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33 Cards in this Set

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another name for meiosis
reduction division
union of sperm and egg =
zygote cell
definition of mitosis
division of the nucleus where genetic information is passed to daughter cells
what is meiosis for
the continuance of species rather than individuals
purpose of cell replication in multicellular organism
purpose of cell replicating for unicellular
reproduce only
what does low nucleus:cytoplasm mean
to much cytoplasm for nucleus to control effectively
definition of differentiation
the process of change from unspecialised to specialized cell
what is specialization (differentiation) controlled by
permanent cells
nerve, muscle, retinal and lense of eye
definition of stem cells
embryonic cells that dont differentiate fully
what are stem cells used for
develop/repair add they can replace and differentiate into distinct types
2 types of stem cells
where is embryonic stem cell obtained from
where is adult stem cell
exist is most matured tissue and supply with the specific replacement
what is programmed cell death called?
apoptosis and is removed by Phagocytic cells that engulf
why is cell death important
for defence mechanismit detects danger, apoptosis and releases chemical signal for surrounding cells to do so aswell
bad way for cell death
damaged cell bursts, releasing contents and causing inflammation to surrounding cells

What is gene?

Part of dna molecule that has instructions to make proteins

Chromosome structure

Each body cell has 2 or each chromosome, forming matching pairs

How many chromosome do humans have

46 chromo ( 22 pairs +2 sex chromo)

What do signals do

Instructs to go from one step to another or not

3 phases or interphase

G1, S, G2

What 3 things happens during interphase

Cells grow, replicate chromosome in nucleus and may specialise

What happens during metaphase

Chromosomes move to central region of nucleus as nuclear membrane disappears

What are chromatids

Double strands formed by chromosomes attached by centromere

What are spindles

Network of fibres

What do spindles do in metaphase

They draw centromere so chromosome align and disapear at anaphase

Binary fission ?

Is cytokinesis in plants

What happens in prophase

Chromosomes condense and are clearlyvisible as homologous pairs

At anaphase what happens

Spindle fibre attach to centromere and pull chromatids apart

What happens at telophase

Chromosomes move to opposite poles of cell

What happens at cytokinesis

A membrane divides cell into two