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29 Cards in this Set

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Contextual factors
elements of a writing task, such as the situation, organization’s procedures, and readers, that influence the writer’s choices at every step
the agreed-upon forms of writing that develop in response to recurrent situations and that allow users to act purposefully in a particular activity
Discourse community
a group of communicators who share a goal of interest in adopting a way of participating in a public discussion, including the use of particular genres and terminology
Rhetorical situations
circumstances in which individuals communicate
the reason for speaking out urgently on a topic or issue
those with an interest in reacting to the exigence
the limitations on what can be said and the factors shaping the content
the process of gathering ideas and establishing the purpose, audience, and channel for a message
Organizing and outlining
mapping out most strategic and logical arrangement of ideas and details
writing of the message by choosing the precise wording and the style of organization
Revising and editing
last chance for improvements on the document
the breadth or limitations of a document’s coverage
audience analysis
the process of assessing the needs and knowledge of readers and listeners and adapting messages accordingly
primary audience
the intended receiver of a message; the person or persons who will use or act on a message’s information
secondary audience
anyone, other than the primary audience, who will receive a message and be affected by the actions or decision
reader benefits
the advantages the reader gains by complying with what the writer proposes in buying products, following policies, or endorsing ideas
the physical means by which an oral or written message is transmitted
a quality of the types of cues by which meaning can be derived from a message
a method of generating content by listing ideas as they come to mind
a method of generating content by visualizing the main topic and its subcategory (web)
Journalistic questions
the essential questions (who, what, why, where, and how) that frame journalists’ inquiries as they focus and prepare their stories
Organizing and outlining
the process of arranging information for clarity and impact
sequential development
a method of organization of arranging information for clarity and impact
chronological development
a method of organization that describes events in the order in which they occur
general-to-specific development
begins with general info on a topic followed by specific details
cause-and-effect development
links events with the reasons for them
a framework for a document, showing its divisions and elements
the preliminary writing of a document
writer’s block
a psychological state of being unable to begin or continue the precess of composition out of fear or anxiety over the communication task