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79 Cards in this Set

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Articles of Confederaton
the document which established a confederacy, a union in which the central government is subject to the state governments; had several problems
Shay's Rebellion
a rebelion led by Daniel Shays in which farmers took up arms to defend their farms
Northwest Ordinance
the doument guaranteed freedom of religion, trial by jury, and public education, and it prohibited slavery
Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Convention
delegates from the states assembled in Philadelphia to propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation
James Madison
the most important member of the Constitutional Conveniton
George Washington
the leader of the Constitutional Convention
Benjamin Franklin
the elderly politician and world-famous scientist who saved the Constitutional Convention when it was on the verge of failure; "God governs the affairs of men"
Virginia Plan
the plan calling for representation according to state population
New Jersey Plan
the plan calling for equal reprenentation in Congress for each state
Connecticut Compromise
the compromise which called for a bicameral legislature
the house were each state would have two senators, providing equal representaiton
House of Representatives
the house where the number of representatives for each state would be based on population
Great Compromise
Connecticut Compromise
Three-fifths Compromise
the compromise which solved the dispute conserning the slave count, counting three of every five slaves for representation and taxation
fees on imported goods
The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise
solved the issue concerning slave trade and fees on improrted goods; resolved by granting Congress power to regulate commerce with certain limitations: it could not levy export tarriffs and it could not regulate the slave trade
federal system
the power is divided between the states and the national government
those who approved of the new Constitution
those who opposed the Constitution
Federalist Papers
a series of articles supporting the Constitution, published by the federalist leaders
Bill of Rights
the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, adopted in 1719
the Bill of Rights is adopted
First Amendement
a guarantee of religious liberty
United States
the first country in the world in which people could preach and practice their faith without some form of government control
federal republic
a government controlled by its citizens through elected reprenestatives
legislative, excutive, and judicial
the three branches of the national government; they would check and balance each other by having separate but equal powers
legislative branch
the branch that would make the laws
executive branch
the branch that would enforce the law
judicial branch
the branch that would interpret the laws according to the Constitution
George Washington
our first President
New York City
our first capital
the formal ceremony in which a President is officially placed in office
the President's advisers
George Washington's Cabinet
Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, Edmund Randolph, and Samuel Osgood
Alexander Hamilton
the first Secretar of the Treasury
Thomas Jefferson
the first Secretary of State
Henry Knox
the first Secretary of War
Edmund Randolph
the first Attorney General
Samuel Osgood
the first Postmaster General
Judiciary Act of 1789
the act which set up a federal court system as outlined in the Constitution
a formal document which gives an inventor exclusive rights to his invention for 17 years
protective tariffs
a tariff to keep foreign goods out of the United States
excise tax
a tax on a product produced, sold, and consumed within the home country
the Whiskey Rebellion
the rebellion when farmers in western Pennsylvania rose up in protest to the excise tax on corn
Preamble to the Constitution
introduction to the Constitution
the proper role of government
>to protect citizens from foreign invasion
>to maintain law and order at home
>to provide justice in the courts
gold standard
all bank notes must be backed by silver and gold
Bank of the United States
the first bank in the States
Mint Act
the act which established a federal mint and providid for the coinage of gold, silver, and copper
loose construction
those who believed that the federal government is not limited to those powers expressly listen in the Constitition
strict construction
those who stood for states' rights and opposed expanding the powers of the federal government
John Adams
Father of American Conservatism
those who believe that there are eternal values that need to be conserved
Jay Treaty
the treaty in which England agreed to aboandon her forts on Amercia's northwestern frontier
Picknckney Treaty
the treaty which settled the disputed boundary between Spanish West Florida and the United States
George Washington
personally selected a location for the new capital on both banks of the Potomac River
District of Columbia
the district by the banks of the Potomac River in which our capital is located
Washington, D.C.
the capital of the United States
Pierre L'Enfant
the famous French architect who designed Washington, D.C.
Benjamin Banneker
on of L'Enfant's assistants who helped to finish the design of the capital city
George Washington resigns
Farewell Adress
the adress by George Washington stressing national unity, uselfish cooperation, caution in foreign affairs, a strong defense, and respect for God's laws
"It is impossible to rigtly govern the world without God and the Bible."
a famous quote from the Farewell Adress
John Adams
the second President
Thomas Jefferson
the second Vice President
when John Adams was President and Thomas Jefferson was Vice President
the only time in American history when the United States had a President and a Vice President of different political parties
XYZ Affair
when President Adams sent representatives to negotiate with the French government and the French agents instisted on a bribe to start the negotiation
Napoleon Bonapart
the French military dictator who aggreed to a peace treaty with America
Alien and Sedition Acts
the acts which said that aliens had to wait longer to become citizens and made it a crime to be involved in any activity to overthrow the established government
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
the resolutions condemning the Ailen and Sedition Acts
Henry Lee
a hero of the War for Inependence who delievered a famous eulogy at George Washington's funeral
Federalist Era
the first 12 years of the Constitutional republic
Thomas Jefferson
the third President
John Marshall
the man whe President Adams appointed as chief justice of the Supreme Court
a legislative body wihch has the power to make laws
the head of the executive branch which has the power to enforce the laws made by Congress
judicial branch
the branch which has the power to interpret the laws made by Congress