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21 Cards in this Set

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3 negative studies against daycare

1) Di Lalla

2) Baker et al

3) NICHD study


A two-way emotional bond in which an infant and primary carer depend on each other.


A child forms an attachment with a primary caregiver but then the attachment is lost. Can be short term or long term.

Definition of Child Psychology

Looks at human development from before birth into adulthood. Suggests early experiences and environment affect later behaviour and relationships.

Also looks at genetic impact of atypical dev. e.g. autism and also the effects of daycare on development.

Definition of Autism

Developmental disorder affecting communication and social interaction and social imagination. The diagnosis is based of the autistic spectrum.

What are the two explanations of autism?

Cognitive = Theory of Mind

Biological = Extreme Male Brain

Explain the Theory of Mind explanation for autism.

Theory of Mind is understanding others' thoughts and others' view the world differently. Autistic people don't have this, they are high systematisers and low empathisers. Sally-Anne test used to test this.

What factors affect the outcome of daycare?

1) Age of child

2) Type of attachment

3) Childs' temperament/personality

4) Quality of daycare

5) Time in daycare

Daycare outline for key issue

- Form of childcare away from parents/family

- Form of short term deprivation

- Can be beneficial (intellectual/social development)

- Can be negative (socially etc)

- Socially/economically parents have to work so is it avoidable?

- So what are the effects of day care on development?

4 positive studies for daycare

1) Clarke-Stewart

2) EPPE project

3) Shea

4) Andersson


When an attachment has never been formed with the caregiver e.g. Genie

Separation Anxiety

Distress caused by the absence of the primary caregiver, shown by securely attached children.

Aim of Curtiss (1997)/Genie

- Help Genie and ensure she became healthy

- Investigate ability to form language

What are the 3 types of attachment?

1) Securely Attached (B)

2) Anxious Avoidant (A)

3) Anxious Resistent (C)

Define Secure Attachment

Children who are distressed when mother leaves and require comfort on return. Their primary caregiver is a 'safe base.' Suggests mother tends to child's needs.

Define Anxious Avoidant Attachment

Children who are not distressed when mother leaves and tends to avoid her on return. Potentially because mother is neglectful/abusive so there is no dependence.

Define Anxious Resistant Attachment

Children who stay close to their mother and tend not to explore and become distressed if she leaves. Reject comfort on return. Suggests child cannot always rely on mother.

What are the elements of Bowlby's Theory of Attachment?


Social Releasers

Critical Period (Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis)


Internal Working Model

What are the elements of Bowlby's Evolutionary Theory?


Social Releasers

Critical Period (Not MDH)

What are the elements of Bowlby's Psychodynamic Theory?

Critical Period (Maternal Deprivation)


Internal Working Model

Give 4 studies into Privation

1) Genie (Curtiss 1977)

2) Czech Twins

3) Rutter (Romanian orphan adoption)

4) Freud and Dann (War orphans)