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48 Cards in this Set

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Angina pectoris
Temporary myocardial ischemia, usually secondary to coronary atherosclerosis
Regarding chest pain:
Are there pain fibers in the lung?
What is causing the pain in certain lung conditions (ie: PNA or pulmonary infarction)?
Where else can pain be originating from?
Lung contains no pain fibers
Pain arising from inflammation of adjacent parietal pleura
Muscle strain
Pericardium contains few pain fibers
SOB assoc. w/ CHF - description and assoc. sx
Orthopnea, DOE, peripheral edema, cough, usually gradual onset but could be sudden in flash edema
- Musical respiratory sound heard w/ inspiration and expiration
- "Accordion sound"
- Typically signifies airway obstruction from secretions, inflammation, or foreign body
Cough: descriptions and causes
- Typically a reflex response to stimuli that irritate R in larynx, trachea, or large bronchi
- Can be dry or productive
- Causes: irritants (ie: mucus, pus, blood, dust, foreign bodies, heat/cold, medication, other), inflammation of respiratory mucosa, pressure/tension in airways from tumor, or enlarged peribronchial lymph nodes
* can be CV in origin, ie: w/ L-sided heart failure
Hemoptysis: origin, color, always concerning sign for ____
- Blood could be postnasal, mouth, pharynx, or GI source
- Bright red to rust colored (blood from stomach usually darker and may have food particles)
- Always concerning for neoplasms
- When vomited, it probably originates from GI tract
- Always quantify amt, freq, and last episode
Hemoptysis most often seen in ______
Pts w/ CF
Kussmal breathing
deep, labored breathing pattern
Cheyne- Stokes respirations
deep breathing alternating w/ periods of apnea
Retractions of the chest
- Intercostal, during inspiration
- Seen in severe asthma, COPD, or upper airway obstruction
- Most apparent in lower interspaces
Abn chest expansion seen in _____
Fibrosis, pleural effusion, lobal PNA, bronchial obstruction
Fremitus: def, how to test, decreased in ____, increased in_____
Palpable vibrations transmitted through the bronchopulmonary tree to the chest wall

Compare L to R using ball or ulnar aspect of hand

Decreased: thick chest wall, obstructed bronchus, COPD, pleural effusion, fibrosis, air, or tumor

Increased: unilateral PNA
Sinus tracts: def, usually indicates, seen in ____
- Blind, inflammatory, tubelike structures opening onto the skin
- Usually indicates inf of underlying pleura and lung
- Seen in TB, actinomycosis
Percussion notes: intensity, pitch, duration, ex
Soft intensity
High pitch
Short duration
Ex: thigh
Percussion notes: intensity, pitch, duration, ex
Very loud intensity
Lower pitch
Longer duration
Ex: hyper-inflated lungs of pts w/ COPD or asthma (not a reliable sign)
Percussion notes: intensity, pitch, duration, ex
Medium intensity
Medium pitch
Medium duration
Ex - liver
Percussion notes: intensity, pitch, duration, ex
Loud intensity
Low pitch
Long duration
Percussion notes: intensity, pitch, duration, ex
Loud intensity
High pitch - has a musical timbre
Ex: gastric air-bubble or puffed out cheek
Pathological example of hyperresonance
COPD, pneumothorax
Pathological example of dullness
Consolidated PNA
Pathological example of flatness
large pleural effusion
Pathological example of tympany
Lg. pneumothorax
Dullness replaces resonance in the lungs when ....
Fluid or solid tissue replaces air-containing lung or occupies the pleural space beneath your percussing fingers
Lobar PNA - def.
Alveoli are filled with fluid and blood cells
Pleural effusion - def.
Pleural accumulations of serous fluid
Abn high diaphragmatic excursion suggests ...
suggestive of pleural effusion, or high diaphragm as in atelectasis or diaphragmatic paralysis
Bronchophony - def. and ex of cause
Louder, clearer voice sounds
Causes: Lobar consolidation
Egophony - def. and ex of cause
Voice sounds w/ a nasal quality, E-A change present
Ex: present in lobar consolidation from PNA
Whispered pectoriloquy - def and ex of cause
Louder, clearer whispered sounds
Causes: Lobar consolidation
Transmitted Voice Sound Tests - when to use, diff. sounds, and what does increased transmission mean?
- Used if bronchovesicular or bronchial breath sounds are heard in abn locations
- bronchophony, egophony, and whispered pectoriloquy
- Increased = suggest that air-filled lung has become airless
*Vesicular breath sounds
- Normal
- soft, low pitched
- Usually heard over most of both lungs
*Bronchial breath sounds
- Normal
- Louder and higher in pitch
- Usually heard over manubrium
*Bronchovesicular breath sounds
- Normal
- Intermediate intensity and pitch
- Usually heard over the 1st and 2nd interspaces
*Tracheal breath sounds
- Normal
- Very loud and high pitched
- Heard over trachea
*If bronchovesicular or bronchial sounds are heard in distant locations, suspect .....
air-filled lung has been replaced by fluid or solid tissue mass
Breath sounds may be decreased:
when air flow is ____ as in ____
or when _______ as in ______
When air flow is decreased as in obstructive lung disease or muscular weakness
Or when transmission of sound is poor as in pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or COPD
A silent gap b/w inspiratory and expiratory sounds suggests ______
Bronchial breath sounds
Crackles (rales): def and causes
Discontinuous sound, BRIEF, Intermittent, Relatively HIGH PITCHED sound ("rubbing hair b/w 2 fingers")
Fine: higher pitched, very brief
Coarse: louder, lower pitched, brief
Causes: PNA, fibrosis, early CHF
Persistent crackles (rales) after cough suggests ...
Lung tissue abnormality
Wheeze: def and causes
Continuous, MUSICAL sounds, prolonged through respiration, HIGH PITCHED, hissing or shrill quality
Causes: narrowed airways as in obstructive disease (asthma, COPD)
Can be described as: coarse, diffuse, mild, moderate, or severe
Rhonchi: def and causes
Continuous, LOW PITCHED, snoring quality, prolonged through respiration
Causes: secretions in larger airways
* May clear w/ cough
Friction rub: def and causes
Continuous sound, loud, grading or squeaking, prolonged
Causes: inflamed pleura w/ loss of lubrication b/w pleura. Pleuritis, PNA, PE
Stridor: def, causes, assoc. w/
- Continuous adventitious sound
- Entirely or predominantly inspiratory high-pitched wheeze, often louder in neck
- Causes: laryngeal or tracheal obstruction (ominous sign)
- Assoc. w/ epiglotitis, laryngeal spasms, foreign body
Atelectasis - def.
Collapse or plugging of airway resulting in obstruction of airflow and lung tissue collapse into airless state
Bronchiectasis: def
Rare, chronic obstructive lung disease characterized by localized and irreversible dilation or widening of part of the bronchial tree
5 As of smoking
- Ask about smoking @ each visit
- Advise pts to stop smoking
- Assess readiness to quit
- Assist pts by setting stop dates and providing resources
-Arrange f/u visits to monitor and support
Lung CA is commonly referred to as ....
Causes, sx
Bronchogenic carcinoma, CA or bronchial epithelial structures
Causes: smoking, asbestos, radiation, noxious inhaled agents
Sx: cough, wheezing, SOB, hemoptysis, DOE, pleurisy, weight loss
Hemoptysis in the setting of weight loss is ___ until proven otherwise
Lung CA