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27 Cards in this Set

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Business letters
1. permanent record
2. confidentiality
3. formality/sensitivity
4. for persuasive, well-considered messages
3 groups of letters
1. routine letters for straightforward requests
2. persuasive messages(sales pitches)
3. negative messages delivering refusal and bad news
3 Phases (3x3)
1. analysis, anticipate, adapt
2. research organize, compose
3. revise, proofread, evaluate
Phase 1 (analysis, anticipation, adaptation(
- analyze purpose
-visualize audience
-anticipate response
Phase 2 (research, organization, composition)
- gather info
-make notes/outline
-compose first draft
Phase 3(revision, proofreading, evaluation)
- revise for clarity
-add graphic highlighting
- proofread for correctness
analyzing structure and charact. of Business letters
- use direct strategy(response expected to be positive/neutral)
-structure: 1. opening
2. body
3. closing
- Frontload: present main idea immediately
-some requests require explanation in a few sentences before purpose is revealed
- avoid delaying purpose beyond 1st paragraph
- explain purpose
- use graphic devices to highlight important ideas
-develop diff. ideas in separate parag.
-keep similar ones in the same parag.
- be specific in what the reader is to do
-be courteous
-schedules, deadlines, activities to be completed.

Charact. of good business letter
1- clear content
2- goodwill tone
3- correct form
positive feeling the reader has toward an individual or org.
- analyze well the audience and adapt message to it = promote goodwill
correct form
- silent message
- appearance= carefulness and experience
- don't make all lines evenly to improve readability
Direct requests for Information/ Action
- don't write if a phone call/email might solve the problem
- business letters are costly(time and workload)
-direct letter: open with question, or polite request
1. clarify request
2. show appreciation
clarify request
- explain purpose and provide detail
- focus on benefits to reader
- maintain courteousness
- thank you by spelling out what needs to be done
show appreciation
- fresh and efficient
- hook your thanks to end date
Order letters
1- direct opening with intro of the oder/ authorization of purpose
2- detailed body including desired items, quantity unit price, total price, order number
- clear closing stating payment method, date when merchandise should be sent & show appreciation
Direct Claim letters
-written by customers to identify or correct a wrong
-establish a record of what happened
Well- written direct claim
1. opening with clear statement of problem
2. explain and justify without emotion
3. close with summary of action request
4. enclose copies of relevant documents
Reply letters
-clear subject line
-relevant info for the reader
-good news presenting in the opening
-additional info in body
-cordial and personalized closing
- details of procedure if needed
Adjustments letter(goals)
: when company responds favourably to claim
1. correct mistake
2. regain customer confidence
3. promote business
STRUCTURE of Adjustment letters
1-grant claim in opening
2- restate problem and offer solution in body
3- show appreciation and promote business in closing
Tips for Adjustment letters
1. avoid sounding resentful/grudging
2. avoid negative words/blame/fault
3. apologize if it seems natural/appropriate
4 focus on complying with request, explain reasons and preventing recurrence
5. use sensitive language
6. close positively, appreciatively
Goodwill messages (5 S's)
1. selfless
2. specific
3. sincere
4. spontaneous
5. Short
Goodwill- Thanks
1. Gift:identify gift, why you appreciate it, explain how you'll use it
2. Favour:tell what the favour means to you(sincere and simple statements)
3. Hospitality:Compliment the fine food, charming surroundin
Goodwill- Response
- respond to any goodwill message
1. Congratulatory Note
2. Pat on the back
Goodwill- Sympathy
- refer to misfortune sensitively and offer assistance
1. condolences: praise the deceased, offer assistance in detail, end on reassuring, forward-looking note