him recover the Golden Fleece. She is a cultural type know as
The Other
Off the coast of Crete, the Argo is hit with rocks thrown by a bronze man (a robot) named
Jason and Medea settle in Corinth. He plans to marry the princess of Corinth. Medea gets revenge on Jason by
Killing the princess, his sons, and flying away on a chariot pulled by dragons
The lesson of Euripides’ Medea is
Nothing in Excess
Jason dies a sad, lonely, and ironic death not fit for a hero.
The Iliad describes events that take place over the course of
a couple of weeks
Who offended the gods by serving them stew containing chopped up pieces of his son?
Pelops won the hand of Hippodamia in a ____________ against her father Oenomaus.
Chariot Race
Thyestes curses the House of
Who comes up with the Oath of Tyndareus?
Who causes trouble at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis?
The Greek army’s resident seer is
Odysseus and Diomedes have to trick _______________ into revealing himself, because they can’t win the Trojan War without him.
Which Greek warrior is bitten by a snake and abandoned by his comrades because his infected foot is oozing pus and smells bad?
In order to get a favorable wind for sailing to Troy, the Greeks sacrifice
The big argument at the beginning of the Iliad is between Achilles and
Achilles finally returns to the war after (and because of) the death of
Which ONE of the following events occurs in the Iliad? (depends on the choices, but…)
Death of Hector
Achilles drags the dead body of ______________ around the walls of Troy.
Who ransoms the body of Hector by begging Achilles to consider his own father, who will soon mourn the loss of a son?
King Priam
Calchas tells the Greeks that in order to capture Troy, they need all of the following
Achilles, kill Iphigenia, Neoptolemus, the Palladium, Heracles’s bow
The beat-up Greek who claims he was supposed to have been a sacrifice to the Horse is
Who wants to burn the horse and says, “I fear Greeks, even those bearing gifts.”
Which Trojan princess is raped at the foot of the statue of Athena?
Which Trojan princess is sacrificed over the grave of Achilles to appease the warrior’s thirst for blood?