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9 Cards in this Set

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What is a heading?

Includes name of the insurer, address and company logo

What is a recital clause?

Sets the scene for what follows in the policy, by referring to the 2 parties entering the contract in exchange for a premium to indemnify the insured

What must be near to the recital clause?

The signature of the insured

What is an operative clause?

Describes the describe the scope of the cover and contains exceptions

What are exclusions?

Exceptions that apply to the entire contract. These are in a addition to the exceptions that apply to particular parts of the policy

What is the condition part of the policy?

Certain conditions that apply throughout the period of the policy

What is one of the conditions in reference to the insured being uninsured?

They insured must take reasonable care, as if they are uninsured

Are some conditions implied by common law?


What is the policy schedule?

Scedule is the place where the policy is made personal to the insured