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55 Cards in this Set

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three types of muscle in the body
skeletal smooth and cardiac
each___ is an organ comprised of skeletal muscle tissue, connective tissues, nervous tissues and blood
the layer of dense connective tissue that surrounds and seperates each muscle.
muscles that are connected to each other with broad sheets of connective tissue.
the layer of tissue connective tissue that is around each whole muscle is ____
surrounds individual bundles within each muscle
within each muscle and each muscle cell is covered my connective tissue layers called
each___ fiber is a single long cylindrical muscle cell
the sarcoplasm contains
thick filaments of myofibrils are made up of the protien....
thin filaments of myofibrils are made up of the protien....
the oragnization of these filaments produces ...
___extends from one z line to the next
______ bands are anchored to z lines
____bands are made up of thick and thin filament
beneath the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber lies the ...
sarcoplasmic reiculum (endoplasmic reitculum)
each____ lies between the two cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and is open to he outside of the muscle fiber.
the sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubules activate the ________ _____ _____when the fiber is stimulated
muscle contraction mechanism
the site where the motor neuron and muscle fiber meet is the _______ ______
neuromuscular junction
the muscle fiber membrane forms a in which the sarcolemma is tightly folded and where nuclei and mitochondria are abundant
motor end plate
the cytoplasm of the motor neuron contains numerous mitochondria and synaptic vesicles storing ..
motor neuron and the muscle fibers it controls make up a .... when stimulated muscle fibers contract at once
motor unit
involves several compnents that result in the shortening of sarcomeres and the pulling if muscle against attachments
muscle contraction
two proteins associated with the surface of the actin filaments.
tropomysosin and troponin
consists of two twisted strands with globular cross-bridges projected outward along the strands
role of myosin
is a globular protein with myosin binding sites
role of actin
according to the _____ ____ ____ of mucle contraction the myosin crossbridges attaches to the binding site on the actin filaments and bends pulling on the actin filament.
slinding filament theory
-___ causing them to in a cocked position
sotres excess energy released by the mitochondria is present to regenerate atp from adp and phophate
creatine phospahte
____ in red blood cells carries oxygen to muscle
the pigment ___ stores oxygen in muscle tissue
what accumulates as an end product of an anearobic respiration.
lactic acid
refers to the amount of oxygen that liver cells require to convert the accumulated lactic acid into glucose
oxygen debt
when the muscle loses its ability to contract during strenuous exercise ___
usually arises fomr the accumulation of lactic acid i nthe muscle
muscle fatigue
a____ ___ occurs due to a lack of atp required to return calcium ions back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum so muscle fibers can relax
muscle cramp
contraction of ______ ______represents an important source of heat for the body
skeletal muscle
a muslce fiber remains unresponsive to stimulation unless that stimulus is of a certain strength called the.....
threshold stimulus
when a muscle fibersintracts it contracts to its full extent cannot extract partially
all-or-none response
recording of an electrically stimulated muscle contraction
single short contraction involving only a few motor units is referred to as a
time delay between when the stimulus is applied and when the muscle contracts is called
latent period
a point when it is unable to relax completely and the force of individual tiwitches combine the process of
sustain contraction lacks any relaxation
tetanic contraction
increase in the number of activated motor units within a muscle at higher intsities of stimulation
summation and recruitment together can produce a _____ ____ of increasing strength
sustained reaction
achieved by a continuous state of sustained contraction of motor units within a muscle
muscle tone
cells are elongated with tapered ends lack striations and have a relatively undeveloped sarcoplasmic reticulum
smooth muscle
two types of smooth muscle
muliunit and visceral
in blood vessels and iris of the eye fibers occur seperatly rather then in sheets
multiunit smooth muscle
in sheets is found in the walls of hallow organs
visceral smooth muscle
extra calcium contracts for a longer time, complex membrane junctions, self exiting and rythmatic contracts as a unit
cardiac muscle
immovable end of a muscle
movable end of a muscle
contraction pulls the insertion toward the ___