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39 Cards in this Set

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In a global marketplace
The entire world is a marketplace national borders are irrelevant the potential for organizations to grow expands dramatically
To succeed in a global market place managers must
Expect competitors to suddenly appear at any time from any place
Parochialism is
A tendency to view the world Through a single perspective Does not recognized that others have different ways of living.
Americans tend to study only English
Ethnocentric attitude is the
Parochialistic belief that The best work approaches and practices are
Those of the home country
American managers must eliminate
Their ethnocentric attitudes
If they wish to be successful in international business
Mangers with a polycentric attitude view
Every foreign operation as
Different and hard to understand
Employees in the host country know the best
Approaches and practices for running the business
Geocentric attitude is a world-oriented view
That focuses on using the best
Approaches and people from around the globe
Best approaches and people from around the world
Studies indicate that successful global management requires
An attitude, which is Best described as geocentric
Ethnocentric attitude is
Characterized by Parochialism views
The European Union (EU) was
Created by the unification of
12 countries in Europe in 1992
Economic power against US and Japan
The European Union covers
1. Border controls, taxes, and subsidies, Nationalistic policies and travel, Employment, investment, and trade
The single EU currency is called
1. The euro
2. Is a hard currency
3. Exceptions, United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark
The European Union currently consists of
1. 25 countries
2. Switzerland, Norway, Iceland are not members
The executive body of the EU
1. Based in Brussels
2. Is known as the Maastricht Office
North American Free Trade Agreement
1. Trade has increased
2. Includes U.S, Mexico, Canada
3. Increased imports from Mexico by 106 percent
The World Trade Organization
1. Evolved from the GATT
2. Centered around public protests
Multinational corporations (MNC’S) have only become commonplace since The mid-1960’s Known for
polycentric attitudes
Utilize decentralization to make management decisions
Multinational country is
1. A company that maintains
Operations in multiple companies
The difference between multidomestic and global company
1. Multidomestic, decentralize mgt. in the local country
2. Global, centralize mgt. in home country
Multidomestic corporation features
1. Decision making takes place at the local level
2. Nationals are hired to run the company
3. Marketing strategies are tailored to country’s culture
The domestic firm and a foreign firm sharing
The cost of developing new products or Building production facilities in
A foreign country is called a joint venture
From an economic standpoint, a threat to
The global manager is Widely fluctuating inflation rates in
Foreign countries.
Compared to many other countries, changes to the U.S. legal-political
Environment are considered
The reason that a nation’s cultural differences are
The most difficult to gain information about is because
“natives” are least capable of explaining
The unique characteristics of their own culture
Geert Hofstede developed a valuable framework
To help managers better understand
Differences between national cultures
Power distance
The degree to which members of a society
Expert power to be unequally shared
Uncertainty avoidance
To alleviate the unpredictability of future events
A society’s reliance on social norms and procedures
The extent to which a society encourages
People to be tough, confrontational, assertive, and competitive
Rather than modest tender
Humane orientation
The degree to which a society encourages and rewards
Individuals for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring.
and kind to others
Future orientation
The extent to which a society encourages and rewards
Future oriented behaviors such as planning, investing
In the future, and delaying gratification
Institutional collectivism
the degree to which individuals are encouraged
by societal institutions to be integrated into
Groups in organizations and society
Gender differentiation
The extent to which members of a society
Maximizes gender role differences as measured by
How much status and decisions making responsiblities
women have
In-group collectivism
The extent to which members of a society take
Pride in membership in small groups
Such as their families, their circles of close friends.
And the organizations in which they’re employed
Performance Orientation
The degree to which a society encourages and rewards
Group members for performance improvement and excellence
Countries that score high on power distance
1. Russia
2. Spain
3. Thailand
Countries that score high on assertiveness
1. Spain
2. United States
3. Greece
Countries that score low on humane orientation
1. Germany
2. Spain
3. France
Communication factors
1. feedback, how quickly can the reveiver respond the the message
2. Complexity capacity. Can the method effectively process complex messages?
3. breadth potential. How many diffeent messages can be transmitted using this method?
4. Confidentiality. Can communicators be reasonably sure their messages are received only by the intended audience?
5. Encoding ease. Can senders easily and quickly use this channel?
6. Decoding ease, Can receivers easily and quickly decode messages?
7. Time- space constraint. Do senders and receivers need to communicate at the same time and in the same space?
8. Cost. How much does it cost to use this method?
9. Interpersonal warmth. How well does this method convey interpersonal warmth?
10 Formality. Does this method have the needed amount of formality?
11. Scanability. Does this method allow the message to be easily browsed or canned for relevant information?
12. Time of consumption. Does the sender or receiver exercise the most control over when the message is dealt with
Body language
Gestures, Facial expressions, frowns, smiles, Body movements, leaning forward, folded arms, clinched fist, jumping out of their chair