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23 Cards in this Set

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Define a law

Regulations tht citizens must conduct


Define jurisprudence

The study of law and legal philosophy

The study of what

Define universal declaration of law

The humane thing humans are aloud to do


What is the purpose of our legal system

To regulate citizen behavior

Ehat are the FOUR values on which laws are based? Define each value

Economic: value

Moral: the laws we follow

Social: presence in public

Political: right to choose our reps and leaders

How do values influence law making

Traditional ideas of right and wrong

A) what is a right?

B) what is responsibility

A) a privilege, liberty, and freedom to do something

B) to be consistent of what is needed to do

Define felony and provide an example

Major wrong doing

Ex: Steve got a felony for murder

Murder, kidnapp, rape

Define misdemeanor and provide an example

Minor wrong doing

Ex: Meg's licence plate was over the expiration date

Compare and contrast civil and criminal laws and courts.

Civil: plantiff

Criminal: prosecutor

Compare: both have judge, jury, and witnesses

Define tort

A civil wrong

Define liability

Legal responsibility for harm

Define plantiff

Harmed individual

Define civil action

Lawsuit brought to enforce person

Define settlement

An agreement to end dispute before it goes to trial

Define dissenting opinion

An opinion filed by the judge

Define litigator

Trial attorny

Define popular sovereignty

Decision made by the people *public*

What are checks and balances

When all three branches have the same power

No one has more power

List three examples of checks and balances

1) president can veto law *executive

2) congress can override presidents veto *legislative

3) supreme court can call out something unconstitutional *judicial

What was Thomas Hobbs major belief about government?

Without government the people would create chaos

What are the steps in trial

1)vio diré

2) opening statement by prosecution

3) opening statement by defense

4) direct examination

5) motions

6) cross examination defence

8) cross examination plantiff

7) direct examination plantiff8) cross examination plantiff9) motion 10)jury instructions

9) motion

10)jury instructions

How does a bill become a law?

1) someone thinks of idea tells a rep

2) introduced to Congress comittee

3) congress decides

4) bill introduced to senate committee

5) senate decides on bill

6) taken to executive branch so president can approve or veto the bill