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44 Cards in this Set

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a legally recognized member of a country


means by which a government is conducted


study of citizenship and government


organizations,institutions and individuals that exercise political authority

John Locke

state of nature= state of freedom, people are intrinsically good

why do we need a government, whats its purpose?

for protecton

Thomas Hobbes

state of nature= state of chaos people are intrinsically selfish

state of nature

life without government

natural rights

rights everyone is born with

social contract

process of giving up some of your rights in order to receive proportion

why do we leave the state of nature

1. self interested

2. stronger and smarter can take over the weak

3. weaker can ban together against strong

4. insecure


ruler can't be held accountable to the will of the people


government has total control over citizens lives -north korea

absolute monarchy

king or queen have all the power - Saudi Arabia

constitutional monarchy

king or queen share power with parliament- Great Britain

Direct Democracy

(pure) public policy is directly made by the people in mass meetings

indirect/representative democracy

elect small groups of people to make decisions... (also known as a republic)


another name of representative democracy


- far left

- wide sweeping/ rapid change

-big government

- controls all industry's


-left of moderate

-peaceful, gradual change

-active government


-middle, share many views of conservatives and liberals

-wait and see approach on change



-right of moderate

-favor keeping things the way they are

-cautious about change

-small government, less is better

native born

born in the U.S


alien becomes a citizen


people who are trying to escape dangers in home countries

civic virtue

placing the common good above your own need

common good

what's good for the community as a whole

republican government

-promotes the common good


put in as a dictator to save their country from war, after they won the people wanted to keep him as Dictator but he declined because he did not want to loose the Republic Government where the people had a say. Civic virtue because he put his need for power below the needs of the people


seperation of powers- dividing powers of government among different branches to protect against abuse of authority

Checks and Balances- branches check powers of other branches- balancing them out

constitutional governemnt

limits on powers and people running for government

higher law

set of laws that establish and limit power of government


-far right

-go back to the good ol days

-repressive use of government power

5 characteristics of higher law

1. lists citizens basic rights

2. governments role is to protects people's rights

3. limit the people in governments power

4. establish private domain

5. can only be changed with the widespread consent of the people

limited government

government doesn't have absolute authority

rule of law

no one is above the law

What are qualities of a good citizen

-follow the laws

-paying taxes

-appearing in court


-being informed

-taking part in local government


what your required to do- musts


what you should do -shoulds

what are early immigration policies of the U.S

Us congress passed laws limiting immigration in 1800s

naturalization process

1. apply for permanent residency visa

2. apply for citizenship

3. get fingerprinted

4. be interviewed and pass tests on civics, us history, and english

5. take the oath of alligence to the Us


people who come here from another country, entered the nation and adopted American society


permeant resident of the U.S who are still citizens of another country


set # of people allowed to enter from a certain region