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69 Cards in this Set

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One of the most common causes of murder is what?
Sexual Jealousy
Which of the following is a necessary for a diagnosis of PTSD?
Tramatic event, persons reaction (horror fear, helplessness)
Who is one of the primary developers of positive psychology?
Martin Seligman
Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of an overly aggressice individual?
Characteristics: Has a past, difficulty finding other solution, underestimate their response (not that bad)
Who of the following is most likely to commit rape?
Men, history of hostility, anger and abuse
What is true about social support and stress?
Religious and connections with others help reduce stress and increase health
Which of the following isn’t one of selye body responses to stress?
Alarm-(high arousal SNS, resistance-moderate arousal, prolonged) exhaustion-(long lasting stress, fatigue, weakness, increased illness
What does predictability do for stress?
(Slide 100) predictions makes stress level fall
What is the fundamental attribution error?
We make dispositional attributions for a persons behavior despite the presence of possible external influences (SLIDE 33)
Who is associated with moral reasoning and moral development?
Lawerence Kohlberg
Reciprocal all truism and tracting who we should cooperate with is also known as what?
Tit for tat we will help them and we understand that they will help us
When may we see the opposite of the actor-observe effect?
When people are depressed (see slide 34)
Which of the following is a reason for by standard helpfulness or apathy?
Someone else will help, fear, and Pluralistic ignorance, Diffusion of Responsibility
Who argued that moral development models may discriminate against women and proposed an alternative model to account for it?
Carol Gillgan
Freuds 5 stages of physio sexual in order are what?
The oral stage (1st year) The anal stage (1 to 3 yrs) Phallic (3 to 6 yrs) Latent (6 to 12 yrs) Genital (12 - ) slide 26
What did Freud suggest that an excessive anxiety in people might be due to?
Lack of sexual gratification, masturbation, tramatic sexual experience
An important aspect of personality as discussed in lecture is what?
Personality: consistent way of acting
Which of the following isn’t a Freudian defense mechanism?
Rationalization (making excuses) Repression (motivated forgetting) Regression (return to juvenile behavior) Denial, Displacement (diversion of an unacceptable thought) Reaction Formation (involves presentation of one’s thoughts or feelings as the extreme opposite of what they are) Sublimination(the transformation of sexual or aggressive energies into acceptable and pro-social behaviors) Projection (see our own undesirable characteristics)
According to Freud physco sexual energy which influence and develops personality is known as what?
Know the Id, ego and super ego.
ID (biological drives that needs gratification) Ego (Rational, negotiating, decision making component) Super Ego (Internalized values and rules we receive from our parents and society)
In what field of mental health does Dr.Livingston suggest Freud is alive and well?
What is the file drawer effect?
studies that only get published are those that find significance and are successful
How many stages of psychodynamics therapy are there?
4, Free association, Resistance, Catharsis, Transfer
What is Dr. Livingston acronym for helping people change in psycho therapy?
MAP (Motivation, Awareness, Practice)
Which therapy doesn’t interpret the client’s thoughts, feelings or provides advice?
Humanistic Therapy, Positive-Centered Therapy
Which psycho therapy appears to be the most effective?
All equally effective
Which form of therapy espouses a ABC model?
Rational-Emotive therapy A-activate event B-Belief C- Component Feeling
Which of the following is not true about insanity?
Definition is judicial more than scientific, bizarre crimes don’t mean insanity, rare in court cases
Because of deinstitutionalization where are many former mental hospital patients?
Homeless, nursing homes, imprisoned and dead
In order to commit a mentally ill person to an institution involuntarily what is generally needed?
Opinion of one or more professionals and court action must be obtained
Which of the following is not something a community psychologist would focus one?
Focuses are: Needs of groups rather than individuals; look at various routes to circumventing mental illness or lessening its damaging effects
An obsession is defined as what? While a compulsion is what?
Obsession: repetitive, unwelcome streams of thoughts Compulsions: repetitive, almost irresistible actions
A big difference between type I and type II alcoholism is what?
Type I develops gradually over time, equal in men and women, less severe Type II early onset, prevalent in men, genetic link (SEE SLIDE 30 Table 16.3)
When is anxiety considered pathological?
When it interferes with daily functioning
What percentage of the population is experiencing a phobia at any given time?
The two primary symptoms in diagnosing substance dependency are what?
Tolerance: Decreased effects of a given dose (Using more) Withdrawal: unpleasant sensations when the drug is not used
According to D. Livingston what is the most salient (Important) feature of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)?
The ability to control the worry
Which of the following is a sex difference between men and women with depression?
Women are twice as much likely to experience depression after adolescences, Women experience more rapid hormonal change yet are the same level as non-depressed women, men try to distract from depression and women dwell on feelings
A useful treatment for seasonal affective disorder is what?
Disorder that affects people at specific times of years, usually dealing with light. Light therapy, people sitting in front of a light for a few hours a day
What are the three main aspects of depression?
Problems are GLOBAL (things are bad all around), PERSONAL (they attribute it to themselves) and PERVASIVE (every aspect of my life)
The most important criteria for diagnosing bi-polar disorder is what?
The presence of a manic episode and usually followed by a depression. MANIC: 5-7 days of reckless behavior, racing thoughts, productivity, and thinks highly of themselves.
Which of the following is not a person likely to commit suicide?
Depression, bio-polar, drug or alcohol abuser, childhood problems, family history, suffering from some sort of lose
Which of the following is a positive symptom for schizophrenia?
Behaviors that are notable because of their presence (hallucinations and delusion, disorder thinking) Negative symptoms are those that are not there
Tremors and involuntary movement resulting in taking anti-psychotic medication is known as what?
Tardive dyskinesia
Which type of schizophrenia may be associated with rigid inactivity?
Types of Schizophrenia:
Undifferentiated, Catatonic: Rigid inactivity, Disorganized: Incoherent speech, odd behavior, Paranoid: A lot of hallucinations and delusion.
One significant problem with the use of lie detector test is what?
People can fake the results
What is the difference between a dushean smile and a voluntary one?
Muscles in the eye are used
What is the relationship between violence and self esteem?
There is no relationship
Unintentionally discriminating against some groups while expressing that all people are the same is known as what?
Adverse Racism
Who conducted the Stanford prison experiment?
Which of the following is not a way that we choose our friends (in lecture)
Proximity and most exposure, similarity, equity
-What is the difference between the central route to persuasion and the peripheral route?
Persuasion: central route-serious decision, very logical important peripheral-when decision is unimportant, people pay attention to more superficial aspects (such as speakers appearance
Under what conditions is group think likely?
With a cohesive group with a strong leader when people are afraid to voice opinion
When studying normal vs. abnormal behavior what important thing should also be considered?
The DSM-4 uses what model of psych-pathology?
A very specific question bio-psycho-social law (biological psychological or social)
Bio-genetics, injury, disease processes resulting in abnormal brain development
Psycho-individuals life, history and experience
Social- how have people acted towards them, how has been there friend
A state of reaching ones full potential is known as what?
Self Actualization
The most widely used personality test currently being used is what?
Minnesota Multiphyasic Personality inventory 2
Who developed a hierarchy of motivating needs culminating in reaching ones full potential?
Abraham Maslow
According to Livingstone what is the pony in the poop for Rorsonach?
Good for detecting psycho’s
The MMPI2 has how many questions?
Two questions on breach of confidentiality?
suicidal, court appeals, homicidal, Death, abuse
The big 5 personality traits are what?
Neuroticism (the tendency to experience unpleasant emotions very easily), extraversion (tendency to seek stimulation and enjoy the company of other people), agreeableness (tendency to be compassionate rather than antagonistic towards others), conscientiousness (tendency to show self-discipline, to be reliable, and to strive for competence and achievement), openness to new experience (Openness to Experience refers to a tendency to enjoy new experiences and new ideas)
Methods of persuasion (know them)
The sleeper effect-delayed persuasion by initially rejected message
Minority Influence-those holding unpopular opinions eventually change the attitudes of the majority
Forewarning effect-telling them will increase the likelihood that they’ll reject the argument
Inoculation effect-weak argument followed by a stronger one
Foot-in-door: modest request followed by a larger
Foot in face-Ask the outrageous request first, followed by a smaller one
Bait and switch- additional demands after initial commitment
That’s not all- keep giving stuff
- 2 questions about the 5 accesses diagnostic process’ (matching)
1-clinical disorder
2- personality disorders & mental retardation
3-general medical conditions
5-global assessment of functioning
Who developed the theory of archetypes?
Carol jung
Match a characteristic with a theory of emotion?
1. Opponent-Process Theory
Sympathetic→parasympathetic (opposites)
See a bear: excitement→runaway, calm
2. James-Lange Theory
Person’s interpretation of stimulus evokes the autonomic change directly
Physiology first then emotion
3. Schachter-Singer Theory
Intensity of physiological reaction depends on intensity of emotion.
Same event, different reaction possible
One significant problem with the Rorsonach test is what?
interpretive, wrongly diagnosed, cross-culturaly limited,