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46 Cards in this Set

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What are characteristics of the cell membrane?
The cell membrane is permeable and a lipid bilayer.
What does the nucleus consist of?
Its own organelle.
What does the cytoplasm do and what are some of its characteristics?
It helps support the nucleus. The cytoplasm is a gel like substance that contains lipids and proteins.
All cells except ____ cells have the entire proportion of genetic material in the nucleus.
Sex cells
The nucleus of body cells contains ___ chromosomes.
The nucleus of body cells contains ___ pairs of chromosomes.
One member of each pair of chromosomes is from ____ and ____.
Mom and dad.
Each member of a pair of chromosomes effects _____, _____, and _____ it regulates.
Size, shape, traits.
Mendelian genetics:
Single gene inheritance
Expressed observable (physical) characteristics that result from genetic combinations.
Actual genetic make-up that results from genetic combinations.
Example of a single-gene disorder:
Huntington's Disease
Describe the onset of Huntington's Disease and the effects it has on an individual.
Acting differently; moody, passive, forgetful. Symptoms include loss of controlled movements.
How common is Phenylketonuria and what causes it?
1 in 10,000 people carry PKU, it's caused from excess phenylalanine.
Approximately ___ lethal recessive genes are carried by each person.
Recessive Gene Disorder is an example of:
Incomplete dominance
What is an example of recessive gene disorder, and what are its characteristics?
Sickle cell disease, which is when red blood cells are mis-shapen and cannot fit through small capillaries, which causes a disruption in oxygen delivery and blocks white blood cells from reaching bacteria and fighting infections.
When someone carries a sickle cell trait:
It's usually not a problem, but when seriously short of oxygen, there can be some temporary problems.
It is called a sex-linked disorder when the ____rd chromosome is defective.
What causes a sex linked disorder?
The recessive gene on X chromosome expressed because the Y chromosome is only 1/3rd as long and lacks corresponding allele to override X.
Examples of sex-linked disorders:
Colorblindness, hemophilia, male baldness.
DNA: (nucleotides) backbone + base-pairs including:
Adenine- Thymine (A-T)
Guanine- Cytosine (G-C)
What is a gene?
A segment of DNA in a particular location on a chromosome.
The average gene has _____ base-pairs
There are apx. _____- _____ genes
20,000- 40,000
All humans share ___% of their genes.
The order of ______ codes are important for creation of amino acids, protein, and enzymes.
Cell duplication, each new cell receives an exact copy of the original chromosomes.
What happens when DNA unzips to during mitosis?
Each single strand acts as a template.
_________ bases are sequentially added from _______, resulting in identical replicas.
Complimentary, cytoplasm.
During mitosis, what binds the bases together?
Replication of germ (sex) cells.
Meiosis only occurs in the ______.
What is the first step of meiosis?
1. 46 (23 pairs of) chromosomes duplicate themselves.
What is the second step of meiosis?
2. Crossing occurs, "mixes up" genetic material.
What is crossing over?
It occurs during meiosis. It involves the actual exchange of parts of genetic material, as segments of one chromosome in a pair changes place with segments of its compliment. Crossing over increases genetic variability.
What is the third step of meiosis?
New pairs divide into 2 daughter cells, with 46 (23 pairs of) chromosomes (random assortment determines which member of each pair will end up in each sex cell).
During meiosis, do daughter cells divide without copying chromosomes?
What is the last step of meiosis?
Result is 4 cells (gametes), each with 23 single chromosomes.
In men, meiosis results in ___ sperm cells, (2 with __, 2 with __ --based on division of the ___rd pair).
4, X, Y, 23.
In women, meiosis results in one _____ (the other __ disintegrate due to receiving very little cytoplasm).
Ovum, 3.
____ + _____= zygote
Ovum, sperm.
What happens when a sperm penetrates an egg?
Their chromosomes combine to produce 46 (23 pairs of) chromosomes.
______ ____ and random assortment result in a large degree of diversity in genetic composition of sperm and egg cells. (64 trillion+ possible combinations from the same mother and father)
Crossing over.
Polygenetic inheritance:
Genetic influence on behavioral/ psychological characteristics appears to be the result of many genes in interaction with the environment.
Development is product of reciprocal interactions between:
1) Genetic-constitutional make-up, 2) Past experiences, 3) Current physiological conditions, 4) Current environmental conditions.