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43 Cards in this Set

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what did Harlow's rhesus monkey's show if they were seperated from their mothers?
more social disturbances
Who believed in the concept of a needy, dependant infant motivated by a drive reduction?
who believed in the competent motivated infant?
at what age are children in the clear cut attachment phase according to bowlby?
6-8 months and 1-2 years
what is measured in the strange situation?
when the mother and child play=secure base
When a stranger comes and mom leaves= seperation distress
what are bowlby's stages?
preattachment(birth-6wks): infant figures out what summons mother
attachment in the making (6wks-6mths): respond to familiar people but do not trust yet
clearcut attachment(6mths/8mths-1.5yrs) actively seek moms and have seperation distress
reciprocal relationships(1.5yrs on) works intentionally on relationship with parents
what is a secure attachment?
kids who are sad when parents leave and happy when they return
what is insecure/resistant attachment?
clingy to parents, get upset when parent leaves and not comfortated by return of caregiver
what is insecure/avoidant attachment?
indifferent to caregiver before and after return and can be comforted by stranger
what is disorganized/disoriented attachment?
no consistent way of coping with the strange situation
what is autonomous parental attachment?
when they recall equal amounts of good times and bad (tend to have securely attached babies)
what is dismissing parental attachment?
don't remember much of child hood. tend to have anxious/avoidant kids
what is preoccupied parental attachment
confused and angry recollections, tend to have resistant kids
what is unresolved parental attachment?
suffered a trauma, tend to have disorganized kids
what does better childhood attachment predict?
higher EQ
what did the rouge test show?
that before 18mths kids either tried to clean off the child in the mirror or did nothing when kids above 18mths realized it was themselves in the mirror
what is identity diffusion status?
when a person is not making progress towards answering lifes many questions
what is forclosure status?
chooses a path based on what others values are instead of experimenting themselves
what is moritorium stauts?
when the individual explores lots of ideas but hasn't made a choice yet
what is the identity achievement status?
when the person commits to ideals they believe they chose themselves.
what is self esteem?
the evaluation of self worth and evaluation of friendships
what is instrumental?
a male trait where they are active and competititve
what is expressive?
a female trait, they are concerned with others
can infants distinguish genders?
yes, via physical appearence
how does gender understanding progress through toddlerhood?
kids develop boy vs. girl understanding, and by latter half of 2nd year they want certain toys and have group identification
how does gender development progress in preschool? elementary school? 6th grade?
PS= have sex type play (around same gender) and avoid kids who break this stereotype pattern
ES: kids understand physically why girls are girls andboys are boys
6th: start noticing the opposite sex
what are some evolutionary reasons for male and female differences?
men are better at spatial reasoning so they can be hunters, women are inclined to nurture to take care of kids
what does androgen do?
affects male to give them male traits, female rats given androgen acted like male rights
what is congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
when the adrenal glands over produce androgen, genitalia is not fully formed
how are men and women's brains different?
men have more white matter (higher speed of transmission) women have more gray matter (higher amounts of info is processed
how are the brain connections different in men and women/
women have more connections in language centers, men in spatial centers
how does the social learning theory describe gender differences?
they are more likely to imitate same sex models more than opposite sex models
how does modeling affect kids gender development
they are influenced by gender typing and what the parents do at home or say they should do
how does the media affect gender development?
there are more male characters than female which causes more stereotypes
what is the cognitive perspective of gender development?
gender related behavior is slowly understood according to kohlberg
what are kohlbergs 3 stages of gender?
gender identity 30 months
stability (gender might change) 3-4
gender constancy 5-7 (understand gender can't change) show same sex preference before this time.
what is the gender schema theory?
gender undrstanding develops thru construction of a gender schema that has mental representations of all things they have learned about gender
how does the schema theory affect children's play?
they avoid whats not apart of the schema and approach what is
what is meccoby's gender segregation?
the tendency to associate with same sex peers and avoid the opposite. this is a preference because they play similar to each other and relate better to each other.
how is eye contact different between boys and girls?
girls give more eye contact
what is the biosocial theory of gender development?
biology predisposed men and women to be different, but the post industrial times allows them to move away from those specific molds
what 2 types of influences can hormones have on the brain?
organizational influences: when the affect the organization and differentiation of the brain

Activational influences: when they activate behavioral responses
what is the cognitive motivational perspective of gender development?
that kid's are shaped by their expectations, preferences and gender related beliefs