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26 Cards in this Set

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Safeguarded the property rights of chartered corporations

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Prevented states from taxing the 1st BUS & reasserted federal supremacy-

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gives the national government jurisdiction over interstate commerce-

Gibbons v. Ogden

Made contracts inviolate and protected contractual property rights-

Fletcher v. Peck

Voided part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 and established the important legal principal of judicial review

Marbury v. Madison

This 1814 meeting proposed constitutional amendments that included super majorities for declaring war and admitting new states as well as a one-term limit on the presidency.

Hartford Convention

It began when farmers in Pennsylvania refused to pay Hamilton’s new excise tax and ended when George Washington led troops to the area and restored order.

Whiskey Rebellion

This was an incident where the French foreign minister Talleyrand solicited a loan and bribe from American diplomats in return for a halt of French attacks on American shipping.

XYZ Affair

This is the name of the first ten amendments to the Constitution

Bill of Rights

At this battle William Henry Harrison defeated an Indian confederacy formed by Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh and opened most of Indiana to American settlement


At this battle the United States army under General Mad Anthony Wayne defeated the Western Confederacy of Native Americans under Little Turtle.

Fallen Timbers

All of the following were crucial transportation innovations in the Early Republic EXCEPT

Sailing Ships




Sailing Ships

All of the following were legal ways that state governments freed enslaved American EXCEPT






This was a system of work discipline used on southern cotton plantations in the mid-nineteenth century in which white overseers or black drivers supervised enslaved laborers to achieve greater productivity.

Gang-Labor System

This was a labor system that recruited young girls from farm families to work in factories while they lived in company boardinghouses with strict rules and curfews under constant supervision.

Waltham System

This was the greatest engineering feat of the antebellum period and allowed products from the Midwest to reach Europe by connecting the Great Lakes to the Hudson River

Erie Canal

This class of skilled craftsmen and inventors built and improved machines for industry in the nineteenth century and established institutes to spread their skills and knowledge.


He devised a machine that could quickly separate the seeds from delicate fibers, an innovation that increased the speed processing fiftyfold.

Eli Whitney

built the most advanced British machinery for spinning cotton for a Rhode Island textile factory in 1790.

Samuel Slater

These produced standardized parts of other machines at a low cost and facilitated the rapid spread of the industrial revolution in the United States.

Machine Tools

This was an ideology that celebrated small-scale producers, men and women who owned their own shops or farms in a community as- independent workers and citizens.

Labor Theory of Value

This legislation prohibited the publication of malicious attacks on the government.

Sedition Act

Success depended on devout religious morals, the characteristics of the self-made man, and discipline.

Middle-Class Ideology

The legal system protected the property rights of entrepreneurs.

Causes of The Market Revolution

How the constitution protected slavery

The three-fifths compromise

Andrew Jackson becoming a national hero was

Consequence of the war of 1812