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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the form of government based on resisting tyranny through limiting government by distributing power among different levels?
To whom were delegated powers given?
national government
What is the source of implied powers?
enumerated powers
Who has the right of reserved powers?
What supreme court case determined what states could not raise revenue from the federal government?
McCulloch vs Maryland
What is the source of local governments?
the state government
Since 1913, what has provided a continuous source of income for the national government?
income tax
Prior to the Civil War, people identified closer to what form of government?
In what year did senators begin to be elected?
What is a strict constructionist?
one who believes there should be no interpretation of the Constitution (ex. James Madison, Thomas Jefferson)
What is another name for a minor party?
third party
What party has won the most elections since 1952?
Republican (and the crowd goes wild)
What is the smallest unit of an election district?
What is it called when a person votes for multiple parties?
ticket splitting
What were people called who left their party to vote for Reagan?
What is a temporary alliance of several groups to form a majority?
When a person defends the status-quo against change in politics/society, what is he called?
What term describes 2-party cooperation?
What is it called when a candidate receives the largest number of votes?
Who is responsible for the party symbols?
Thomas Nast
Define: the coat-tail effect
the tendency for a popular political party leader to attract votes for other candidates of the same party in an election.
Define: incumbent
candidate who is the current officeholder
What does it mean to vote a "straight ticket?"
It means you didn't vote a gay one. LOL JK—it means "to only vote for candidates from one political party on a ballet." (ex. "Oh, I like Ronald Reagan, so I'm going to vote for every single Republican on this ballet. And then I'm going to go get me one of those nice 'Republican' stickers.")
What is a "spot?"
these things that leopards and cheetahs have—HAHAHA! Okay, I'll stop.

A "spot" is "a paid advertisement."
What is the specific location where residents vote?
polling place
Who are appointed by political parties to observe polls on election day?
poll watchers (pretty straightforward)
In recent years, what percentage of people have voted?
Since the 1930s, African-Americans have supported what party?
Democrat (http://bit.ly/1ifryrb)
True or False: Since 2002, unions and corporations cannot make unregulated contributions.
True or False: According to the McCain reformation, contributions from foreign nationals and postal franking are illegal.