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28 Cards in this Set

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French word for rennaissance

Rebirth ---> referred to classical humanism (focus on human expierence)

Time period was a little less god centered & open to multipule interpretations of the holy text while obssessed with all things roman


oligarcy; birth place of rennaissance; ideas spread quickly through italy; rennaissance mainly flurished in republics; milian feared florence because they saw renaissance as a political statement; gilds had power in Florence; would comission great works of art

-bzantium was no more ( islaimic forces controled constantinople) meaning there was no longer a boarder from the Islamic; Mediterranean world; people started exploring beyond the atlantic

paid for by medici (for his court yard); david and golith; Medici family came from humbleness (textile industry, opened banks, became powerful, medici bank had rennaissance art;

First life size bronze nude since ancient time; coming of age work; artist--> Donatello

model for this art--> Devenchi;

early florentine rennessance

medici commisioned art; eager to do good things with their wealth;

medici home--> classical intequity; florentine republic; windows arch set standards for other architecture (from bottom to top) doric, ionic, corithian

st george; made by donatello; missing sword and helmet

-Greco-Roman representation for the

Warrior gild.

equestrian monument to gattamelata; some of the most powerful cities had bussiness in warfare;

Gattamelata( Man on horse)

condottieri (from war guild/ commisioned to fight) --> ran town

1st lifesize bronze equestrian warfare statue since ancient roman times


-condottieri gattamelatas house

- condotieri's- similar, to a duke but took part in wars fought under contractual agreements

mary megdalen; sculpted by donatello; @ the end of her life she was only clothed in faith in christ; place in florentine babtistry

-ascetics= wonderer of the world

- on judgment day all you have is yourself, so Mary Magdalene wonders the world in hopes of becoming closer to god

art competition; 1st heroic bronze nude

this one didnt win;

winning image

lorenzo ghiberti-->artists

-first bronze nude since ancient times

had better perspective as far as background

Gate of paradise by Ghiberti; path of pardise between babtism and church (everyone passed through these gates; doors face main church;

panel from the Gates of Paradise; lineiar perspective; 3D looks on 2D lineiar perspective

largest monastery dome structure in the world; 95% brick; covers orthogonal; hairing bone brick work; made by brunelleschi

self supporting; stair case winding to the top

-clutch and reverse gear invented by Brunellechi's

hospital of the innocence; paid for by medici; made by brunelleschi;

based on mathmatical formula (linear perspective);

still in operation;

church by brunelleschi; chapel designed for family;

The holy trinity

1st artists to apply large scale to fresco was masaccio; holy trinity pulled together in mathmatical art work; 1st naturalistic representation of skeleton (adam)

chiaroscuro- meaning light dark (shadow)

linear perspective

the tribute money; atmosphereic perspective;

chiarocsuro--> means light dark (shadowing); flornece was the first place to have income tax; peter paying the post; one point linear perspective; synoptic narrative

Annunication painted by fre angelico

-naturalism does not apply

-pillar divides Gabriel from Mary

-text on the images states that Mary is expecting Christ.

- created by Fra Filippo

-Fra Filippo is a student of Fra Angelico

-Christ does not feel secure by the angels

-Humanizing to the extreme

humanizing mary;


-pure in that she has just been born. Similar to the Virgin Marry; 1st lifesize painting of a peagon god since ancient times; venus- all about love; not for public; used for new-paltonic academy

la primavera (spring)

-Sandro Botticelli

-Representation of the three grace and mercury helping to bring in different seasons

- three graces represent coming of age i.e youth, middle age and old age

- 5 orange cant balls represented madici

-venus in the middle

Camera degli

paintd by andrea mantegna

- first ever representation of vertical one point perspective

- commissioned for a bridal chamber

-oculus represents the eye of god starring down on those below him

-garland surrounding the oculus represents fertility

-meant to be funny

-Andrea Mantegna

-violated the rules of one point perspective

The dead Christ

-Andrea Mantegna

-exaggerated foreshortening for maximum impact

-violates the rules of one point perspective

a gild is a group of people with a common intrests. Ex) weaponry gild