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69 Cards in this Set

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What is the outermost superficial region
Middle Region
What is the deepest region of the skin
Superficial Fascia
The epidermis is composed of ___________ stratified _______ epithelium.
Keratinized, Squamous
The four different cell types are
Merkel Cell
Langerhans Cell
Which cell type of the epidermis produces fibrous protein ________
Which cell type of the epidermis produces brown pigment melanin
Which cell type of the epidermis has epidermal macrophanges that help activate the immune system
langerhans cells
Which cell type of the epidermis's function as touch receptors in association with sensory nerve endings
Merkel Cells
In which layer of the epidermis do cells undergo ________ ______, hence its alternate name, statium _________
Stratum Basale
Rapid Division
In which layer of the epidermis are melanin granuels and langerhans cell the most abundant
Stratum Spinosum (Prickly Layer)
What accumulates in the Stratum Granulosum (Granular Layer)
Keratohyaline and Lamellated granules
Which layer of the epidermis is thin, transparent band superficial to the stratum granulosum
Stratum Lucidum (Clear Layer)
Which layer of the epidermis accounts for three quarters of the epidermal thickness
Stratum Corneum (Horny Layer)
This region of the skin contains strong flexible connective tissue
Which layer of the skin do the cell types include fibrolast, macrophanges, and occasionally mast cells
The dermis is composed of two layers _____ and ______
The papillary later had _______ ________ tissue with collage elastic fibers
Areolar Connective
The dermis superios surface contains _______ ______ called dermal _____ (Fingerprints)
Peglike projections
Dermal papillae contain _______ loops, ________ corpuscles and free nerve endings
Which layer of the dermis accounts for 80% of thhickness
Reticular Layer
In the reticular layer _______ fibers add _____ and resiliency to the skin
This layer of the deep skin is composed of adipose and aerolar connective tissues
This pigment has a yellow to reddish-black pigment and is responsible for dark skin colors
Freckles and moles are the result of ___________
Local accumulations of melanin
This pigment has a yellow to orange color and is most obvious in the palms and soles
This is the reddish pigment responsible for the pinkish hue of skin
This sweat gland is found in palms, soles of the feet and forehead
This sweat gland produces an odor, also associated with hair follicles
This sweat glad is a modified apocrine gland in external ear canal that secreat _________
This is the sweat gland that secretes milk
These glands are simple alevolar gland found all over the body
The sebaceous gland ______ skin when stimulated by hormones
The sebaceous glads are usually associated with
Hair Follicles
This type of hair is pale, fine body found in children and the adult female
This type of hair is coarse, and is found on the eyebrows and scalp
What is the term for the thinning of hair in both sexes
Baldness is determined by ________ and _______
The integumentary systems protects as a ______,_______ and ______ barrier
Explain the two ways that body temperature regulation is accomplished
-Dialation (Cooling) and constriction (warming) of dermal vessels
- Increasing sweat gland secreation to cool the body
Describe the blood reservoir function in the integumentary system
Skin blood vessels store up to 5% of the bodies blood volume
Describe the excretion function in the integumentary system
Limited amounts of nitrogenous wastes are eliminated from the body in sweat
Name the three major types of skin cancer
-Basal cell carcinoma
-Squamous cell carcinoma
Which type of skin cancer is the least malignant and most common type
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Stratum basal cell proliferate and invade the ________ and ________
How can basal cell carcinoma be cured 99% of the time
Surgical Excision
How does squamous cell carcinoma arise
From keratinocytes of stratum spinosum
What happens to Squamous cell is not removed
grows rapidly and metastasizes
Name the two way that squamous cell carcinoma can be removed
-Radiation Therapy
-Surgical Excision
What is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and why
-Highly Metastatic
Name the A in the Melanoma ABCD Rule
A: Asymmetry; the two sides of the pigmented area do not match
Name the B in the Melanoma ABCD Rule
B: Border is irregular and exhibits indentations
Name the C in the Melanoma ABCD Rule
C: Color (Pigmented area) is black, brown, tan and sometimes red or blue
Name the D in the Melanoma ABCD Rule
D: Diameter is larger then 6 mm (Size of a pencil (Eraser)
How is melanoma treated
Wide surgical excision
When is the chance of survival in melanoma poor
If the lesion is over 4 mm thick
Which burn degres is when only the epidermis is damaged
First Degree
Which burn degree is when the epidermis and upper regions of dermis are damaged
Second Degree
Which burn degree is when entire thickness of the skin is damaged
Third Degree
Why in third degree burn is there no initial edema or pain
The nerve endings in the skin are destroyed
What does the rule of nines estimate
Severity of the Burn
What % does a second degree burn have to be before it is considered critical
Over 25%
What % does a third degree burn have to be before it is considered critical
Over 10%
What parts of the body make a third degree burn critical
Face, Hands or Feet
How do you find the mortality rate of a burn
Age + Body % = Mortality
In the fetal state what develops from the ectoderm
In the fetal state what develops from the mesoderm
Dermis and Hypodermis
What is the downy coat of delicate hairs covering a fetus called
What is the name of the substance produced by the sebaceous gland that protects the skin of the fetus
Vernix Caseosa (Cottage Cheese)